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The Two Towers... - Anonymous - 12-27-2002

Tonight was my second time seeing it, in the space of a week. Never before have I felt awed on such an epic scale. The CGI was the best I have seen so far in a movie (reference the counter attack on Isengard...), not to mention the depth of the characters again draws you in. Heck, it was better than the first. <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

Re: The Two Towers... - richsc - 12-27-2002

Seeing the conflict in Gollum made me wonder when an animation would be nominated for an Oscar as best actor. <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>

snogging? British party animals lead the way... - Anonymous - 12-29-2002

I think that Andy Sertis (gollum) deserves to be nominated for Best Supporting Actor AND Best Special Effect! <p></p><i></i>

Re: twin tower effects - Daniel S Peterson - 01-09-2003

I was very impressed with the battles too, and tried to pretend the walking, talking tree creatures weren't there. I think after a few years, when the novelty wears off and everything is computer generated and thus cheapened, epic film afficiendos will fondly look back to the days when battle scenes were not quite so impressive, but where all the people in them were real, like the armies in Spartacus. It is perhaps appropriate then, that what are now the most awesome 'pre-gunpowder' battle scenes ever created, are depicting absolutely nothing - much like the 'substance' of the effects themselves - characters, events, indeed an entire 'earth', albeit a 'middle' one, that is merely the figment of one man's imagination.<br>
Dan <p></p><i></i>

Re: twin tower effects - Caius Fabius - 01-10-2003

1937 Italian film<br>
Scipio Africanus<br>
loads of "real people' in huge battles.<br>
Horses, elephants, Hannibal,<br>
see it EM <p>"Just before class started, I looked in the big book where all the world's history is written, and it said...." Neil J. Hackett, PhD ancient history, professor OSU, 1987</p><i></i>

... - Catiline - 01-10-2003

The really daft thing I found was that whilst i could quite happily suspend disbelief for Ents and Wargs and wizards and ...(you get the idea) I sat there thinking ' this is bloody silly' when it came to the Rohirrim charging the uruk hai pike head on when they relieved Helm's Deep <p></p><i></i>

Re: ... - Anonymous - 01-10-2003

I agree, what the hell where they thinking? Especially sticking an old man like Gandalf out respect for their elders, or pikes for that matter. <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

Re: ... - satsobek - 01-10-2003

Magic... magic. They were all blinded by his shinny whiteness. <p>-Christy

Re: ineffective phalanx... - Daniel S Peterson - 01-10-2003

Yep, thanks to that, people will forever more use this as evidence to prove that the Macedonian phalanx was absolutely ineffective against cavalry - after all, they saw it in a movie. I had the impression though that the concept was that Gandalf's magical 'brightness' may have disrupted them, creating a gap to be exploited. Is it true these guys fought in a ture a phalanx formation in the original Tolkien book, or is this merely that fat producer's attempt to steal cool stuff from real history to make his fantasy seem all the more impressive? I have the impression that a lot of extra 'window dressing' was thrown into this film that may not neccesarily have been in the orignal story, such as the 'un-dragons' discussed on a previous thread. I'm not going to read it again to find out, it was punishment enough in high school English literature.<br>
Dan. <p></p><i></i>

Re: ineffective phalanx... - naso - 01-12-2003

I don't believe the phalanx was in the book and I envisioned something totally different from the undragon. Maybe something dragonlike but not something that you really see so clearly. We all know that the scariest things are those that we don't see. I like the films but I was just never very impressed with the ringwraiths becaus e they seemed very impotent in the film yet quite terrifying in the book. I think that the problem with modern directors and most audiences is that they want to see everything.<br>
Naso <p></p><i></i>

Re: ineffective phalanx... - Anonymous - 01-12-2003

I am glad I haven't read the books. There is still nothing that can compare with a person's own imagination. <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

Re: ineffective phalanx... - naso - 01-13-2003

You really should read the books if you're so inclined. Its really good but I guess you're right though. WHen you see it on the screen its never as good as your imagination.<br>
Naso <p></p><i></i>

Finally saw the movie - rekirts - 01-31-2003

Yah, it finally got here, out in the boonies. Saw Two Towers tonight. Golum was definitely the star. I don't know if it's because I was tired or because I'm gettin' old, but I had more trouble following this one than the last one. Couldn't keep all the characters' names straight and stuff. But it was fun to watch so I didn't mind being a bit confused. I have no intention of ever reading the books though. Tried once when I was younger and still had a functioning brain, and if I couldn't do it then, I sure as heck can't do it now.<br>
Wendy <p></p><i></i>

Good and Bad - Anonymous - 01-31-2003

I think a lot of it was truly along the lines of the book (the undragon/ fell beast is a direct representation from the art director who did several calendars off of the texts).<br>
I guess there were a few things that were alluded to that I didn't appreciate such as anything dealing with Arwen. That has been discussed ad infinitum so i'll save my "breath".<br>
But by the Christus, what in the hell were the men of Harad wearing? The pointy-romulan-jab-your-buddy-in-the-eye armor...I was stunned.<br>
I mean mixing of medieval/ late medieval with mildly fantasy stuff I can handle as long as it is remotely medievaloid. But the horns and outward jutting prongs on the armor...ugggh.<br>
C. Livius Germanicus <p></p><i></i>

Re: Good and Bad - Catiline - 01-31-2003

wasn't it the easterlings with the funny pointy eye things? Eotherway I htink the point was to make them look less like humans. <p></p><i></i>