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blogus - Dean Cunningham metalsmit - 05-16-2003

Have a look and a laugh.<br>
<br> <p>Just a filthy guy swingin' a hammer</p><i></i>

Re: blogus - Anonymous - 05-16-2003

is this merely a recounting of the gallic wars in correspondence form, or something more? <p></p><i></i>

Re: blogus - Dean Cunningham metalsmit - 05-16-2003

nothing more I just thought the format was funny. J Caesar with a weblog. <p>Just a filthy guy swingin' a hammer</p><i></i>

Re: blogus - richsc - 05-16-2003

Note also that it claims to be the "original" weblog, over 2000 years old! <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>

Re: blogus - Anonymous - 05-16-2003

That's a little odd, to say the least. <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
"Nothing happens to any man, which he is not formed by nature to bear."<br>
- Marcus Aurelius<br>
- Number of posts: current +1248</p><i></i>

As i recollect.. - Anonymous - 06-02-2003

Well indeed.........<br>
The weblog is fairly accurate... but since I was there i know who wrote it, and mostly he was stoned like a shrimp!!!<br>
He has been Fustuarised for using Jules's name in vain!!<br>
M.VIB.M. <p></p><i></i>