How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Printable Version

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Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Robert Vermaat - 12-01-2011

Quote:but perhaps those posts were deleted? Wink
Contrary to popular belief :wink: post are not edited or removed on a daily basis...

The issue was not so much that they were attacked personally, but that they could not deal with the number of people who kept questioning their academic work by using non-arguments instead of proof. Of course I can’t be sure that\\s why they left, but the number of posts always dropped sharply after such a discussion and a complaint was made.

Academic discussion is not stifled on this forum, it has not been in the past and it will not in future. it's one of the main reason for the forum's existence. However, we ask of all contributors that they bring proof, which can lead to lengthy (and sometimes heated) discussions. Any moderation is done when the discussion gets out of hand, never because of what the arguments brought forward.

If anyone has reason to think that this is different and should warrant change, I would very much like to hear examples of cases where people felt hindered in such a discussion (I mean based on arguments, not on the supposed right to say anything you want). I for one have not had any such complaints, nor do I know of any made to admins or other moderators. I can’t exclude that they were made of course, but since I’ve been a mod they weren’t discussed in the staff area.

Perhaps people PM to each other about this, but when they limit it to that, of course no mod can react.

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Eleatic Guest - 12-01-2011

The new forum software needs the preview function to be placed more prominently, so that new users too can easily find it and make use of it.

And I think more of you people should try contributing to Wikipedia. It would not improve RAT, but it would increase the knowledge of what we are talking about at RAT with other peoples.

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Conal - 12-01-2011

Would it be possible to have the quotations in a different colour to the response?

Without the quotation box I find it taxing trying to follow when multiple Q&As are used.

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Robert Vermaat - 12-01-2011

Quote:And I think more of you people should try contributing to Wikipedia. It would not improve RAT, but it would increase the knowledge of what we are talking about at RAT with other peoples.

A few years ago I tried to add something in my own field of expertise (Vortigern). However, I could write what I liked (plus added references), there were constantly others who kept deleting what I wrote, replacing it with wrong information. When I tried to put my information back, I was blocked. So my question would be: why even try, if apparently they have mods who know everything better, or prefer 'popular' information over researched and referenced material?

If you think RAT is over-moderated, try Wikipedia. If we moderated RAT the same way, 60% of the current members would have been banned, if not more. :-|

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Robert Vermaat - 12-01-2011

Quote:Would it be possible to have the quotations in a different colour to the response?
Without the quotation box I find it taxing trying to follow when multiple Q&As are used.
Conal, it's very easy to do that yourself? Just highlight the quoted text and hot the color button? You could even chosse different colors for quotes from different members.

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Nathan Ross - 12-01-2011

Quote:You could even chosse different colors for quotes from different members.

That would just be tiring for the eyes

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Dean Cunningham metalsmit - 12-02-2011

I know you can't mandate a sense of humor but that is sorely needed here.

Dean Cunningham

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Robert Vermaat - 12-02-2011

Quote:That would just be tiring for the eyes
Or inhibit the colour-blind. Wink

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - joeandmich - 12-02-2011

Quote:I know you can't mandate a sense of humor but that is sorely needed here.

Dean Cunningham

So true. People take their views so seriously.

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Ghostmojo - 12-02-2011

Yes indeedy - and there are quite a view just lying in wait to ambush and pounce upon you if you make the slightest slip, speculation, or not 100%-researched comment!!! :o :twisted: :roll:

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Titus Marius Secundus - 12-03-2011

Yes, and we alllll know, research can prove itself to be wrong!!! So share what you believe and I don't mind, that is a good mentality. This is an educated forum and we discuss wise fully Wink

I WANNA BEGIN A MEMBER OF THE MONTH AWARD!!! ...starting with me Big Grin

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - jvrjenivs - 12-03-2011

Quote:Yes, and we alllll know, research can prove itself to be wrong!!! So share what you believe and I don't mind, that is a good mentality. This is an educated forum and we discuss wise fully Wink

I WANNA BEGIN A MEMBER OF THE MONTH AWARD!!! ...starting with me Big Grin

We once had an award for the best newcomer, and several awards for people showing to share their expertise on several areas of interest (naval, siege warfare, etc...)

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - John Conyard - 12-03-2011

Paul did a good and rather brave thing in asking for feedback. I remember as a young manager asking staff for feedback and then spent an hour telling everybody how their concerns were not justified because they did not understand how the management had thought of everything and it was all OK if they only understood. Like most things RAT could do with improvement and a freshen up. Outside the current postings regarding the moderator/member argument and a couple of Indian companies RAT is generally very quiet.

I suspect this is because:

1) Most questions have been discussed in previous years, and often a quick search can yield some useful information.
2) The rise of other forums with fresh new approaches and members.
3) I understand Facebook generates a lot of conversation.
4) Conversations on RAT being held via the community side of the site by personal message.
5) And because of arguments and personal attacks on the main forum.

One of my biggest problems is with nutters who join RAT to post up some negative comment about the group I am in, the saddles we use etc etc and then are never heard of again. People who are in no group, organise no events, or don’t ride, or who don’t make equipment and don’t actually do anything. There is little point in posting something positive if somebody with a false name or ID is all too willing to attack it.

I have read recently on RAT that some perceive the moderators as a clique talking privately behind the scenes, and this is not a positive image. A group of friendly helpful hard working volunteers who have helped me and others out is a far better message to get across. When a moderator posts a little too quickly and hastily it is to their credit when they back off after “moderation” from the members. On the whole the moderators do a good job.

Having posed these issues I fear I have no answers. I suspect forums rely on their membership and the vast majority of RATers are polite, positive and understand how to hold a conversation. I fear a small minority get superior and offensive when they perceive their position is being threatened. Some just want the last word, and occasionally somebody joins just to cause a problem.

I suspect I advocate peace love and understanding for 2012. I’ll be crucified by Easter!

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - Ghostmojo - 12-03-2011

RAT is a fantastic site and a great resource for all its members. I was very pleased when I first stumbled across it several years ago whilst searching the internet for websites about ancient Greek military matters.

Most posters are kind, helpful and friendly in their desire to share information and assist those who perhaps are not quite so knowledgable. We all start off along this road at some point, and we all occupy different places along it. In that respect we are all grateful at some point for some useful tips from those who have gleaned more from their lengthy studies and detailed expert knowledge.

But, as Robert V knows only too well (from me recently), some of us fall prey to snide attacks or pompously superior commentary from others here who seem to thrive upon that tactic. I have made the mistake of publicly lambasting them for that approach in the past. It has been suggested to me that a better retort is to report the transgressor - and that is what I will do in future.

My request to those who do indulge in this sniping from their self-appointed lofty perches is to refrain, and to remember that hiding behind a keyboard alias is the last resort of a scoundrel and a coward. In that respect I think everybody should have to post their real name and general location - as well as site alias. That is what I do. it is more honest. What have you got to fear?

And as John C (above) said - and to paraphrase the great Nick Lowe :-

"what's so wrong with peace, love and understanding?"

Re: How can we improve RAT in 2012 - M. Demetrius - 12-03-2011

Quote:I’ll be crucified by Easter!
We'll probably handle that about 3 days prior, John, just to keep traditional.
Quote:In that respect I think everybody should have to post their real name and general location
The name is already a rule, though for some folks, it's hard to get compliance. The location is optional.

Thanks for the good suggestions, G'mojo, and for your many insightful posts!