Obey the Kitten - Printable Version

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Obey the Kitten - cacrispvs - 05-10-2008

Confusedhock: :roll: :lol:

"If you ignore this advice you will be making a terrible mistake."

I ignored the effects so far.

So what do you think? Deepeeka or self-made?

Re: Obey the Kitten - Libitina - 05-11-2008

What a rude kitten Confusedhock: I'm afraid I disobeyed, I won't be doing anything "furiously" on a Sunday morning Big Grin

Re: Obey the Kitten - Gaius Julius Caesar - 05-11-2008

The cat look familiar.....hmmmmmm

Re: Obey the Kitten - M. Demetrius - 05-11-2008

I'll bet that kitten's arms get tired.

Re: Obey the Kitten - Gaius Julius Caesar - 05-11-2008

Must be...he's dropped his scutum and gladius somewhere......

Re: Obey the Kitten - Gaius Decius Aquilius - 05-11-2008

While I was viewing this, my kitten Titus jumped up on the desk to watch also. He was not very impressed and seems to be of the opinion that the kitten to obey is Titus, not some damn cartoon cat. Titus is well armed, and not squeemish about blood letting as any cat named after a Roman Emperor should be. The other cat that allows me to live here, Ramses the Great, is of similar mind.

R. Izard
who does what he is told to