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"10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies" - Yahoo!
Libitina:1i1hv97z Wrote:Historically inaccurate.. hummm...

Star Wars? Or have we found evidence for it yet? [Image: starwars.gif]


NO, its ALL true, ALL of it, believe darn it, believe! LOL All the best, Jon

Kat x

~We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars~
The first three films (now called Episodes IV, V and VI) were amazingly accurate in terms of costumes, props and fidelity to historical facts.

The second three films (now called I, II, & III) were excellent in terms of historical costumes and vehicles (where did they find those old things?) but threw historical fact right out the window.

And the casting...We all know the Anakin was not a whinny brat, more of a Christian Bale than a Hayden Christensen, but I digress...

Oh well -- I guess we have to take the good with the bad when Hollywood and History mix.


David Reinke
Burbank CA
I still wonder why ronaldinho was in episode 1...
MARCVS DECIVS / Matthias Wagner
Well, I agree Kingdom of Heaven is inaccurate, but it is still the first movie of its kind I've seen address the issue of its own inaccuracy instead of just make excuses about it. They had a great Special Feature on the DVD that went through and explained all the spots where they got the history wrong. Plus I'm hoping the trend catches on of using rivetted aluminum instead of the crappy painted wool that has been used for maille so often in the past. Its one of my pet peeves with movies.
Derek D. Estabrook
Well, it does sorta make me wonder, if they're going to the trouble of "correcting their errors", if it wouldn't make more sense to do that BEFORE shooting the scenes. At least there weren't :roll: any gunpowder mines or grenades. Heh.

I liked the movie, though. And I thought the refusal of the blacksmith the second time the knights came riding through town was perfect.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
I thought it was a bit unlikely that it took a Frenchman to come to the Middle East and inform the natives that water is important and is sometimes to be found by digging.
Pecunia non olet
I thought that was funny too. Makes his father seem a bit dense as well. Hey, we're thirsty, why don't we dig a well? You'd think someone would have thought of that already if it was so easy. I'm sure the next thing he did was teach them to slaughter the animals so they would stop eating sand. :wink: :lol:

As to why they didn't do it before, I think they state the typical Hollywood reasons about Americans with ADD who are unable to grasp or follow a storyline that isn't black and white, etc. It doesn't do much for most of our types that grasp other concepts, but the directors might have a point as to widespread appeal. Instead they had to introduce an everyman hero and have him shag a princess. They always find a way to introduce shagging a princess whether it makes sense or not. Braveheart for example.
Derek D. Estabrook
Quote:I'm kind of surprised that Pathfinder didn't make the list if 300 did. I would have thought it was far over the top and more inaccurate than Apocalypto.

Now I'm curious to what our votes for 10 most accurate movies since they seem rare as hen's teeth. I was pretty impressed with Rob Roy. It was pretty hard to find anything wrong with the plotline. Maybe we should have Liam Neeson take Mel Gibson's job.

Pathfinder was an atrocity. It was frustrating, moronic, and borderline racist...

Rob Roy did sort of compact and change several incidents in the life of Robert Roy MacGregor, but it's a couple-hour long movie so that's probably bound to happen. Other than that, in terms of weapons, clothing, architecture, and attitudes, it was quite accurate...
David Wilson

Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus.
ok im gonna drop the bomb... TROY Confusedhock:
first time i got really pissed off with a movie. I remember before we were talking with friends about how cool a Iliad movie would be. We were even making imaginary casting :lol: . The one we all agreed was Antony Queen as Nestor :lol: . Funny enough Brad Pitt was an Achileus candidate.
We stopped discussing it after THAT movie :evil:
aka Yannis
Molon lave
Quote:Mel Gibson seems to top the list with most inaccurate movies, but then again he does seem to put forth a lot of work in getting nothing right. :wink:

Didnt he do a Vietnam era movie that was pretty accurate? Of course it was based off a book so he couldnt go completely crazy with it.
Timothy Hanna
Ironhand:3hgxgor0 Wrote:Mel Gibson seems to top the list with most inaccurate movies, but then again he does seem to put forth a lot of work in getting nothing right. :wink:

Didnt he do a Vietnam era movie that was pretty accurate? Of course it was based off a book so he couldnt go completely crazy with it.

Ya he starred in We Were Soldiers. Having read the book I think besides the Band of Brothers Series it is the most accurate war movie to date. It followed the memoirs of the Major he portrayed to the letter. I dont think Mel produced this actual film though, I think he just starred in it. All the best, Jon
Jonathan Nikitas

"Et tu Brute?"

Timotheus:3jm2d0c2 Wrote:
Ironhand:3jm2d0c2 Wrote:Mel Gibson seems to top the list with most inaccurate movies, but then again he does seem to put forth a lot of work in getting nothing right.

Didnt he do a Vietnam era movie that was pretty accurate? Of course it was based off a book so he couldnt go completely crazy with it.

Ya he starred in We Were Soldiers. Having read the book I think besides the Band of Brothers Series it is the most accurate war movie to date. It followed the memoirs of the Major he portrayed to the letter. I dont think Mel produced this actual film though, I think he just starred in it. All the best, Jon

Mel Gibson also starred in another Vietnam flick in 1990 called "Air America".

Oh wow I never knew that! How was that movie? All the best, Jon
Jonathan Nikitas

"Et tu Brute?"

To agree with the comment about Troy on the page before.

That movie was a huge let down. I think the only thing they got right was the names.

Some channel years ago did a mini-series for 4-5 days that was more on with the story of the Illiad, however the costumes were off.

We Were Soldiers, if i am correct was based after true events and people. So I would hope it was fairly accurate, not to mention it was only 45 years ago so it shouldn't be to hard to get it right.
AKA Travis S.
Quote:Ya he starred in We Were Soldiers. Having read the book I think besides the Band of Brothers Series it is the most accurate war movie to date. It followed the memoirs of the Major he portrayed to the letter. I dont think Mel produced this actual film though, I think he just starred in it. All the best, Jon

That is heady praise indeed, and yes, Band Of Brothers did a much better job of telling the story of D-Day and beyond than did Saving Pvt Ryan.


I would also add Das Boot to that list.


David Reinke
Burbank CA

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