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Stonleigh reenactment event 7/8 th of August
Hello all..........<br>
Anyone of you going to the Stonleigh event in august.....??<br>
would be fun to see some of you there!!! its the Kirby Hall event on a different location.......... so.....<br>
let me know and i´ll see u there!<br>
<p>V COH II<br>
EX GER INF</p><i></i>
Yes the Guard will be in attendance.<br>
We have had some interesting discussions on the reenactment of the booudicca battle. English Heritage are very keen on the idea even to the extent of sending someone to speak to us specially about it. It remains to be seen in which means will be adopted to make the weaponry safe.<br>
Quod imperatum fuerit facimus et ad omnem tesseram parati erimus
The RMRS will not be in attendance as we will have just finished marching Hadrian's wall and will probably be in no fit state any more (not to mention the soles of the caligae). All the best though. I hope it goes well.<br>
Crispvs <p></p><i></i>
Who is called \'\'Paul\'\' by no-one other than his wife, parents and brothers.  :!: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation" />:!:

<a class="postlink" href="">
Good to hear that you are there my friend! hehehehe will be a laugh!!<br>
by the way if they want a proper reenactment of the boudicaea battle..........<br>
the celts shouldnt forget to bring their women and children, as well as theig baggage train, full of ox carts, and elderly people too!!!!!!!! maybe we can use the crowd for that.....<br>
as for the total annihilation of our enemies.... well....<br>
dont think EH would approve of that!<br>
but well.......... wether we fight any mock battle will all depend on safety and choreography, i wouldnt fight with my sharp sword anyway...<br>
bummer the Northeners are a bit too tired after their Hadrian's tour... well even too tired to just come over for a pint in the beer tent??? U Roman or what?<br>
Greetzzzz !!!<br>
(PS: will there be any lovely statues around?) <p></p><i></i>
Two weeks to go. Gather we are to use aluminium weapons but nobody has seen them yet. There is to be rape and pillage;burning wagons and 6 Roman Cavalrymen. Sounds Like fun but I suppose it will depend upon what Brittania come up with.It remains to be seen how much rehearsal we get. <p></p><i></i>
Quod imperatum fuerit facimus et ad omnem tesseram parati erimus
Weather very hot Saturday and humid almost unbearable. Sunday hot but windy almost pleasant.<br>
Accommodation nice marquee in a secluded spot quite close to to the camp with adjacent toilets and shower.Camp area open close to arena no shade though good position for sales and water.Arena easily accessible great for audience too large for our display fine for the sealed knot and other large units. Surface ok.<br>
out of hours beer tent etc seems tame by kirby standards but food and Beer (2.80) a pint available closing before 12.<br>
Fellow reeancters lots of medieval with a village full of characters. I liked the pupeteer on stilts. Ist ww war medical with lovely period vehicles. In Arena just us late Romans celts napoleonics sealed knot and of course a Hurricane and Spitfire!! Much smaller nos than Kirby with very little ww2.<br>
Battle EH had it well scripted with a lot of good historic detail. We had Douglas (ex Augusta) as Paulinus in muscled curass and 3/4 cavalrymen.We had enough legionaries to do nearly 2 rows of 16.Battle worked fine with nothing but the odd bruise. Mostly barging with our shields and waving our bits of alluminium about. Little or no damage to kit. Brittania were mostly gentlemen and ladies with one having the odd habit of jumping with both feet at the wall. They used reall swords and axes. Second day I was in the second row and it showed how easy it is to back up the front row by moving forward to fill in gaps where necessary. It was difficult to keep the line intact in the wedge. No dummy pila just arrows from Brittania (special arrows and bows). <p></p><i></i>
Quod imperatum fuerit facimus et ad omnem tesseram parati erimus
Sounds interesting! What was the idea of using aluminium as opposed to steel? I would have thought that steel blunts are no more or less dangerous than aluminium. It all depends on how you use it surely.<br>
Out of interest, which groups actually attended for the roman period?<br>
Mummius <p></p><i></i>
Sounds like huge fun was had by nearly all. Is EH going to do another Festival next year, or are they ever going to return to the joys of History in Action at Kirby? <p></p><i></i>
The Guard, Gemina Project, Britannia and Comitatus were in attendance at the event. Everybody took part in the Boudicca battle which went very well. Comitatus provided Auxilleries and Celts which was an interesting experiment in last minute kit collection. Alluminium swords were made for the Guard because they were cheap and cheerful.<br>
The Late Roman display involved 17 Comitatus, a few more Britannia and 5 horses. The Late Roman encampment was particularly good, Comitatus having nearly 20 tents on site.<br>
The whole weekend was enjoyable but hard work. Next year the whole thing may be closer to London which would be a great shame.<br>
<br> <p></p><i></i>
Maybe you've already noticed that Robert, from Fectienses Seniores is trying to get an 'all late Roman' event, maybe in the beginning of next year's August. It is a difficult date for everybody but it would be great to feel for once at home, without being surrounded by the 'seggyes chaps'.<br>
Is it the date for the next 'Stoneleigh' festival already scheduled?<br>
Aitor (Cohors I Gallica) <p></p><i></i>
It\'s all an accident, an accident of hands. Mine, others, all without mind, from one extreme to another, but neither works nor will ever.

Rolf Steiner
We used steel and aluminium. The aluminium bent like a banana against the celtic shields. <p></p><i></i>
Quod imperatum fuerit facimus et ad omnem tesseram parati erimus
of the stonleigh 2004 event????<br>
very curious......<br>
was supposed to go there but sadly my MATER familias crossed the STYX a few days back.......<br>
You asked for Stoneleigh pics:<br>
Some more pics <p></p><i></i>
Quod imperatum fuerit facimus et ad omnem tesseram parati erimus
I was at Stoneleigh but had swapped lorica for a Habit vest and shako. As a result I had a grandstand view of the Guard verses jumped up plonker! I still think than a volley of pilum followed by a close order wedge would have sorted the problem out very satisfactorily. <p></p><i></i>
AKA James McKeand

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