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Italy declares Pompeii emergency
Quote:Let's be accurate here.
Quote:By their good graces?
Yes, they're not obliged to allow ANYONE onto their sovereign soil. Your right. Just like how the Pope requested that no black soldiers be used when Vatican city was liberated along with the rest of Rome at the end of WW2.
Quote:By any moral sense the Vatican owns very little of what it possesses.
I can't argue with someone who doesn't believe in private property rights. Go read up on the concept of tithing. According to the Church Gods owns everything and you only possess it due to his choice, to them tithing is merely returning to the church 10% of what is all theirs through God anyway.
Quote:Everything of value in the Vatican was either bought with donated money
As opposed to taxpayer money which the government extorts from you and me ? My tax monies buy me roads, sewers, the military and dozens of other things and if I want I can become involved in politics and government work to determine how much they tax me.
Quote:, stolen
Examples, proof??
Quote:or acquired through strength of arms in medievel and ancient times.
Medieval ? Ancient ? The Vatican Museum(s) is only 502 years old. They celebrated their 500th anniversary in 2006. So all the stuff in the museun magically appeared 500 years ago? They didnt possess a single piece before the day the museum opened?

"Strength of arms" ? What, the mighty Swiss Guard ?

The Popes have been among the greatest patrons of Art for over 600 years. The Church has been the victim of thievery at the hands of secular powers - not viceversa. Read your history, pal.I have read my history. Go take a look at how Constantinople became the "greatest city of all for Chirstianity" pillaging the ancient world is how.

Hey, Mods, wake up will you ? Was the Vatican excluded from the ban on "bashing Italy" ? Wasnt bashing Italy or the Vatican and anyway the two are not the same thing. I was merely pointing out that they have no right to say no pictures so they can bilk you and I out of more money if we go visit to look at what is ALL of our heritage.

Timothy Hanna
Timothy, apparently you have not read the forum rules. please do so by following the link below in my signature. Until further notice this thread is closed.
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

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