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Walking Hadrians Wall In Early-Mid Imperial Armour...Words From The Wise?
Greetings Everyone

A humble re-enactment novice seeks the benefit of some of your hard earned experience and wisdom if you don't mind sharing it.

A small group of friends and I look set to walk along Hadrian's wall in Roman Armour this summer. It's for a stag party no less (unusual I grant you),
 but the stag and I are both fanatical history buffs. I studied Ancient History & Archaeology at Durham, whereas for him it has remained an endearing passion. Due to diary constraints our walk is limited to 2, perhaps 3 days (I'd be up for the full 5 but others may be less keen).

Given there could be upwards of 10 of us I've not a clue where the Stag himself plans to source the armour or if he has even got that far (possibly Angels or a similar large costume supplier). He has mentioned he expects us to tote the weight of roman armour, implying something fairly close to reality, but I have my doubts. In light of that a significant part of me is contemplating acquiring some proper stuff and doing it as close to correctly as I can (though I may have to compromise when it comes to footwear - boo hiss heretic I know). The more I've read on this superb forum (a long lurker) the more I'm in favour of my own approach.

I've taken note of some excellent threads on here (Pure Gold Here), and what not to get so my hope would be I can make a worthy showing.

I've noted a few members have mentioned undertaking proper marches, and even along the wall itself (i.e. the noble Crispus who alas has been offline for months). I've taken note and bookmarked some important tips on carrying of the Scutum, etc. Well that and make sure your neck scarf is properly tucked in to prevent chafing.

I just wanted to enquire if any kind and generous souls had any other hard won gems of wisdom for the practicalities?

A particular concern I admit is what any rozzers might say about me/us toting a gladius about, given we not be a charity/registered re-enactors. I have read up on the law and it seems to suggest straight blades should be alright normally, but we will be doubtless around members of the public on the walk (not that I plan to wave it about). I wouldn't get one that is purposefully sharp of course, but getting it deliberately blunted seems a wise course of action!

Any comments people have the time to share would be gratefully recieved.

James (jpdt30)
Hey there,

Some of our forum members have done it, most notably author Ben Kane. Look up his Hadrian's Wall walk and he shares a lot of info about the experience.

However, you need to be in really good condition and have quality footwear to do this.

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