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Ancient India
Hi all

I am looking for information about weapons and armour in the late Vedic period, particularly during the 6th and 5th Centuries BC. Some Indian and Greek texts give references to weapons and armour and lists them but they aren't really described particularly well. Indians are depicted in Perspolis but not in an extremely detailed manner ...

Would anyone know of any decent reading which might detail any finds or detailed depictions? I have ordered a copy of "Ancient Indian Warfare, with special reference to the Vedic period" by Sarva Daman Singh, are there any other good books or articles flying around?

Thanks! 8-)
Nadeem Ahmad

Eran ud Turan - reconstructing the Iranian and Indian world between Alexander and Islam
Unfortunately, there is little material out there relating to this topic. The Sarva Daman Singh book includes very little information relating to the actual appearance of weapons or military equipment, and as far as I recall it can be quite difficult to date the details relayed in many of the epics to any one period. there are some weapons finds from megalithic burials from Tamil Nadu that might date to around that time, though the dating of these burials (and the first use of Iron in southern India) is disputed, and there are also some stray finds of small objects like arrow- and spearheads from other regions (especially the Northwest); you should be able to find information on these finds in "The Encyclopedia of Indian Archaeology" s.v. "Weapons." As for iconographic sources, other than the Persian depictions of northwestern Indian warriors which you have already mentioned, there are only the late fourth century depictions of an archer and a chariot on the "Alexander Medallions," which are controversial, and then the second century BC reliefs from the Bharhut stupa, some cave temples, and the Sanchi stupa.

He had with him the selfsame rifle you see with him now, all mounted in german silver and the name that he\'d give it set with silver wire under the checkpiece in latin: Et In Arcadia Ego. Common enough for a man to name his gun. His is the first and only ever I seen with an inscription from the classics. - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
Thank you. I will try check out that Encyclopaedia (hopefully I can get it in a library ...)

I'm aware of the artwork on those stupas and the fact that they are a little in the future. Although it looks like Indian artwork and clothing styles stay fairly consistent. Having said that, finding decent photos online is proving rather tricky!

Thank you! :-)
Nadeem Ahmad

Eran ud Turan - reconstructing the Iranian and Indian world between Alexander and Islam
Have u checked all the usual suspects
There's a decent amount out there but under the heading "ancient south Asia" rather than India specifically, most of it is metallurgical analysis though. I vaguely recall some stuff from last year.

The problem with Singh's book is he glosses the Harappan and the Vedic stuff together when there is a clear break. Also there's not much change from the Vedic period into the the much later periods so some of that stuff should be fine too.
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