Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Printable Version

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Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Sassanid - 12-20-2005

Hi Flavius,

Have sent you a PM


Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Marcus Mummius - 12-21-2005

Salve Flavius,

You can have the sword Smile . If there weren't a few orders that I still have to find money for, I'd take it right away, this is a bargain!

I can also tell you that it's a pleasure to do bussines with Andrew.

Kind regards,

Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Gaius Julius Caesar - 10-29-2006

As to the fancy spatha, cheap at half the price Confusedhock:

And andrew, did you make that your self?


B. Angel

Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Sassanid - 10-30-2006

Hi B Angel,

I wish :lol: No Paul Binns here in the UK made it.


Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Robert Vermaat - 10-31-2006

Quote:As to the fancy spatha, cheap at half the price Confusedhock:

I seem to have missed something. What spatha are you referring to?

Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - Sassanid - 10-31-2006

Semispatha or short sword would be a better.


Re: Pattern welded Spatha by Patrick Barta! - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 11-04-2006

in how far is pattern welding different than blacksmithing



[Image: 18.jpg]

Might try and make a Spatha/gladivs with HAMON one day!