I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - Printable Version

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I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - gneuspartak - 09-04-2009

In this summer I have made the order here:
I do not know German language and have asked to order acquaintances.
I have sent money. I waited three months.
Then my acquaintances have informed that the order has not come, Holger Ratsdorf does not answer phone ,
does not answer on letters to.
I have sent the letter of such maintenance:

[quote]Sehr geehrt Holger Ratsdorf!
Ich weiß deutsch nicht, ich umgehe mich dadurch
Im Sommer habe ich bei Ihnen durch die Bekannten Bestellung gemacht.
Diese Bestellung:

"????? ????????
?????????: .
?406 2 ??
?137 2 ??
Rohguss, Messing 9,00 EUR .
Rohguss, Messing 32,00 EUR .
Rohguss, Messing 22,00 EUR .
Bronze verzinnt 29,00 EUR .
Rohguss, Messing 19,00 EUR
Total 138 eur "

Sie bekamen es?
Ich habe das Geld durch die Bekannten abgeschickt.
Sie waren darüber informiert?
Nach drei Monaten wurde ich beunruhigt sich.
Die Erklärung ich nicht bekommen hat gebeten, das Geld zurückzugeben.
Mir haben gesagt, dass auf die Klingeln und die Briefe Sie nicht antworten.
????????? lassen Sie ??? wissen es ist auf dieser Bestellung gemacht. Wenn er bis zu mir mit der Post ich ankommen wird garantiere ich die Bezahlung

Can any help me to contact Holger Ratsdorf, to find the information about it.

Re: I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - Sascha - 09-04-2009

Hi Denis,
you got an Invoice for it?

Or any Email of him or you paid it advance, without any reply of your order?

I know Holger is often not available, so if you paid without any answer or confirmation of him.
You can nothing do except to write him and to wait.


Re: I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - gneuspartak - 09-04-2009

Money was sent by my friends.
Have told that Holger has confirmed the order.
Accounts are not present.

Now I have decided to write itself, personally.
If Holger will answer and will confirm that will send the order, I will send money personally once again.

Re: I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - Gaius Julius Caesar - 09-05-2009


Holger has recently moved home, and is / was still setting up his workshop, last time I heard from him.
I m too, waiting patiently for an order from him.
He usually surprises you with an e-mail, saying, your things are done, pay me :roll: :lol:
It is well worth the wait! 8)

Re: I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - gneuspartak - 09-05-2009

Gaius Julius Caesar
Can you repeat my aquestion to him?
Unfortunately, i dnt now, where my money now: maby my friends have received money back, or maby Holger cash money.
If maney back, Ill send once again.
if Holger money, I wait for Holgers signal.

Re: I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - Gaius Julius Caesar - 09-06-2009

I will certainly pass along your querie, but as I was saying , he can go long periods without reply, but nothing sinister in it,
just a very busy man.
And a really nice guy too. 8)

Re: I need help and info about Holger Ratsdorf - gneuspartak - 09-06-2009
