ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - Printable Version

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I've heard both ways to call MEGAS ALEXANDROS: ISKANDER and SIKANDER, Are both correct? I know the ancient name of the Turkish town of Iskenderun was Alexandretta, though reffering Iskander but the Afgan town of Kandahar reffers to Sikander, (Alexandria of Herat).

I'd ask again about MEGA (MEGAS?) ALEXANDROS or ALEXANDROS MEGALOS, What a mess!

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 05-07-2005

Quote:I've heard both ways to call MEGAS ALEXANDROS: ISKANDER and SIKANDER, Are both correct? I know the ancient name of the Turkish town of Iskenderun was Alexandretta, though reffering Iskander but the Afgan town of Kandahar reffetrs to Sikander, (Alexandria of Herat).

I'd ask again about MEGA (MEGAS?) ALEXANDROS or ALEXANDROS MEGALOS, What a mess!

The nominative case in Greek language wants all male form adjective to end with an S so in nominative it is MEGAS ALEXANDROS.
In Greek case change endings like in German and Russian.
Just because you cannot understand a foreighn language it doesn^t mean it is a mess!
The term ISKANDER is atributed initialy to the SOGDIANS (modern Afgans??) Later it was adopted by the Iranians and was passed to the Islamic world through literture. I am not familiar with the term SIKANDER.


I was kinda joking when I said " what a mess!"...

Thanx for your answer.

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 05-08-2005

Quote:I was kinda joking when I said " what a mess!"...

Thanx for your answer.

I admit that I reacted a bit stong but you know... all this hot blooded southern Europeans overacting! But at least I am glad that I porbaly helped you.
Kind regards


ha ha ha ha!
Well, at least I guess I have some Visi-Gothic-Germanic blood that templates my latin genes bit... :wink:


Porque Hoplite14gr ha bromeado sobre como somos los sur-europeos no germanicos, y yo he contestado su broma con otra.

ok? :wink:

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 05-09-2005

I admit that I doged my Latin classes at highscool!
I managed to translate the first Spanish quote and I
want to ask: the second quote is in Catolonian or Castilian dialect?

Conserning the Gothic blood: Any body remembers the Thracian Goths of Velissarios? I carry their blood!

But this is a conversation that we must make over a bottle of OUZO!

OK OK Spanish folk might prefer GRAPA!

We can have them both!

Kind regards
:lol: 8) 8)


Hoplite14: Catalan and Castillan (Spanish) are 2 different languages, not dialects. Well, they can both be considered dialects of Latin in fact!

Catalan belongs to the Gallo-Roman languages together with French and Occitan-Provenzal, but Castillan-Spanish, belongs together with Portugese and Gallician to the Ibero-Roman familly of languages.

Grappa is Italian, and too strong for us, the Catalans! We are a bit weaker... though we drink a softer drink called Moscatell, some kinda sweet wine... and Cava when partying!

Iskander - Anonymous - 05-10-2005


No hablo Catala, pero tengo bastante castellano para defenderme! However, English might be more friendly to other readers. I'm interested in your discussion on racial background. My reading tells me that Europe was a melting-pot of races millenia before Adolf started ranting about racial purity, with various peoples being highly mobile. Thus we have Langobards in Italy and Vandals and Alans (Goths, too?) in the Iberian Peninsula and, later, in North Africa, as well as Celts in Asia Minor. There was even a report of graves discovered in western areas of China which contained goods and bodies identified as Celtic. Why shouldn't Stephanos have Gothic ancestors?

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 05-10-2005

Quote:The 2nd quot was castilian dialect...hoplite 14gr Waaaait a minute! Were do you come from to claime such thing??? Sweden?... Germany?... Ukrain?... jajaja! you got it be kitting me no? Well this is my own opinion about who were the Goths: In deed, I belived that they were Thracians but more correctly called (Getic People). But my friend, if you are from Germany or Sweden etc., it is partialy what you can claime of Goth blood in your vains :lol: At list in some part of France but more in Spain can clame the Goths or Visigoths in their veins Confusedhock: , for example in Asturias the surname of goths survived today and his people. Like the 1: Alvarado- Goths; 2: Lugo- descendant of Pelayo the Goth; 3: Gudier or Gutier of Noble stock. And many surname derived from a name of a person, like : Alvarez, Alvar-ro (ez) son of; from the Visigoth (All-were) means All Thruth; Alwar, "w" change to "v" Alvar; from Germanic: vere; uere;were;war etc. (Thruth). Of Arrianic or Cristianic religion... But Iknow that the Language of the Goths was still alive in the late medieval time at Ukrain. but I will like to reed your post...Belisarius blood :wink: at list I will learn something new.... Big Grin

In answer to my good friend Comerus Gallus Romus:
The Age is late Roman-early Byzantine. The guys are Goths of the Opsikion Regiment (Heavy horsemen). They were initialy stationed in Thrace and quartered in Adrianoupolis. Some Vitalianos mixed them up in a coup de etat against emperor Anastasios . The regiment was exiled in the Asia Minor province that later became the Opsikion Theme. The ring leaders were exiled in Phokis in central Greece. The place was called Lidorikion. As additional punishment they were not supported by the town but they had to cultivate their own fields. They married Greek women and they were slowly hellenized. Prokopius talks of the Thracian Goth voukkelarioi of Velissarios at the campagn in Italy. At the time of Velissarios they were called Thracean Goths. The Opsikion troops died in a blaze of glory in Mantzikert 1071. Opsikioi in the Greek language of the time means distinguished!
Michael Glykas and Nikitas Xoniatis talk about the "Gothogrekoi" that put hell of a fight against the Bulgarians of Samouel in the 10th century.
The Bulgars called the place Skarmintza "cursed place" because of their casualties. Today on the map of Greece is called again Lidoriki.
My family name is Skarmintzos which means that my ancestors came from the place so I might have a trace from the exiles.
They were tough lads that never srank from their duty!

In answer to my good friend Paul
Alans are most likely the modern Ossetians.
In Dagestan a country the size of Louxembourg there are 32 nationalities!
Half of them might be turkic but the other half are European.
There is a nationality calling themselves Avars( in russian Avarits!)
Another nationality calls themselve Mordi(Mardian archers?)
A friend of mine who was studing Medicine in Milan told me there are Ostrogothic speaking villages in the Italian Alps!
People do not simply disappear because historians do not talk about their wars. If we take the name of Goths they might be coming from Gottland penisula in Sweden. They might be the Getae if we take them by the name.
Herodottos did not consider the Getae Thraceans but rather Skythian.
Plutarchos rants against him saying that he does not know what he talks about!
Some web pages claim that the long lost Tocharians are people with the Celtic caracteristics. In the "Grave of the Clay soldiers" The more you close to the imperial chariot the less "Chinese" are the troops!
It must have been quite a time!
Excuse my long rant I tried to answer or comment to everybody here!
OK! I repeat we should discuss these over a good drink!!!!
A dry throat is a bad advisor!
Sweet Mavrodafni is OK I hope FAVENTIANVS (Thanks for enlightening me in languages!)

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 05-31-2005

Thanks for you kind message!
A Spaniard with Greco Byzantine origins! What a small world!!!
We definitly must meet and have this wine!
We have people of possible Spanish origins from the Navarese and Catalan Companies in the late Byzantine empire. Many say the name Sigalas is associated with them.
And I think that people in west Europe with the surname de Monferra or Monferrati might lay claim to the Exarchate of Thessaloniki.
Well if you bid for the Byzantine throne I pledge support if you promise to reinstate the OPSIKION regiment and make me Protospatharios!!!!

I truly enjoy meeting peopple who do not have a narrow-minded view of History. The funny thing is that scholars cosnsider us weird!
I agree that you do not a specific name to be proud of if you feel connection to the roots. If people are not proud of their heritage how can they appreciate other pople and cultures?
Kind regards
P.S. We must have this serious drinking if you ever pass from Greece!

Iskander - Anonymous - 06-01-2005

So Skarmintza means "cursed place", eh? Sounds like a good place to come from, as they say in Wales!

Re: Iskander - hoplite14gr - 06-01-2005

Quote:So Skarmintza means "cursed place", eh? Sounds like a good place to come from, as they say in Wales!

Yes I feel I have been recruited to the "legion of the Damned" from my birth.
Thats why I like Kippling! He wrote some nice stuff on the subject.

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 06-01-2005

Quote:Hello Stefanos Smile
Thanks for reply again!.
But I have some good news & bad ones...

First thanks for your pledge support, and considerated me as a candidate to the Throne of Greece 8) I understand how important that can be for you, and your people...If by chance that happen, In my good will I can make your wish come true and reinstate the Opsikion regiment, and make you great among your people if you deserve that, your alliance with me have to start with trust, and knowing each other, that I think that you will make it Big Grin ...

But in my mind that is somenthing that I dont deserve yet...

Let me give you some hint:

# 1- I dont have the total control of my hole or entired family yet, tecnicly and in theological point of view, if you dont have control of yours, you can't have control of others, but I'm the lord of my house, so I can start with something, that is good... I try to unite my entired family to became more powerful again as a Family, but many of them not deserved my trust, its just can't be...

Hint # 2: There are so many People around the World who are direc descendant of families who have the Throne in Greece before, like the Komninos & Paleologos for example, and so many powerful families that are falsely pretenders to the throne...
In order to start with your claim, you have to list your family record in the goverment of Greece and have more suport of many kin, you will be investigated and maybe the competition can try to corrupt your origin, and destroid you reputation ... Plus you will compete again all this pretenders and powerfull families, that many have the suport of many aristocrats and force. And that can result in a Personal Vendettas or organize crime agains you.

Point 3, I fail in unite 2 powerful families in matrimony with mine Cry ... the most important of all the powerful Family was the "Venizelos"!, wich my good friend Luz is marry to one of them, and I dont know yet if Yanni Venizelos ( who is of the power in the Army of Greece) and grandson of Eleftherios Venizelos, make yet a Baby with her, so in that way I can arrenge a future wedding to my baby and became one family, and have the support of the Army of Greece.
point # 4: I'm very Paranoid of People in mass, and affraid of myself , of change or turn into something that I dont want to be... a Monster ! Thats why I been hiding all my life from the public life, I fought many times with bad people, and the past back ground of my father is not good, but that die with him, all his past . I'm takin therapy for that , and I'm not Crazy yet ....hahaha! :lol:
I make a Personal Promise to my God, in exchance of other things. So I'm not interested to be a King! on earth.

Point# 5: I think that in the future, the European Union will say who will rule in X or G. place, and no the local goverment alone, plus I dont feel good about them (E.U.).
last point 6: that Will take a lot of time to making happened, maybe I will die old before of that.

I'm so sorry about this, but I think your request will be in the hands of God and the one who take the Throne of Greece... I will show you who claims the Throne right now:

The House of "Lascaris-Comnenos-Paleologos from Spain (I dont know if they are truly of this blood, but they claim the Throne):

I hope your dreams come true Stefanos, If you are seriously wishing this to you and your people... If you were Joking, dont feel bad about it.
I'm thinking that my nex step to Greece will be in Makedonia to the House of the Pallavos, and to see the Tomb of Phillipos II that Andronikos dicovered in 1977, year that I born!.
my best wishes to you!

Dear friend thanks for your reply. I was joking I hope I did not use tastelss humor!
But I agree 100% on the point 1 about familes! I have similar experiance.
I admire your reasoning in point 4. In my opinion this is a sign of true nobility! In the other points I agree 50% but I will not comment because I might break any forum rules and I want to avoid that.
If you pass from Athens on the way to Vergina to see the kings resting places, you are invited for this serious drink. Just let me know.
Kind regards

Re: ISKANDER or SIKANDER? - hoplite14gr - 06-05-2005

Good afternoon,
I think the Toharians are the people in question.
The problem is the lands of their ancient realm are now in war torn areas of the once mighty silk road and this does not help archeological research not to mention that is a happy hunting ground for "souvenir collectors"
I have heard of toharic script but I dont know if it exists or if it has been dechifered. On the net blogs I read that the local authorites are very "buttoned up" and even uncomfortable with the subject but blogs cannot be easily confirmed. One claimed that in the famous "clay soldiers grave" the closer you go to the emperor the less "chinese" the troops appear, but I couldn´t find the site again.
Were they a people or a people's confederation? It is still debatable.
In my opinion they are the link that brought the menander decoration in the chinese art and the silk towards the west. They might even be the ones that ancients called Hyperboreans.
And speaking of ancient people the Kalas of Afganistan (not muslim mind you!) claim to be descendants of Alexander and Menandros (Milinda to the Indians). Their language is reputed to have Doric roots.
The other thing is that these things are more researched by enthousiasts like us and the eminent scholars follow. It reminds me of the Erich Schliemann and Myceneae!!!
Kind regards