Aventine Miniatures - Printable Version

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Re: Aventine Miniatures - Theo - 01-15-2010

Next steps: Pyrrhus and the Romans!


Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 01-22-2010


We have just released the first of the Romans, two packs of velites. One pack has them with furs added to their helmets and the other pack has plain helmets. We will do two more packs of levy types bareheaded. The rest of the range will appear as soon as we can get them done.

Re: Aventine Miniatures - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 01-22-2010

To be honest, i personally never liked this scale and the wargame gnomes scales...

i am more of a 1/35 scale, 9 cm or 1.16 scale person...

However these tiny soldiers look nice indeed!


Re: Aventine Miniatures - M. Demetrius - 01-26-2010

Any future plans for some workmen? Diggers, pickaxe guys, basket carrying excavators, carpenters, etc? :?:

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 02-04-2010

To be honest and frank, we have soo much to do in the way of standard troop types, it will be some time before we get around to the likes of workmen. We intend to do some but I have no idea as to when they might be started.



Re: Aventine Miniatures - M. Demetrius - 02-04-2010

Hmm. I see your point. But how about making a single guy in the midst of a set of soldier sprues bending over as if doing something with a tool...could be a spear to dispatch a wounded enemy or a shovel or dolabra, seems like. Idunno. Don't know how many folks are interested in building a diorama of a portion of a berm/wall. Problem is, if the figures are set to be line soldiers, that's about all they can be.

Anyway, it would be lots of expense for few sales, I guess. Sigh. Hard facts of economics reign, as usual.

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 02-05-2010

Some photos of the latest masters out of the mould quickly assembled. We will be adding the packs to the shop early next week with the command to follow.



Re: Aventine Miniatures - Ghostmojo - 02-07-2010

Lovely figures. Very nice attention to detail. Are there any images of the Epeirote Greeks yet?

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 02-09-2010

No they are not started yet. The Romans are demanding our full attention at the moment.


Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 02-19-2010

The Triarii for the earlier part of the period are now complete with their command sets.[attachment=3:314ufwb2]<!-- ia3 RR14.jpg<!-- ia3 [/attachment:314ufwb2][attachment=2:314ufwb2]<!-- ia2 RR14A.jpg<!-- ia2 [/attachment:314ufwb2][attachment=1:314ufwb2]<!-- ia1 Triarii officer 1.jpg<!-- ia1 [/attachment:314ufwb2][attachment=0:314ufwb2]<!-- ia0 Triarii officer 2.jpg<!-- ia0 [/attachment:314ufwb2]



Re: Aventine Miniatures - Ghostmojo - 02-21-2010

I love the way you can only see the noses poking out from under the helmets, on a few of these guys :lol: Seriously, classy work indeed Keith. I now have a link to your site on my desktop and will check in from time to time to see what is happening 8) .

I'm optimistic that one day somebody is going to do some Spartans circa 400-300BC which I like (coz there's some crumby offerings out there). Perhaps when you do start your Epeirotes you might add some Lakedaimonian foes (Pyrrhos did attack Sparta, and the Spartans did meddle a bit in Southern Italy)?... Smile

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 03-04-2010

More released this week. Three packs of chainmail standing infantry and a command set in chainmail. Two packs of Leves and a light infantry "command" set for those that want such a thing.

Photos are on the site



PS Hastati next.

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 03-16-2010

First two packs of Hastati now released. They are advancing with pilum and pectoral armours. Next two packs will be swordsmen with pectorals and pilum armed unarmoured figures. They all have the tall three featherr arrangement. The command for these will be ready within the week we hope. The Principes are next.


Keith[attachment=1:2wu6l95g]<!-- ia1 RR30.jpg<!-- ia1 [/attachment:2wu6l95g][attachment=0:2wu6l95g]<!-- ia0 RR31.jpg<!-- ia0 [/attachment:2wu6l95g]

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Praefectusclassis - 03-18-2010

Will you stop making such terribly tempting minis?! :wink: :wink:

Re: Aventine Miniatures - Aventin Miniaures - 03-31-2010


Some more to tempt you with.[attachment=1:mhhx7qov]<!-- ia1 RR34.jpg<!-- ia1 [/attachment:mhhx7qov][attachment=0:mhhx7qov]<!-- ia0 RR35.jpg<!-- ia0 [/attachment:mhhx7qov]

The only difference is in the officers. We will also be adding a vexillum to each pack along with a selection of shields.

