NEW RECRUITS - Printable Version

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re - Anonymous - 04-22-2003

Hello !<br>
I'm from Frankfurt, Germany, I'm 27 years old and currently working on my doctoral thesis which I hope to complete next month.<br>
I've always been interested in ancient Rome - which is propably because my father is avidly interested in it,too, and has understood very well to pass on that enthusiasm - either with stories from his amateur archaeological work during his time as a student in Rome, or with visits to Roman sites and museums, many of which are located nearby (e.g. Mainz, which is only half an hour away, or the remains of the Limes, etc.).<br>
Also, Latin was the first "foreign" language that was taught to me at school, and we were required to take it for 7 years (though I've forgotten a lot of it, sadly) , so I've also had my share of Roman classics like Ovid, Sallustius, etc. - though it is the military and cultural aspects of every day Roman life that really fascinates me.<br>
I've stumbled over this site when I was looking for more information about John Maddox Roberts's SPQR series, which I've read almost completely, part of it during a recent trip to Rome (Saturnalia and Temple of the Muses were published only recently in Germany, and I'm still waiting for my shipment from Amazon to complete the series).<br>
I was very delighted to see both that he is also a member here and his post about his contracts for volumes XII-XIII with German publishers - but I disgress.<br>
I don't re-enact though, and my interest in Rome is merely that of a curious amateur at best, and definitely not of any professional nature.<br>
However, from what I've seen so far, I will easily be able to find all sorts of answers here, which is the main reason for me to join. <p></p><i></i>

Re: re - Jeroen Pelgrom - 04-22-2003

welcome to the board. Hope that you'll find some answers here. <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Guest - 04-22-2003

Welcome to RAT.<br>
Met zoveel Nederlanders wordt het de moeite waard eens over de voertaal op het forum te stemmen.<br>
An answer to the question on <em>stablesiani</em> is provided in this thread on the History and archaeology forum.<br>
Sander van Dorst <p></p><i></i>

Re: equites stablasiana - Robert Vermaat - 04-22-2003

Hello Marcus,<br>
And another countryman joins RAT! And one interested in the Late Roman army at that! Where are you based? Can you contact me [url=http://[email protected]" target="top]off-list[/url]?<br>
[url=" target="top]FECTIO[/url]<br>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 04-23-2003

Hello!!!! Yup, Im a new recruit...... I was wondering whether anyone knew of any battle re-enactment groups in the Dorset area. When I move to go to Warwick uni, are there any groups also in that area??<br>
Quick intro.... I am interested in the Classical world, but my Latin is dire and my greek is non-existent unfortunately I love the Iliad, and get all emotional at the death of Patroklos. I am proud to say I have 11 copies of the Iliad!!<br>
I like to fence as a hobby, Im on Grade 4 and like to use a sabre but am stuck on foils as there are not enough sabres to go aroud in my class I have also have tried archery which is rather fun.....if I hit the target!!<br>
Finally....... I have a confession.... Im female!!! and yes I do know that:<br>
1. Skamandrios was the SON of Hektor<br>
2. Women did not fight in the Roman army. But there are examples of women fighters, Camilla....lots of Amazons.....<br>
Anyway I hope I get a response for groups!!! <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - richsc - 04-23-2003

Salve Skamandrios! for a list of reenactment groups, try Matt Amt's Legio XX website:<br>
The founder of RAT is Jenny Cline, and a long while ago we had that "woman as reenactor/soldier" argument (rather like red/white tunics) except that Captain Cline is with the US Army and a serious scholar. Anyway, we decided that our group has a spare set of armor for her if she ever turns up, or spare tunica and palla as well. However, each group has its own tradition.<br>
In our time period a woman in a toga has a less than seemly reputation, so that is probably nothing she'd want to wear, even if we had spare togas. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Gaius Decius Aquilius - 04-25-2003

I'v been around awhile, but after several tries finally got registered. I have been a professional archaeologist (10years) and am presently a cop. I got tired of the endless arguments with psudo-archaeologists and needed to go to a more peaceful profession.<br>
I am in the IX Hispania and formerely in the 9th Infantry Division while it was in Viet-nam where I served on combat assignments. I became interested in Rome when I was forced to be a sheppard during the church christmass pagent when I was four. I wanted to be one of the guys in armor they showed us pictures of at Easter.<br>
I have three full armors and am constructing three more. I want to do a timeline of gear. I intend to leave my entire collection to a museum when I die, which may be soon if my wife finds the reciept for my last order from Roman Legion Quartermaster. <p></p><i></i>

hahaha - JRSCline - 04-25-2003

Great to have you on board! Fall in!<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>

Belated hello - Nathan Ross - 04-25-2003

I've been posting on this board for a week or two and still haven't formally introduced myself - very bad form! Anyway - 30 yrs old, live in the UK, and found this site via Sander's frequent links from other places (!). Despite a childhood interest in Julius Caesar (I had one of those plastic kit models of him - this was in the days before Gameboy) my current Roman fascination dates from a few years back, when I found myself incapacitated in Hyderabad, India (long story) - the TV in my hotel room could only pick up the BBC World History channel, and they had a series of programmes on the fall of the republic. Since then I've developed an interest in the late republic and the third/fourth centuries AD - for some reason I find these periods of change and adjustment more compelling than the 'Pax Romana' - but anything in between is fine with me... <p></p><i></i>

Re: NEW RECRUITS - Anonymous - 04-25-2003

Welcome Gaius, Nathan and Skamandrios!<br>
Enjoy your stay at the RAT.<br>
Archery huh? I've always wanted to try that<br>

Re: archery - Anonymous - 04-27-2003

Salve!! Yep.. I've written already an intro about myself, but feel it is a little lacking, so here is the longer version. I am 17 and will be hopefully going to university next year to study Classical Civilization. I am from the UK ( thought I would mention it as I did not realise how international this site is!) I have never re-enacted before, but would like to in the future, when at university, which will be Warwick ( I hope!) A few quick questions:<br>
Archery- was it used at all in the Roman army?? I would have thought it was a bit barbaric, and thought of as not an 'honest' way to fight.<br>
Is there on this site a live discussion, like debates where people are on-line to comment and be informative??<br>
Lastly... I am literature orientated more as I have not studied a lot of ancient history at school, is it OK to back up ideas in the forum with a literature example?? Thought I might have to ask, as I realise the annoyance of having a perfectly good debate ruined by possibly irrelevant comments.<br>
Thank you for reading this nonsense...hope I will write more in the future.....Skamandrios <p></p><i></i>

Re: archery - Praefectusclassis - 04-27-2003

Hi Skamandros,<br>
Please back up your ideas with anything you can come up with. It's warmly encouraged! Don't be afraid to post something that might be irrelevant for it might not be!<br>
As to the live chat, Ezboard has that option (see at the top of this forum's main page), but it's not used much and seems to be inoperable for people behind firewalls. has a [url=" target="top]chatpage[/url] that could do with a little more plugging. Some members also have instant messengers (i.e. Y!, MSN, ICQ) for chatting. <p>Greets<br>

Re: Chatting online... - Anonymous - 04-28-2003

Hello Skamandrios...<br>
As Jasper pointed out, many of us chat on Yahoo! or MSN. You may want to try those, you can probably catch 1 or 2 of us online at any given time anyway. <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
- Let it be known, that I have 1248 posts to date, but because the techies at Ezboard are incompetent, they no longer show up.</p><i></i>

Re: archery - Anonymous - 04-28-2003

Thank you to the two above for your suggestions! I have now posted a debate in the Forum on the Aeneid, so please feel free to have a say!<br>
Skamandrios <p></p><i></i>

Introduction - Anonymous - 05-04-2003

Hello, I have already posted one item but I am new to the list and thought I should post a more formal introduction. I am an information systems manager and developer for the College of Education at the University of Oregon. I have always been interested in ancient history since I watched all those sword and sandal epics as a child. Like Australis, my passion for the Roman Empire and Julius Caesar in particular was ignited after reading Colleen McCullough's "The First Man In Rome" (and all of the sequels).<br>
I was surprised to learn how much history education has been biased by political and religious influences over the centuries and now strive to learn as much as I can from all sources in an attempt to understand historical events and personalities from all perspectives. I also try to use my technology skills to share as much of my passion for the ancient world as possible, particularly with young people since the classics and the ancient world appear to have lost their significance to those who develop modern curriculum and educational priorities. I have a professional interest in artificial intelligence so I have experimented with different products and produced a virtual Julius Caesar ( /), a virtual Alexander the Great ( ), and a virtual Cleopatra ( ). I am compiling a free online searchable database of images of the ancient world ( ). I also edit a free online newsletter, Roman Times, that includes columns on Roman archaeology, games and books with ancient themes, and academic presentations on the Roman Empire. (<br>
Although there are no reenactment groups nearby, I immerse myself in the ancient world by reading both nonfiction and historical fiction books, collecting historical figures and miniatures, watching historical movies and documentaries, playing historical strategy games (like Caesar III, etc.) and visiting museums and exhibits. I am an experienced digital photographer and like to share my photography and experiences through designing and publishing informative websites. I have edited a novel by Patricia Hunter, "Immortal Caesar", and hope to have time one day to write my own historical novel. As a freelance journalist, I have had much of my nonfiction work published over the years, but have never tackled a work of fiction. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>RichSC</A> at: 5/9/03 3:11:03 am<br></i>