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Which are the 3 ultimate superpowers/wishes?
Marcus! Siding with the Persians? Where did that ever come from?

All I really want is for hordes of very beautiful and rich women to suddenly find me irresistible... for a start...

Quote:I was going to use mind control on current tyrants and use telekinetic powers to transport excess food to starving people. Honest....
Chocolate for the masses? :wink:
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Libitina:ztntg8um Wrote:I was going to use mind control on current tyrants and use telekinetic powers to transport excess food to starving people. Honest....
Chocolate for the masses? :wink:

Chocolate and beer, that should cover it Big Grin
Kat x

~We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars~
Quote:Marcus! Siding with the Persians? Where did that ever come from?

All I really want is for hordes of very beautiful and rich women to suddenly find me irresistible... for a start...


As a wise king of Sparta once said, ''You will find both down there!''. I meant in Persia off course lol. Your enslavement to your passions only prove what I have said all along, that you belong with those barbarian Persians. Big Grin

(Wow, two film rip off's in one post, im getting good at this!)
Hahahaha, well done Yuri.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Quote:Chocolate and beer, that should cover it
If you shipped chocolate flavored beer, two birds with one stone!
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Quote:Chocolate and beer, that should cover it
If you shipped chocolate flavored beer, two birds with one stone!

''Panem et circenses'' .... typical tyrant mentality hehehe :lol:
[Image: double-chocolate-bottle.jpg]

Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! Big Grin
Memmia AKA Joanne Wenlock.
Friends of Letocetum
Quote:[Image: double-chocolate-bottle.jpg]

Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! Big Grin

Wow!!! That is awesome!!!!

Does anybody else wan't their classical greek psychoanalysis based on their wishes? Big Grin
OK then,I wish to be leader of an extraterrestial world where:

There is no war,
There is no crime
There is no hate
There is no bitterness
There is no jealousy
There is no violence to thier fellow man
No one works or needs to
Everyone has enough and wants for nothing
It is paradise.

Then when everyone is so bored out of their skull that they just want to end it all, I will put a huge tax on suicide, get the loot, run back to earth and blow the lot in Las Vegas! Big Grin

P.S. On a side note, just imagine the problems that would arise from a perfect world where we are all equal and have all we want.

We would just fight, maim, kill and attack over nothing :roll:
Memmia AKA Joanne Wenlock.
Friends of Letocetum
This thread reminds me of one of my favourite jokes ever:

Jimmy is walking along the road and he bumps into a man with a small orange as a head.
"Wow. How did you get that small orange as a head?" he asked.
"Well, it's a long still wanna hear it?" replied the man.
"OK. Well I was walking down this road a couple of days ago when I came across this lamp. Naturally I rubbed it and, sure enough, a genie appeared and granted me three wishes."
"Wow! What did you wish for?"
"Well, my first wish was for all the money I could ever need..."
"Did you get it?"
"Of course. My second wish was to have all the women I could ever need to fulfil all my fantasies..."
"Wow! Amazing! What was your third wish then?"
"To have a small orange for a head..."
Memmia AKA Joanne Wenlock.
Friends of Letocetum
Quote:This thread reminds me of one of my favourite jokes ever:

Jimmy is walking along the road and he bumps into a man with a small orange as a head.
"Wow. How did you get that small orange as a head?" he asked.
"Well, it's a long still wanna hear it?" replied the man.
"OK. Well I was walking down this road a couple of days ago when I came across this lamp. Naturally I rubbed it and, sure enough, a genie appeared and granted me three wishes."
"Wow! What did you wish for?"
"Well, my first wish was for all the money I could ever need..."
"Did you get it?"
"Of course. My second wish was to have all the women I could ever need to fulfil all my fantasies..."
"Wow! Amazing! What was your third wish then?"
"To have a small orange for a head..."

lol!!! :lol: You wished for like 50 wishes lol. They are earth-appliable only im afraid hehe
Me as oracle of Delph. Never thougth of that, but seems good.
OOOH a Taira rebel!!

The Minamoto Clan will not like this!


welcome to the club!

Bushido wa watashi no shuukyou de gozaru.

Katte Kabuto no O wo shimeyo!

Quote:Then when everyone is so bored out of their skull that they just want to end it all,

lol, reminds me of a Hawkwind song:
Arrival in Utopia:

We dreamed of golden shining towers
Of lazy days and thrilling hours
Fields of wonder, streets so fair
Of amber ships which sailed, through the air

Dreamed of steel and glass and wire
Of days of wine and nights of fire
Dreamt of dogs that talked like boys
Of girls who flew, of unnamed joys

And now our dreams are true
We don't know what to do
For we don't like it here
There's nothing for us to fear
Bored mindless in Utopia
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.

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