Interesting Fact on Roman Roads and Chariots? - Printable Version

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Re: Interesting Fact on Roman Roads and Chariots? - Carlton Bach - 10-10-2007

Quote:Britons as in acient. I mean to say that the roads in britian would have used by the native chariots well before the Romans wagons.

True, but native roads were unpaved dirt tracks or corduroy roads made of logs, so they didn't develop permanent ruts.

Re: Interesting Fact on Roman Roads and Chariots? - wdial - 10-10-2007

Good point.

Re: Interesting Fact on Roman Roads and Chariots? - M. Demetrius - 10-10-2007

Quote: corduroy roads made of logs
I'll bet those would shake your teeth loose if you had to hurry for some reason. That road system was apparently much more extensive than people generally think. They've found remnants all over the place.

Trade would have demanded quick, easy, pretty much all-weather travel paths. Not that anybody really wants to travel through miles of forest in the snow in a wagon full of stuff for sale, though.