How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Printable Version

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How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Julius Verax - 02-19-2009

Hi ,
Can anybody tell me how to make or where to buy a Vexillum standard please ? I dont need the woodwork or metalwork just the actual standard .

Ant help would be great ,

Julius .

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Neuraleanus - 02-19-2009

Salve Iulii

Vexilla were painted onto linen. Find someone who is good at stenciling. They could contain a zodiac symbol, or something symbolic, like victory on a globe as is shown on the vexillum found in Egypt, or the legio number and the initials of its name. For example, ours is a guess based on sculptural evidence of another legion:
[Image: file.php?mode=view&id=4734&sid=6ae006817...0471c90dbc]

LEG XXX legion 30
VV Ulpia Victrix

The fringe comes from a craft store and the dangilia on the sides I made from sheet brass.

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Julius Verax - 02-19-2009

Thanks Titus ,

Julius .

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - QVINTVS ARTORIVS CORVINVS - 02-19-2009

You canbuy them from SOTW -

or you can refer to Matt Amt's site:

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Julius Verax - 02-19-2009

I think buying one is the best option for me as I not that handy when it comes to this kind of thing . I will contact them to see if they have one for the VI Victrix .

Thanks for the help .

Julius .

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Theodosius the Great - 02-19-2009

Quote:They could contain a zodiac symbol, or something symbolic, like victory on a globe as is shown on the vexillum found in Egypt...

Yes, and the four 'gamma' symbols were also found on the Egyptian vexillum (as seen in the attachment above). BTW, does anyone know the dating for that vexillum ? I thought it was dated to the 3rd century.


Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Magnus - 02-20-2009

Make your's more fun. Use Matt Amt's Legio XX instructions...he can also tell you (if you email him) how to make your own fringe. It's time consuming but doesn't look synthetic like the store bought ones. Especially if you can get some wool yarn, or even a mixture.

I am not handy at all...really. If you look close at my gear it's kind of slapped together lol. But, here's the one I made. The spear tip I bought from Matt Lukes a long time ago, and I made all the components of the dangly straps, minus the terminal ends which I purchased from Raymond's Quiet Press. I also dyed the dangly straps blue, so you can play around with the colours a bit too if you make your own.

Use your computer (MS Word or Word pad even) to create your own stencil for the lettering. My letters are about 2.5 - 3 inches high. Print out what you want on the sheet, and use that to draw out the letters on the fabric you buy (a nice heavy linen is great!).

It's worth it in the end, since it's a fairly easy project but looks stellar when done, and you can say you made it.

[Image: VexFinished.jpg]

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - jvrjenivs - 02-20-2009

Indeed making your own isn't the hardest part of the kit and is a nice item to start with (where also the total amount of material needed isn't that expensive compared to your whole kit, so you can easily start over some time when you aren't satisfied anymore) And as it is the first item you've ever made for your kit, it will become important for you!

And I second that the fringe are also good to make yourself, which is not that hard and gives you a way better overall look. Good luck!

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Folkert van Wijk - 02-20-2009

Wy is the cloth always red and the emblem + text Yellow????

Is there an actual ancient find of an original as example, or ar we all copying from each other without giffing it a thought???

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Theodosius the Great - 02-20-2009

Quote:Wy is the cloth always red and the emblem + text Yellow????

Is there an actual ancient find of an original as example, or ar we all copying from each other without giffing it a thought???

Yes, there is an actual find from Egypt as Neuraleanus mentioned earlier in the thread.

Here's a drawing of the vexillum.

The same color scheme is used again on a vexillum in a fresco from Dura Europos.

The fresco can be seen here.

(Incidently, both the fresco and the find from Egypt date to the third century AD, IIRC.)


Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Julius Verax - 02-20-2009

I think I will give it a go then you have convinced me . Watch this space .......

Thanks lads

Julius .

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Magnus - 02-20-2009

Good luck'll do fine!

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Tertius Mummius - 03-10-2009

I think I should add this:

[attachment=0:pdu8qgio]<!-- ia0 vexillum_tertii.jpg<!-- ia0 [/attachment:pdu8qgio]

The velum is finished, with the fringes hand-fringed out of the original cloth being much more work than painting poor underdressed Victoria herself. This pic is from an earlier state of the work, the white chalk lines indicate where a yellow square has being added shortly after the pic has been taken.

I'm a bit uneasy with the preferred fixing method; somehow the sail-like cord that goes to the ends of the crossbar appeals more to me.

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Magnus - 03-11-2009

It's impossible to say whether or not that was done in conjunction with a fastener to the cross bar. The cord alone would not be sufficient to keep the vexillum in one spot.

Re: How to make or buy a Vexillum Standard - Chuck Russell - 03-11-2009

i made one once. i did my fringe differently. i sewed on a piece of yellow wool and then cut it into strips up to the seam. worked well i thought.