Duel between Roman and Gaul - Printable Version

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Duel between Roman and Gaul - Johnny Shumate - 08-31-2006

Livy wrote in his history of "Rome and Italy", about a duel that took place between a Roman and a Gaul. The Roman (Titus Manlius) was armed with a "infantry shield" and a "Spanish sword". What type of shield was this? Argive..? Scutum..? I thought the Romans didn't start using the Spanish sword until the Punic wars. What other type of armour would the Romans have worn at this time (360 BC)?

Re: Duel between Roman and Gaul - Tarbicus - 08-31-2006

Quote:I thought the Romans didn't start using the Spanish sword until the Punic wars.
Romans equipped themselves at this time, so maybe he had a Spanish sword actually from Spain after paying handsomely for it? Or, perhaps Livy was transplanting something from his period onto Manlius?

As for the infantry shield, Caesar would take a shield from an infantryman when getting into the fray himself, so why not Manlius?

Re: Duel between Roman and Gaul - Felix - 08-31-2006

Armour would depend on status, as far as I know. The lowest class was not armoured at all; more likely any man of status would have had at least a pectoral plate, if the man was of high class a breastplate would be reasonable.