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Mithras wrote:
Quote:Rome Sweet Rome? Oh no! I knew I should have gotten on and written that novel idea I had .... I was planning to write it in 2014, now it will just look like plagiarism... ... it involved something along the lines of modern military going back in time to interfere with the Cleopatra/Mark Antony/Caesar conflict....
I read a book a few years ago called Terror in Teutenburg Forest which was about a 26 man TAT group of US soldiers who upon surrounding a house full of terrorists holding hostages and a bomb in modern Germany, somehow get transported back to 9AD where they join Arminius, who in the novel is a peace loving chieftain who's village is about to be destroyed by the Romans, in wiping out the 3 Roman legions with all the modern weaponry they could get their hands on. See link below.

Michael Kerr
Michael Kerr
"You can conquer an empire from the back of a horse but you can't rule it from one"
I am looking for a " OH DEAR" button , its not available, having said that, the Pompeii flick seems to be OK for entertainment.
I have seen worse.
It meets the first requirement for an Ancient Rome flick: there are gladiators. As for the second, I didn't see a blue-painted Keltic guy, but I'm sure he must be in there somewhere.
Pecunia non olet
It's like in the 80's you had a good, semi-realistic movie nobody watched (Dante's Peak, Deep Impact) and the crappy one that had no merit to it (Volcano, Armageddon respective to the other two).

And then you have the creation of "In Soviet Russia" Jokes thanks to that last one.
Quote:It's like in the 80's you had a good, semi-realistic movie nobody watched (Dante's Peak, Deep Impact) and the crappy one that had no merit to it (Volcano, Armageddon respective to the other two).

And then you have the creation of "In Soviet Russia" Jokes thanks to that last one.

Minor corrections: Those movies were all made in the 90s, and the Russian Reversal joke is credited to Yakov Smirnoff in the 80s... :wink:
Quote:As for the second, I didn't see a blue-painted Keltic guy, but I'm sure he must be in there somewhere.
The second rule is more complex than you remember, John. It allows for an African-American hand-to-hand combat specialist to be substituted for the blue-painted Celtic guy. :wink:
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Quote:I am looking for a " OH DEAR" button

Me too. Somebody could have made a good film about Pompeii; instead they made a fantasy with exploding CGIs and gladiators fighting for their freedom. Oh well.

Quote:the first requirement for an Ancient Rome flick: there are gladiators.

There also need to be Evil Roman Patricians, of the 'sneering' and 'perfumed' variety. Who are later killed by CGIs, or gladiators. Luckily this film has Keifer Sutherland. Nice bracers!:

[Image: MV5BNDUzMTM5NzgwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjEx...SY720_.jpg]
Nathan Ross
Reporter: How was the new Roman Legion Movie?
Moviegoer: Not very good the Roman's Armor and stuff was too shiny and clean and they weren't even wearing bracers. And the Barbarians weren't even wearing Furs at all!
John Kaler MSG, USA Retired
Member Legio V (Tenn, USA)
Staff Member Ludus Militus
Owner Vicus and Village:
Did anybody see the Hercules flick? The reviews were so bad that I didn't dare go to see it, which is a first, since I usually don't miss a new ancient world movie. But I think I'll just sit this out till it shows up on Netflix ;-)
But maybe it's so bad that it's unintentionally funny, which would almost be a reason to see it...
The trailer alone for the latest "Hercules" was so .................. bad it would have gotten the makers thrown to the lions.
First it had nothing to do with Hercules, next ................................too terrible.
George Willi
Just saw this thread as I was admiring the new forum. I did a review of the Rockules movie as well as a bunch of other Hercules-related movies for the Ancient Warfare blog.

Of course, I'm now also doing the Autumn of Perseus and have been reviewing movies like the remake of Clash of the Titans.
new to this forum

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