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Lavatorial conversation... - Anonymous - 05-14-2003

I just noticed that Gashford posted a link to LEG II AUG DOMINA in the thread Web sites for civilians. There are a couple of questions I would like to ask regarding the picture in the latrine section:<br>
a)Is the guy sitting reading (the Roman version of the Sun?) wearing-well not quite wearing-authentically reconstructed Roman underwear? They actually look like something you could pick up in Marks and Spencers!<br>
b) Any ideas what the guy standing pointing to the guy examining his sponge is talking about?<br>
Maybe reminding him he forgot to remove his underwear?<br>
c) Did Romans wear white underwear or could it come in a variety of colours?<br>

Re: Lavatorial conversation... - Anonymous - 05-15-2003

Quote:</em></strong><hr>c) Did Romans wear white underwear or could it come in a variety of colours?<hr><br>
I won't even touch that one.... <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
"Nothing happens to any man, which he is not formed by nature to bear."<br>
- Marcus Aurelius<br>
- Number of posts: current +1248</p><i></i>

Re: Lavatorial conversation... - Gashford - 05-15-2003

Hello all<br>
The picture in question can be found [url=" target="top]here[/url].<br>
Well here goes.<br>
The undies from Marks and Spencer I am assured by the wearer are in fact from Marcus and Spencerus (he made them himself). In the picture they do look modern but I have seen the offending articles (after they were washed) and they are in fact the real deal. He is reading the orders for the day which in this case seem to have called the unit to go to the lavatory at the same time.<br>
I think that the standing person is trying to get the other guy to hurry up as he is in a rush himself, but the sponge holder is in no hurry to move along and is suggesting some form of bung to help allieviate the discomfort of the other.<br>
As for the undie colour it all depends upon whether you are in combat or peace time.<br>
All the best <p>Graham Ashford
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Re: Lavatorial conversation... - rekirts - 05-15-2003

"He is reading the orders for the day which in this case seem to have called the unit to go to the lavatory at the same time."<br>

Re: Lavatorial conversation... - rekirts - 05-15-2003

It occurs to me that in any pictures I have seen of reconstructions of Roman latrines, there are always a bunch of guys sitting down--which leads me to believe that either Roman soldiers tended towards constipation, or standing up is a modern inovation.<br>
Wendy <p></p><i></i>

Re: Lavatorial conversation... - Gashford - 05-15-2003

I suspect that you might be close but have the wrong end of the stick ... not much fun with a sponge! They probably had the opposite with all that fish and fruit!<br>
Truth is when you have to talk 'man stuff' you need to be able to take a seat and get it all off your mind, so sitting like that is the best way ... as a man I can assure you my best thinking (probably all my thinking) is born this way!<br>
All the best <p>Graham Ashford
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re:lavatorial conversation... - Anonymous - 05-16-2003

well, thanks everyone for the insight...<br>
At least one of lifes' little mysteries has been cleared up for me:<br>
If most of mens' best thinking is done on the john, it explains why male minds are often the pits!!<br>
"As for the undies color, it depends on whether you are in combat or peace time."<br>
Do i infer by that, that in combat you are so afraid you...oh well...never mind...<br>
As Tib said, "I wont even touch that one." I guess mentioning the word color on RAT is like holding a "red" rag in front of a bull.<br>
I'm must admit though, I'm surprised at those undies, despite their having been authenticated. I always thought Romans were just into those outsize diaper things. They look pretty good quality for Roman underwear. Suppose one shouldn't be surprised if they came from Marcus and Spencurus!<br>

Re: re:lavatorial conversation... - Anonymous - 05-17-2003

as one of the guys actually in the picture i can verify my undercrakers are based on original evidence, and having just one pair at the moment, are in a similar condition <p></p><i></i>

re:lavatorial conversation... - Anonymous - 05-18-2003

"I can verify my undercrakers are based on original evidence, and having just one pair at the moment, are in similar condition."<br>
Don't you mean ?<br>
Jackie. <p></p><i></i>