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GreekArmyTalk - richsc - 05-31-2003

Is there enough interest, and considering that JAMS could be construed as broad enough, for a GreekArmyTalk? <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>

Re: GreekArmyTalk - Anonymous - 05-31-2003

I have plans to do a hoplite (spartan, if I can) panoply...sure, i'd go for it....but I'd wait....if there are movies coming out about the greek wars, then I'd launch GAT a month or so before they come out.<br>
Why is it I have so many things I want to do....and so little time???? <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
"Nothing happens to any man, which he is not formed by nature to bear."<br>
- Marcus Aurelius<br>
- Number of posts: current +1248</p><i></i>

Re: GreekArmyTalk - rekirts - 05-31-2003

So much history--so little time. <p></p><i></i>

Re: GreekArmyTalk - Muzzaguchi - 06-01-2003

I would be very interested in a GAT. (!) I have been doing as much work on aspects of Greek warfare as I have on Roman. Especially for theory (Aeneas Tacticus, Xenophon, Polybius, Asclepiodotus, Onasander, Aelian, Arrian and Polyaenus et al). Although many wrote under the Roman Republic or Empire they were the inheritors of a Greek tradition which they fully embraced and made no apologies for. I therefore see little problem in accepting them as Greek.<br>
Ohh look I've already started!<br>
Murray / Muzzaguchi <p>It is an unscrupulous intellect that does not pay Antiquity its due reverence - Erasmus of Rotterdam<br>
'Modern history, like a deaf man, answers questions no one asks' - Tolstoy War and Peace Ep. ii.1</p><i></i>

Re: GreekArmyTalk - richsc - 06-01-2003

Could always ask Jen to set one up. <br>
I seem to remember that in many of the McBride paintings, aren't all the Greek soldiers mostly nude? or at least no pants of any type. That might be very entertaining to Jen and the other women here, but which of you brave souls is going to do that? <p>Richard Campbell, Legio XX<br>

Re: GreekArmyTalk - Anonymous - 06-02-2003

I'll do it. Think of how inexpensive it will be to equip. <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
"Nothing happens to any man, which he is not formed by nature to bear."<br>
- Marcus Aurelius<br>
- Number of posts: current +1248</p><i></i>

. - Catiline - 06-02-2003

and who's going to reenact the Theban scared band... <p></p><i></i>

Scare... er, SACRED band! - scythius - 06-02-2003

Avete, omnes<br>
Y'know, iff'n I was in a sacred band, I'd be scared too!...<br>
Scythius <p></p><i></i>

Re: Scare... er, SACRED band! - Daniel S Peterson - 06-02-2003

Well, count me in, (Greek Army Talk, that is, NOT the Theban Sacred Band!). But on THAT subject, I regret to report that the Alexander the Great movie that they are going to do seems to be the controversial 'pro-homo' one. Clearly, if this is the case, it will be a terrible blow to ancient Greek reconstruction/reenactment groups, except maybe those starting up in San Francisco.<br>
Dan <p></p><i></i>

Re: Scare... er, SACRED band! - Anonymous - 06-02-2003

Quote:</em></strong><hr>controversial 'pro-homo' one. Clearly, if this is the case, it will be a terrible <strong>blow</strong> to ancient Greek reconstruction/reenactment groups, except maybe those starting up in San Francisco.<hr><br>
Intentional or not, that was a great play on words dan...Bravo! <p>Magnus/Matt<br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" Coh I<br>
"Nothing happens to any man, which he is not formed by nature to bear."<br>
- Marcus Aurelius<br>
- Number of posts: current +1248</p><i></i>

GAT - Anonymous - 06-15-2003

Sounds grand!<br>
Has anyone ever thought of putting together an Fund for Investing in Group Interests? Such as historical properties that might be turned into cash generating re-enacting battle scenes, with fortified cities , such as a recreation of Troy or maybe an historic Temple of the Gods?<br>
regards, <p></p><i></i>

Re: GAT - Anonymous - 06-17-2003

I'd also be interested a GAT. I am currently working on a Thracian peltast impression. You have to like to those funky boots. <p></p><i></i>

Re: GAT - Anonymous - 06-17-2003

Excellent! Count me in!<br>
Quote:</em></strong><hr>Clearly, if this is the case, it will be a terrible blow to ancient Greek reconstruction/reenactment groups, except maybe those starting up in San Francisco.<hr><br>
OMG!...LOL! <img src="" style="border:0;"/> <p><em>- Dave</em><br>
</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>The Caesarion Section</A> at: 6/17/03 7:16 pm<br></i>

Re: GAT - Anonymous - 07-01-2003

GAT - cool. count me in. though could we also cover a bit of persia in it if it ever happens - they were one of the greek states worst enemies and biggest threats. <p></p><i></i>