Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - Printable Version

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Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - Marcus Mummius - 07-26-2007


Would a pointy germanic shield boss be suitable for an 1st century AD auxiliary Batavian impression?

And if so, which of the following types would be best suited?

[Image: schildb-spitz-polish.jpg]

[Image: schildb-spitz-flach-polish.jpg]

[Image: schildb-germanisch-hoch.jpg]

more in next post...

Re: Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - Gaius_Calvus - 07-26-2007


I don't know, but I DO know that I ordered the brass, rounded one I used on mine from Peronis, for a very reasonable amount.

I'll let Peronis or one of the other more knowledgable Batavians answer your original question, but I figured I'd let you know where I got mine in case you were looking for one and these pointed ones were not indicated.



Re: Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - martijn.wijnhoven - 07-26-2007

Since I have not been able to obtain a copy of the below mentioned book, I am not familiar with its contents. Nonetheless the title sounds promising for obtaining an answer to your question.

Good luck and best wishes,


Zieling, N.
1989 Studien zu germanischen Schilden der Spätlatène- und der römischen Kaiserzeit im freien Germanien. BAR International, Ser. 505, Oxford.

Re: Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - Marcus Mummius - 07-26-2007

Thanks guys, I got a bit distracted after this post lol :lol:

@Edge: was it a deepeeka brass umbo?

Here are the other pointy models:

[Image: shielboss-koerchow.jpg]

[Image: shielboss-koerchow-flach.jpg]

I like this one too. 40euro is a good price I think for a bronze one that is had driven, not spun.

[Image: schildb-bro-nag.jpg]

One of our new members is joining the Batavian horde (our auxilia) and he really likes these pointy bosses. But I'm not letting him have one without knowing if they are suitable. :wink:

I think I'm going to get the brass round one for myself and decorate it with punchwork like some of the originals and then partialy tin it. i think it would look pretty good. I'm not paying 600euro to get one of Holger Ratsdorf's decorated umbones Confusedhock:


Re: Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - Gaius_Calvus - 07-26-2007

Hi Jef,

It was not from DPKa, it was a spun, brass umbo that was made by a friend of Peronis. You can see it in the "Show your Roman Impression" thread on my COH I BAT impression clipeus.



Re: Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - garrelt - 07-26-2007

Hi Jef
There is a drawing of 2 "germanic" umbos in :

L'equipement militaire d'epoque republicaine en Gaule.
by Michel Feugere
Journal of Roman Militairy Equipment Studies 5 1994

In our region the problem is that these umbos are dated as early medieval.

boss - brennivs - tony drake - 07-26-2007

Marcvs Garrelt, rats beat me to it I was just about to put a pic up for you.
ps I will email you about sword :wink:
[Image: bose.jpg]
As you can see it was found with a Mainz or Fullum.
Regards Brennivs Big Grin

Re: Germanic shield boss for a batavian impression - Peroni - 07-27-2007

Quote:Would a pointy germanic shield boss be suitable for an 1st century AD auxiliary Batavian impression

Hi Jef,

The first two photos would be suitable for first century, they are typical Germanic first century bosses. I'm not certain on the very conical shape in the third photo.

I have one of the second types on one of my shields.

NOT the ones with spikes or buttons, these are much later.

The brass one you posted is perfect too.

The one posted by Tony (in black and white) was from an auxiliary soldier's grave at Verdun in Slovenia and dates from the Augustan period IIRC. It's taken from Michael Fugerre's 'Weapons of the Romans' (I have this shape in iron if you are interested! :wink: )