2 Sanders? - Printable Version

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2 Sanders? - Jeroen Pelgrom - 04-23-2003

after some surfing on the net i found this site. Thought it looked familiar (look at the part about the late republican army). The info is preciously the same as the info of Sander's site (right up to the Glossary of Roman army terminology).<br>
[url=" target="top][/url]<br>
and Sander's site :<br>
[url=" target="top][/url]<br>
gr, jeroen<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>pelgr003</A> at: 4/23/03 3:33:07 pm<br></i>

Re: 2 Sanders? - Praefectusclassis - 04-23-2003

Check out the source of the other page (in IE View-Source), you'll see that the contents of that page have been copied from Sander's original without even removing the reference to Sander's page. <p>Greets<br>

Re: 2 Sanders? - Jeroen Pelgrom - 04-23-2003

Your right!!<br>
another example of copy-and-pasting....<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>pelgr003</A> at: 4/23/03 3:52:58 pm<br></i>

Re: 2 Sanders? - Guest - 04-23-2003

Derek Liu was too lazy or ignorant to remove this bit:<br>
[ !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ]<br>
[ !-- saved from url=(0052) -- ]<br>
There are plenty other individuals who seem rather confused about what they themselves write and what they nick from others. Thus the text at this page appears strangely familiar (though there is some pollution present) as does the glossary. The glossary on this site also raises some doubts about original authorship of the work. Also I can swear to have seen this overview before. Odd bits and pieces are found copied and pasted elsewhere as well.<br>
Sander van Dorst <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Sander van Dorst</A> at: 4/23/03 4:14:16 pm<br></i>

if you can\'t beat \'em... - JRSCline - 04-23-2003

Imitation, they say, is the sincerest form of flattery!<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>

Re: if you can\'t beat \'em... - Anonymous - 04-23-2003

It's true...that's the real reason there were two of me on RAT....yeah, that's it. <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
- Let it be known, that I have 1248 posts to date, but because the techies at Ezboard are incompetent, they no longer show up.</p><i></i>

Re: if you can\'t beat \'em... - Dan Diffendale - 04-23-2003

I had this problem with my (somewhat out-of-date) Roman navy page. My text appeared nearly wholesale on a site called Crystalinks, perhaps you've encountered it. When I discovered the yoink, I asked the proprietor to remove my info... she didn't, but I got my name added to the top. This was even worse -- information from numerous web sources, some of it questionable , had all been collected and labelled with my name. I sent a couple more emails but got nothing. So I let it go for a while. About a year later, I ran across it again, and I was fairly well fed up, so I sent a rather terse note informing her that what she was doing was illegal and threatening legal action. I am, happy to say, no longer wrongfully affiliated with that site.<br>
There are still several sites which have copied and pasted my work... still attempting emails.<br>

Re: if you can\'t beat \'em... - Jeroen Pelgrom - 04-24-2003

i think it can be pretty frustrating to see that other persons nick info that you painstakenly have collected over the years and then write their own name under it.<br>
the least you can do is to ask if you may use it and to give the original author credit for it. <p></p><i></i>

2 Sanders - Anonymous - 04-25-2003

What's especially annoying is that he seems to have compyrighted it under his own name! <p></p><i></i>

2 Sanders - Anonymous - 04-25-2003

What's especially annoying is that he seems to have copyrighted it under his own name! <p></p><i></i>

Re: 2 Sanders - Anonymous - 05-19-2003

In the older versions of the CIL, you can also find:<br>
LvX ROMANI EX AEQvO SVD !!!!!!!<br>
also in the library of Alexandria, there used to be a man who knew everything, and also knew where all papyri were located......<br>
his name was, indeed.........<br>
all perfectly documented in The now lost latin book,<br>
AB BIBLIOTHECAE CONDITA................<br>
M.VIB.M. <p></p><i></i>