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Romeinen en Bataven - Guest - 03-11-2003

For those who speak and read Dutch (and elites are by their very nature few in number ):<br>
Sander van Dorst <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Praefectusclassis - 03-11-2003

Gaaf! If they're only half up to scratch, it might make an interesting series.<br>
BTW I see Grummatius's stone is in the Leiden museum, can any of our Leidenaars make a pic? The stone in the churchtower of Dodewaard must be a copy. <p>Greets<br>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Jeroen Pelgrom - 03-12-2003

this looks indeed interesting.<br>
For those of you who don't speak dutch, well, nobody is perfect<br>
gr, jeroen <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Robert Vermaat - 03-14-2003

Let's complete this foursome of elite Dutch-speaking perfecti..<br>
I'm looking forward to it. I got hold of a Teleac leaflet with a web address on it ( www.teleac/romeinenbataven ), but that's still a 404 error, even today. Sloppy. The [url=" target="top]actual site[/url] looks quite nice, but with stupic mistakes.<br>
I'm of course rightly disappointed that the producers failed to choose the Houten/Bunnik area of the Fectio fort as a topic. Houten does show up on the map, but (again, sloppy), upstream from Vechten/Bunnik, halfway between Wijk bij Duurstede. I can tell you all for a fact it's not located there (it's actually to the southwest of Vechten) .. And they write Hadrian as "Hadraianus" (sigh )<br>
I sure hope they didn't botch up the series in this manner, or else there will be a great gnashing of teeth!<br>
Did anyone get the Roman version of [url=" target="top]Klokhuis[/url] march 3rd? I found it hilarious..<br>
PS, the ROB thinks the Houten area so important that they honoured it (as only the 2nd yet) with a great [url=" target="top]website[/url]. Navigate with the map and you'll find great descriptions of all the archaeological sites in Houten, including of course the Roman ones, with text and pictures. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Vortigern Studies</A> at: 3/15/03 12:56:34 am<br></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Praefectusclassis - 03-30-2003

In today's episode it was stated that many military artifacts have been found in a Batavian settlement near Tiel (40kms west of Nijmegen on the north bank of the Waal river). Apparently Batavian soldiers brought (parts of) their equipment back home after service. Another indication for the ownership of equipment? <p>Greets<br>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Robert Vermaat - 03-30-2003

I wonder how they'd establish that this equipment was in fact 'brought home' by veterans who finished their service. Or is this purely speculation, based on the notion that the site was a farm and Roman soldiers on active duty are not supposed to be there? That would be a little unscientific. Rather, I'd hoped they'd come up with alternatives why this equipment should have been found there. Maybe it was a metal repair shop?<br>
[url=" target="top]FECTIO[/url] <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Guest - 03-31-2003

The finds of military equipment at the <em>Tempel van Empel</em> complex and a native burial site in Noord-Brabant (Someren IIRC) have yielded military equipment that has been taken as an indication that retired soldiers from these areas brought along weaponry and equipment after service. Military equipment could be dedicated by serving soldiers as well though, and there is an inscription of a centurion dedicating a <em>lancea</em> and <em>scutum</em>.<br>
From the Epigraphik-Datenbank:<br>
<strong>Belegstelle</strong>: CIL 13, 03592 = ILB 00029<br>
<strong>Provinz</strong>: Belgica <strong>Ort</strong>: Tongern / Atuatuca<br>
Vihansae / Q(uintus) Catius Libo Nepos / centurio leg(ionis) III / Cyrenaicae scu/tum et lanceam d(onum) d(edit)<br>
Sander van Dorst <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Sander van Dorst</A> at: 3/31/03 8:37:19 am<br></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Anonymous - 05-19-2003

The TELEACsuckers ignored completely the non-profit part of Gemina Project in this series: interviewed our camp cook, used our image for the leaflet but no mentioning on it or on the weblink site...<br>
BTW, we will show up in the SchoolTV weekjournaal this week in connection with the leidcshe Rijn roman ship excavation...<br>
another RAT dutch elitarian <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Anonymous - 05-19-2003

School TV............ i remember when they tried to "dull" my armour at a shoot when they had too much false light........ they wanted to spray it with water!!!!!!<br>
when i pulled my sword..... the guy stopped trying.......<br>
hehehehe power of the sword over the camera!!<br>
M.VIB.M. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Anonymous - 05-19-2003

They were indeed happy you were not on the spot again...<br>
kids will love the footage anyway i think, and you all too.<br>
TVS <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - Anonymous - 05-19-2003

Will tape it as soon as it is on!!!!!!!!!!!!<br>
greets my silly walking friend!!!!!!!!!!<br>
M.VIB.M. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Romeinen en Bataven - venicone - 05-19-2003

Quote:</em></strong><hr>The TELEACsuckers ignored completely the non-profit part of Gemina Project in this series: interviewed our camp cook, used our image for the leaflet but no mentioning on it or on the weblink site... <hr><br>
are there photos of your group in the accompanying book of the series? <p><img src=""/><br>
<span style="color:red;"><strong>[url=" target="top]Talking History Forum[/url]</strong></span></p><i></i>

book - Anonymous - 05-22-2003

Did not yet see the book<br>
and if so, I will not be amused beecause no agreements were made about it..<br>
If you wanna see us, check our site at <br>
recent adress so check all your weblinks lists!!<br>
Sebastiaan <p></p><i></i>

Re: book - Robert Vermaat - 05-22-2003

heh heh, you weren't the only ones used without so much as a 'thank you mam'..<br>
As it happens, even though half of the 'historical' scenes were shot at ARCHEON, there's no mention of it in the credits...<br>
I'll check the book for any references to you guys.<br>
[url=" target="top]FECTIO[/url] <p></p><i></i>

Re: book - Robert Vermaat - 05-26-2003

Nope, you're not in the book, nor is there a picture of you there. You were portrayed on the leaflet, I gather completely without giving permission! <br>
[url=" target="top]FECTIO[/url] <p></p><i></i>