What movies do you watch over and over? - Printable Version

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Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Libitina - 06-04-2008

Quote:Blade Runner

I have never seen it :oops:

I have an embarassingly long list of films that people gasp at cos I haven't seen them!

Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Narukami - 06-04-2008

Quote:Blade Runner

I have never seen it :oops:

I have an embarrassingly long list of films that people gasp at cos I haven't seen them!

And now you have the daunting task of which version to watch first!

The original US theatrical release?

The European release?

The supposed "Director's Cut" that played for only a week in LA and which Scott rejected out of hand? (I actually saw this at the NuArt and think it the best version.)

Scott's 1st Director's Cut? (Without the narration he hated.)

Or his new "Final" cut? (With the unicorns.)

Part of the problem for those of us who saw the original release is we saw it with the added narration so that even when we watch the Director's Cut sans narration the memory is still in our head.

So perhaps you should watch a version without narration and then go back and watch one with and see if the narration helps or hurts the story.

The best deal on these is the complete set on Blu Ray -- you get all five versions of the film for about the same price as the Final Cut version alone on standard DVD.

Once you have seen this film Libitina please favor us with your review. Smile



Blade Runner - Graham Sumner - 06-04-2008

Blade Runner.
Ah yes... I was seduced by the five version set in a tin!
I still like the original movie release version with narration and happy ending! So I am obviously a rebel!

Incidentally I do like 'The Rebel' too. Tony Hancock plays a humble office clerk who believes he is an artistic genius! Must have struck a chord! The ghastly 'Aphrodite at the water hole' and 'every brush stroke is torn from my body' and his final despairing cry to the audience who have rejected his art "your all raving mad, none of you know what you are looking at. Just you wait till I am dead then you will see I am right" are things I can relate to! :wink:


What movies do you watch over and over? - jonwr - 06-04-2008

Many that have already been mentioned. But heres a couple more
Shout at the Devil
March or Die
Lady Snowblood
African Queen
The Warrior (Korean movie)
also watch Soylent Green on occasions. :wink:
Jon R.

Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Libitina - 06-05-2008

Libitina:31n707ps Wrote:
Quote:Blade Runner

I have never seen it :oops:

I have an embarrassingly long list of films that people gasp at cos I haven't seen them!

And now you have the daunting task of which version to watch first!

The original US theatrical release?

The European release?

The supposed "Director's Cut" that played for only a week in LA and which Scott rejected out of hand? (I actually saw this at the NuArt and think it the best version.)

Scott's 1st Director's Cut? (Without the narration he hated.)

Or his new "Final" cut? (With the unicorns.)

Part of the problem for those of us who saw the original release is we saw it with the added narration so that even when we watch the Director's Cut sans narration the memory is still in our head.

So perhaps you should watch a version without narration and then go back and watch one with and see if the narration helps or hurts the story.

The best deal on these is the complete set on Blu Ray -- you get all five versions of the film for about the same price as the Final Cut version alone on standard DVD.

Once you have seen this film Libitina please favor us with your review. Smile



Waah! Too much choice!

Now I bet if I buy the DVD it'll be on TV in a couple of weeks....

Re: Blade Runner - Libitina - 06-05-2008

Quote:Blade Runner.
Ah yes... I was seduced by the five version set in a tin!
I still like the original movie release version with narration and happy ending! So I am obviously a rebel!

*fingers in ears* lalalala I can't hear you

Blade Runner - Graham Sumner - 06-05-2008

You are OK Kat believe me with regards to Blade Runner it is not giving anything away by saying one version has an up beat ending while the others are not so up beat!

The special tin set with all five versions is well worth getting and is obtainable at a very reasonable price. Has lots of documentaries too so is all you really need.

Add Galaxy Quest to your list too!


Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Narukami - 06-05-2008


TV will not do Blade Runner justice.

Watch on DVD (remember Blu Ray has uncompressed audio so it will sound the best) on the biggest monitor you can find. (Your own, a friend's, your parent's, your local video retail shop -- tell them your testing their monitor).

As Godzilla taught us, sometimes size does matter, and in this case bigger is better.

And again, watch one of the versions without narration first and then one with to see if it helps. Graham and I are tainted because we saw it first with narration and you just can not un-ring a bell. The narration is in our head and always will be. And yes Graham, I too think the narration works, the happy ending does not bother me but the unicorns do for reasons I'm sure you understand.

And Graham...

Have you ever seen the Alec Guinness film "The Horse's Mouth" ? Talk about the madness of art and artists.



FILMS - Graham Sumner - 06-05-2008

Hi David

Quote:Have you ever seen the Alec Guinness film "The Horse's Mouth" ? Talk about the madness of art and artists.

No, but reading about it, it sounds good I will look out for it, thanks.

The Blade Runner narration worked for me because it fitted the film noir theme. I know some people do not like it because they feel it gives too much away and is particularly unwelcome near the end. As you say it was what was seen first and it tends to stick.

Unicorns and little origami unicorns leads onto the Blade runner mythology etc... In my opinion he wasn't if you know what I mean!


Re: FILMS - Narukami - 06-05-2008

Quote:Hi David

Unicorns and little origami unicorns leads onto the Blade runner mythology etc... In my opinion he wasn't if you know what I mean!


I do and you are absolutely right! The story has far more resonance if he is not -- The character arc works and ties in nicely with the book and with Philip K Dick's original inspiration for the story.

Many years ago a friend from grad school invited me to dinner with Sean Young. We spoke of many things including Blade Runner. Besides not having much fun on that shoot, Ms. Young mentioned that Scott had, mentally at least, moved on to his next film (Legend) and that's how the unicorns started to creep into Blade Runner.

The film works better without them.

Let me know what you think about The Horse's Mouth. :wink:


Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Aetius Helvius Merula - 06-05-2008

Here are my picks-

Fight Club (sick, insane anarchism-gotta love it!)
Gladiator (hey it's fun!)
Red Dawn (good ole boys vs. godless commies...hey it's fun!)
Zulu. Unlike a lot of movies, this is one I wouldn't mind seeing remade. Nothing about this movie struck me as contrived or artificial. I especially like the roll call scene at the end.
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
The outlaw Josey Wales
The Big Lebowski
Office Space
Aliens 1 and 2
Full Metal Jacket
I'm Gonna Get You, Sucka
Undercover Brother
Super Troopers

Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Gaius Julius Caesar - 06-05-2008

I've only ever seen the original version.....what have I been missing here! :? shock: :lol:

Still one of my favourite movies.....the hot manikin being a favorite... 8)

Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - taira1180 - 06-05-2008

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

How i could forget that movie! Even if i think that Once Upon a Time in the West is probably a better movie, with it's sarcastic humour and it's OST i can still see it without getting bored.

Re: What movies do you watch over and over? - Gaius Julius Caesar - 06-05-2008

Watched all the spaggetti westerns in Borneo.....

And also 'The Wild Bunch' wit hit realistic gunfights, (to a young child anyway, in slow mo...that was when I really asked questions about how they made movies!!! Confusedhock: Confusedhock: :lol:

Re: Blade Runner - Libitina - 06-05-2008

Quote:You are OK Kat believe me with regards to Blade Runner it is not giving anything away by saying one version has an up beat ending while the others are not so up beat!

The special tin set with all five versions is well worth getting and is obtainable at a very reasonable price. Has lots of documentaries too so is all you really need.

Add Galaxy Quest to your list too!


Might work out cheaper for me to rejoin an online rental service if this list gets any longer :lol:

Quote:TV will not do Blade Runner justice.

Watch on DVD (remember Blu Ray has uncompressed audio so it will sound the best) on the biggest monitor you can find. (Your own, a friend's, your parent's, your local video retail shop -- tell them your testing their monitor).

As Godzilla taught us, sometimes size does matter, and in this case bigger is better.


I can still watch a VHS and not notice much difference in quality! My Mum has a huge TV (compared to mine) so might just move back home for a month with my pile of DVDs and a LOT of popcorn Big Grin