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"10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies" - Yahoo!
.. and bracers, don't forget the bracers!


Living in S Diego it is FUN to watch old war movies.. especially 30's and 40's and 50's .. many were filmed here. Seeing the skylines in the backgrounds now covered with homes, hotels or skyscrapers, using airfields that are now under Sea World, scenes from USMC Recruit Depot shot 70+years ago and the only thing that's changed are the height of the trees! ...even a few with scenes of downtown S Diego! Hey look!.... the corner space on that building now occupied by MacDonalds used to be a strip joint! Cool!



You cannot dig ditches in a toga!

A nationwide club with chapters across N America
Actually, I won't bag the 300 after all, I found it quite cathartic! ("Lunacy? This is Sparta!!") Aaahh.
Spurius Papirius Cursor (Howard Russell)
"Life is still worthwhile if you just smile."
(Turner, Parsons, Chaplin)
My vote for the best "worse history" movie has to be Johh Wayne in The Conqueror.. as Temijin ie: Chingis Khan!



You cannot dig ditches in a toga!

A nationwide club with chapters across N America
Narukami wrote:-
Quote:Now if we could just get those flying cars from Blade Runner...
....don't they already exist?....I'm sure I saw photos of one a few years ago on the cover of 'Popular Mechanics or similar... The Moller 'Skycar' I think it was called....and then there was another one called 'Skyrider' that was reported as close to production......both would be "affordable" at around US$60-70,000........
Quote:As William Gibson said -- the future is already here, just badly distributed.
Smile D lol: :lol:
"dulce et decorum est pro patria mori " - Horace
(It is a sweet and proper thing to die for ones country)

"No son-of-a-bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country" - George C Scott as General George S. Patton
Paul McDonnell-Staff
Wait! What about Mel Brooks' The History of the World?? I'm not even sure they got the names right, let alone the conversations....
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Quote:My vote for the best "worse history" movie has to be Johh Wayne in The Conqueror.. as Temijin ie: Chingis Khan!


Idem in me!

"Come and take me, mongrels - if you dare. While I have fingers to grasp a sword, and eyes to see your cowardly faces, your treacherous heads will not be safe on your shoulders... So fill your hand, you sonuvabitch!"

I have to say I have a soft spot for 'The Vikings' with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis despite the medieval castle and the leather trousers.

Speaking of which, 'Prince of Thieves' was a laugh-a-minute: from Dover to Nottingham "by nightfall", the juxtaposition of northern and west country accents with Costner's drawl, the woady celts, stealth catapults: it's a riot :lol:

What annoyed me so much about the recent "King Arthur" was the pairing of such similarly headbanging anachronisms with the tag about being the 'true story'. I actually shouted.

In the cinema. Confusedhock:
Salvianus: Ste Kenwright

A member of Comitatus Late Roman Historical Re-enactment Group

My Re-enactment Journal
~ antiquum obtinens ~
What annoyed me so much about the recent "King Arthur"

.. hey, let's only shoot some of our arrows then run away!!
preceeded by hey, let's bunch up on this sheet of ice... "Sir! Why are we bunching up on this sheet of ice?" "Because, splitting up into smaller teams to try and outflank them while a handful of you lighter guys with big shields, supported by some of our archers, advance right up the middle in order to draw their fire is a lot less cool than a bunch of us scrambling over cracked and tipping ice sheets and sliding into the icy waters, our armor pulling us down though the murky depths to drown as miserable barbaric dogs not knowing that we could be revived as much as an hour later because the icy water will help preserve our bodies and brains.... besides its a lake in Britain.. who knows what manner of watery tarts lobbing scimitars might reside in the depths!"

Must admit.. Oona the Wonder Pixie was kinda cute...



You cannot dig ditches in a toga!

A nationwide club with chapters across N America
It would be hard to get more innacurate than that Golden Age of Hollywood classic, "They Died With Their Boots On," in which Winfield Scott (Sidney Greenstreet) was the Union commander in chief throughout the Civil War and Custer (Erroll Flynn) saved the day for the Union at Gettysburg (which was fought on terrain amazingly like Southern California) with repeated cavalry charges before being wounded by a Reb armed with an 1873 Colt. And that was long before the Little Bighorn! Still one of my favorite movies of that era, though, silly as it was.
Pecunia non olet
10,000 BC is really horrible.
MARCVS DECIVS / Matthias Wagner
Quote:Wait! What about Mel Brooks' The History of the World?? I'm not even sure they got the names right, let alone the conversations....

Heck you saw the size of the blunts they were smoking, taking a puff of that probably would have erased childhood memory cells and all motor skills in one fell swoop. So they cant be expected to remember what happened! Meh, then again "When you die at the palace, you really DIE at the palace! "

One a serious note, how does the movie Alexander add up in all of this? Ive not done enough reading on him to cast my sentiments either way on the movie, could anyone else help me out with that one? All the best, Jon
Jonathan Nikitas

"Et tu Brute?"

Mel Gibson seems to top the list with most inaccurate movies, but then again he does seem to put forth a lot of work in getting nothing right. :wink:

I've seen other sites talking about inaccurate movies put Kingdom of Heaven on the list, but the equipment is pretty damn good compared to most movies and unlike most inaccurate movies it is actually the first movie to make a point of showing where it is wrong in the DVD.

I think 300 should take top of the list if they are going to hold it to a historically correct standard and not treat it as a faithful adaption of a graphic novel. At least the others resemble something that might have happened more than 300. I'm kind of surprised that Pathfinder didn't make the list if 300 did. I would have thought it was far over the top and more inaccurate than Apocalypto.

Now I'm curious to what our votes for 10 most accurate movies since they seem rare as hen's teeth. I was pretty impressed with Rob Roy. It was pretty hard to find anything wrong with the plotline. Maybe we should have Liam Neeson take Mel Gibson's job.
Derek D. Estabrook
Quote:I've seen other sites talking about inaccurate movies put Kingdom of Heaven on the list, but the equipment is pretty damn good compared to most movies and unlike most inaccurate movies it is actually the first movie to make a point of showing where it is wrong in the DVD
Saladin's trebuchets rolling across the desert doesn't bother?
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
"Kingdom of Heaven" ?.....costumes....O.K. ish, but only the Crusaders( moslems, nothing right! )...plotline, historical premises?....about on a par with the John Wayne movies......names (some of them!) vaguely Wot-a-load-of-rubbish !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: a movie, enjoyable enough, if one suspends 'history'.........
"dulce et decorum est pro patria mori " - Horace
(It is a sweet and proper thing to die for ones country)

"No son-of-a-bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country" - George C Scott as General George S. Patton
Paul McDonnell-Staff
Historically inaccurate.. hummm...

Star Wars? Or have we found evidence for it yet? [Image: starwars.gif]

Kat x

~We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars~
Quote:Historically inaccurate.. hummm...

Star Wars? Or have we found evidence for it yet? [Image: starwars.gif]


NO, its ALL true, ALL of it, believe darn it, believe! LOL All the best, Jon
Jonathan Nikitas

"Et tu Brute?"


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