Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Printable Version

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Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Marcus Mummius - 08-09-2007


I'm looking for depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus in Roman art.

Does anyone have pictures or links?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - jvrjenivs - 08-09-2007

Mosaic in ostia Antica
(Regio V - Insula II - Domus della Fortuna Annonaria (V,II,8) Room 9)

I know I've seen coins and other pics of them in the museum of Rome, but have to find photographs of that.

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - jvrjenivs - 08-09-2007

And the coin

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Wes - 08-12-2007

I have a belt that has depictions of wolf and twins.....I can send you the extra plate if you want to borrow it for up close examination. I believe it is bronze.

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - M. CVRIVS ALEXANDER - 08-12-2007

Here is a couple from Tafel 82, Katalog auf Vindonissa.

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Marcus Mummius - 08-12-2007

Thanks guys!

Thanks for the offer Wes, but I make wolf and twin plates like this myself :wink:

I'm thinking about putting the wolf and romulus and remus on a vexillum. I don't think this has been done a lot. In some modern sources I read that the wolf and twins was an emblem that might have been, along with the bull and poseidon, connected to Legio XI for some reason (not exclusively to Legio Xi of course).

And now I'm looking for inspiration as to how I should do the drawing on the vexillum. I'm very bad at drawing so I need all the examples I can get :?

Kind regards,

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Wes - 08-12-2007

Found this: ... gulum.html ... mulus.html

OR the best ever!

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Marcus Mummius - 08-12-2007

Thanks Wes, this would make for a very intimidating vexillum indeed:

[Image: 702romulus.gif]

I would have to combine it with a fluffy pink bunny pelt on my helmet to finish the picture Tongue P P

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - brennivs - tony drake - 08-13-2007

Wes I like it :lol: :lol: here is ours we have it on our t shirts.
[Image: t1.jpg]
Regards Brennivs Big Grin

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Medusa Gladiatrix - 08-14-2007

Here's the photo of a relief stone showing the she-wolf with the twins which I saw last year at the exhibition "Imperium Romanum" in Stuttgart. It is the lower part of a grave building from Murrhardt, unfortunately the catalog of this exhibition does not say from which period it dates.

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Tertius Mummius - 08-16-2007

There was an Art project in Rome some two years ago, historic pictures of she-wolf and twins were painted on the walls of the Lunotevere embankments; just the outlines, but I've photographed some of them, I'll see that I dig in my photo archives this weekend.

There's another relief of a harbour scene, the group painted to the sail of a merchant (!) ship. I think it's in Konrad Viereck's fat "Roman Fleet" book, which, of course, is at home as well as the photo archive backup.

As I said, I'll look to it to dig up the pics, I'm posting this just in case you have an earlier access to these sources (not my photo archive of course).

Lookydat, I've found some pics of this Lungotevere project online - it seems that my visual memory has added the twins. At least there are some peculiar she-wolfes here:

Edit again: here's the sail.

Best Ever Depiction of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - D B Campbell - 08-17-2007

Quote:I'm looking for depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus in Roman art.
The best ever depiction of the wolf and twins is on a (3rd C) mosaic from the Roman town of Aldborough (Yorks., England), now in Leeds Museum.
[Image: WolfAndTwins_small.jpg]
For maximum amusement., it must be viewed along with Sir Ian Richmond's description:
Quote:Under a stark and scantily leaved fig-tree stalks a gaunt grey wolf. She is nothing like the real animal: her hind-quarters resemble those of a horse, her eyes gleam like buttons, her mouth gapes with a broad grin like a Cheshire cat. Her breasts are entirely missing and below their vacant place a pair of elf-like twins seethe in bewilderment. No wilder travesty of the foundation legend of Rome exists ...
Wonderful! Big Grin

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Marcus Mummius - 08-17-2007

Thanks everyone!

@Tertius Mummius: I'm looking forward to those pictures!

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - marsvigilia - 08-18-2007

[Image: spqr_loba.jpg]

Re: Depictions of the she-wolf and Romulus and Remus - Tertius Mummius - 08-19-2007

I'm sorry Marcus, but I only photographed the ugliest of the wolf murals in Rome. I strongly recommend the website, I think something can be done with No. 9 - as these murals are pictures after either coins or reliefs or mosaics, it'd be interesting to find the originals of those.

the least I could do was trying to get a better scan of the harbour scene sail. I attach it here, I hope it's good for something.

Btw. I finished the vexillum for the Coh. I. Thracorum just before Xanten – ... en/&page=1

I'd be glad to be of service for a member of our family :wink: