The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Printable Version

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The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Nerva - 01-10-2008

Some time back I said I had been given an excellent article written by Peter Connolly on the development of the Pilum from Marius to Nero by Len Morgan. Well it was well and truly lost, or so I thought. On cleaning out an old drawer the other night I found this article.

This article re-writes a lot of what we originally though about Pilum design. It is a 10 page article I will scan it over the week-end and post a copy up on our web-site as an Adobe Acrobat document.

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Gaius Julius Caesar - 01-10-2008

Look forward to seeing that!

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Marcus Mummius - 01-10-2008

I believe it's the one from Exercitus? It's a nice article indeed.


Pilum Article Connolly - Paullus Scipio - 01-10-2008

Really looking forward to seeing this!

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Marcus Mummius - 01-10-2008

Here's a nice thread about the pilum experiment I conducted some time ago. Connoly's article inspired us to do this experiment. Smile ... um&start=0


Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Magnus - 01-11-2008

Martin that is super generous of you! Thanks bud!

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Matthew Amt - 01-11-2008

Assuming you have permission from the copyright owner to do that, it will be a handy resource.


Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Sean Manning - 01-11-2008

Quote:Assuming you have permission from the copyright owner to do that, it will be a handy resource.

Ditto! That's an excellent article- I think it was in JRMES 10 or so. I'm lucky enough to have a copy myself via interlibrary loan.

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Nerva - 01-11-2008

Believe it or not Matthew...I do :wink: But I don't know how much you actually know about copyright law in Ireland and the UK. You might remember the high profile case involving the author Dan Brown and his book the DaVinci Code. The court held that he had not infringed copyright as he had credited the source of the material used.

By extension, copyright is probably not worth a dam any more, as long as the original source is acknowledged and credited it seems you can do as you like.

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Ross Cowan - 01-11-2008

Quote:By extension, copyright is probably not worth a dam any more, as long as the original source is acknowledged and credited it seems you can do as you like.

That's nonsense.

A useful summary of copyright law: ... impac.html

Scroll down to the 'I’ve had a great idea. Can copyright protect it?' heading for the Dan Brown case. Note that '"The authors [of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail] claimed that Dan Brown’s book infringed their copyright by taking its “central themeâ€

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Gaius Julius Caesar - 01-11-2008

Nerva:2zmqvsjh Wrote:By extension, copyright is probably not worth a dam any more, as long as the original source is acknowledged and credited it seems you can do as you like.

That's nonsense.

A useful summary of copyright law: ... impac.html

Scroll down to the 'I’ve had a great idea. Can copyright protect it?' heading for the Dan Brown case. Note that '"The authors [of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail] claimed that Dan Brown’s book infringed their copyright by taking its “central themeâ€

Copyright - Paullus Scipio - 01-11-2008

The summary is a useful and informative one to copyright in theory but no guide at all to the practicalities of copyright law in reality.

Nerva/Martin's view is probably just as valid as, if not more so, than Ross's, and here's why:-

Suppose someone were to re-print a great chunk of one of Ross's books in, say, a magazine article. Ross, quite rightly, says "That's a blatant breach of my copyright ! I'm going to sue !" His legal advisor might say"I'd think carefully about that if I were you!"
This is because it is not enough to show a breach of copyright (generally) - one must demonstrate actual loss and actual damage too. Ross might say;
"But it is going to affect sales of my book!"
Can he prove it? Probably not, unless sales figures dramatically dropped AND it could be proven this was the result of the breach. The Defence might even argue that their copyright breach, by publicising Ross's work, increased sales! And it's going to cost him tens of thousands to bring the case........
These matters, in legal terms, get very complex as can be seen from this hypothetical in reality, unless it is a major breach ( e.g. selling out-and-out copies, with a proven impact worth tens of thousands) no-one is going to sue for breach of copyright, so for the most part, Martin/Nerva's view will likely apply.................. :wink: :wink:
DISCLAIMER : The above is not intended to be legal advice, and every situation is unique. Readers are advised to obtain proper individual Legal advice in any copyright dispute in which they may be involved.

Re: Copyright - D B Campbell - 01-11-2008

Quote:Nerva/Martin's view is probably just as valid as, if not more so, than Ross's
Surely you're not advocating breaking the law, Paul?! :?

Copyright Law - Paullus Scipio - 01-11-2008

Duncan wrote:-
Quote:Surely you're not advocating breaking the law, Paul?!

Not at all Duncan ! .....and quite mischievous of you to suggest so! :wink:
....hence the disclaimer and warning to individuals to get advice appropriate to their own individual situation.

I was trying to demonstrate via a hypothetical case, with a blatant breach of copyright, that there are potentially great difficulties involved for the copyright-holder, which is why in real life, minor breaches of copyright are almost always ignored.
I have very real experience of this.
Many images taken from "Warfare in the Classical World" have been re-used, and/or copied in other publications and are to be found all over the net, the copyright of which belongs to me and Jeff Burn....hundreds, if not thousands of breaches of copyright !
There is, in reality, d**n all we can do about it.....just as Nerva/Martin has pointed out..........

Re: The Pilum from Marius to Nero - Peter Connolly - Nerva - 01-11-2008

Oh no, this is not at all what I intended...Look lads, we had a thread sometime back in which I said I had such an article and would let people have a look at it. Please let's not get all up in a huff about it.

Here's what I propose, if you want a copy of the article then email me and I'll send you on a copy, if you don't then just say nothing. This is just about information and education, nothing else.