Looking for a Roman Law specialist - Printable Version

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Looking for a Roman Law specialist - Jona Lendering - 05-06-2008

I am writing a book that contains several remarks on Roman Law. I know a bit about it, feel pretty certain about what I'm doing, but like to check it. Is there someone over here who knows a specialist in Roman law? (More to the point, he needs to know something about adulterium and stuprum.)

Re: Looking for a Roman Law specialist - caiusbeerquitius - 05-06-2008

Jill Harries would be a person to contact, I´d say. She´s teaching at St. Andrews. She´s a specialist in later Roman legal matters. Smile

Re: Looking for a Roman Law specialist - Sean Manning - 05-06-2008

I know Greg Rowe of the University of Victoria. He's done some work in Roman law, but I'm not sure if he'd call himself a specialist.

Re: Looking for a Roman Law specialist - SMC - 05-10-2008

Try Bernard Stolte of Groningen - he's a specialist on Late Roman / early Byzantine law and if memeory serves me correctly he's also a trained lawyer.

Re: Looking for a Roman Law specialist - Jona Lendering - 05-10-2008

Thanks all!