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looking for Alesia pugiones
I'm looking for informations about pugiones found in Alesia. I know some images was in "les armes romaines (Paul Couissin 1926)", but is impossible to find this book.
Do someone know some other sources corcerning those pugiones or anyhow has informations/images?


Civis Romanus Optime Iure Sum
I believe all military equipment from Alesia has been published by S. Sievers in:

M. Reddé, S. Von Schnurbein (dir.), Alésia - Fouilles et recherches franco-allemandes sur les travaux militaires romains autour du Mont-Auxois (1991-1997), 2 - Le matériel (Mém. de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres XXII), Paris 2001

You can also try a search in base joconde:


Jens Horstkotte
Munich, Germany
Hello - salut

I have a copy of this book

Abstract: In the Redde and Sievers's book , only one pugio was depicted , the number 182 ( see below). Only the blade has survived , not the handle . Yet Joel Le gall have said that 6 pugiones has been discovered during excavations .

Marcos, give me your adress mail via MP and i send you picture of this pugio (in reality , a draw in the book )

Suzanne Sievers said p. 155 :

" Les documents réunis par J Le Gall mentionnent déjà la présence de six poignards et de quatre extrémités de garde en bronze. Dans un cas au moins ( 182), il s'agit d'un pugio romain. Les autres poignards pourraient n'être que des fragments de lame, qu'il faudrait alors classer avec les fers de lance ou les épées ....

Du pugio ne subsistent que la lame légèrement échancrée, la soie et une ébauche de poignée, mais ces éléments suffisent à le classer parmi les poignards à lame bifide de la fin de la République . Nous ne connaissons aucun parallèle parfaitement contemporain, de sorte que l'on peut supposer que notre poignard comble une lacune existant avant les poignards augustéens
Alexandre Colot / aelius colus Strabo / Leg VIII Augusta / France
website : <a class="postlink" href="">
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Quote:Marcos, give me your adress mail via MP and i send you picture of this pugio (in reality , a draw in the book )

Thanks! Big Grin

Civis Romanus Optime Iure Sum
Quote:Do someone know some other sources corcerning those pugiones or anyhow has informations/images?
The drawing in Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 76 (1995), p. 144 Abb. 34 is not the best picture in the world, not least because of the absence of a scale. But here it is anyway:
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Quote: ....not least because of the absence of a scale. But here it is anyway:

Right, it is a bad lack, nevertheless usefull as well.
Thanks again.

Civis Romanus Optime Iure Sum

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