Algerian sites - Printable Version

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Algerian sites - Musivarius - 02-09-2010

I've just had a brochure through from a company which has started running trips into algeria to visit, amongst others, Timgad and Lambaesis. Anyone been to Algeria or know if there is much to see?
There's quite a bit of security to accompany the trips too!

Re: Algerian sites - Robert - 02-17-2010

Have a look at Tipaza, a Roman harbour town in Algeria. Very nice ruins, good mosiacs, very well preserved stretch of Roman road. I was there back in '85 with BP on a recon mission for Sahara oil blocks, so I have no idea how it looks these days. These pictures seem recent, there has been some further cleaning up of the ruins, when I was there, the theater was still partialy overgrown.

Re: Algerian sites - Musivarius - 02-18-2010

Thanks Robert, I was beginning to think no one had been there! The images are great and that's definately one site I want to see. The travel company running the trips was all booked up for September so I'm looking at some others.

I passed through Algeria about 20 years ago, just when the troubles were starting but maybe it's beginning to open up a little more now?

Algerian sites - ParthianBow - 02-18-2010

It must be, as Andante Travels are going there too - unless that's the company you're talking about? ... geria.html

According to an Algerian guy in a shop I was in recently (it's like 'the guy I met down the pub' :lol: ), the situation is much better there of recent years. Certainly the horrific killings in all the villages by the 'extremists' don't seem to be in the news like they used to...Have fun if you go, and post up some photos!
(I'm intending to take an Andante Travels tour to Tunisia and Carthage later in the year. Woo hoo! 8) )

Re: Algerian sites - Musivarius - 02-18-2010

Yes that's the one, they've got some great looking trips haven't they?

They have no places on the Algeria trip in September but have some in May which I can't make. I'm used to travelling on my own but in some places it's better to go a company that can make the arrangements for you otherwise you end up wasting so much time just trying to get around.

Algerian sites - ParthianBow - 02-18-2010

Their trips look amazing - I want to go on all the ancient world ones! I couldn't agree more about going around on one's own - that's what I do normally too. However, avoiding the waste of time thing is a huge benefit, and their 'Bare Bones' tours, which are the ones I'd use, allow days off to do one's own thing. Sounds like a win-win situation. I also like the idea of a specialist archaeologist being on board to grill every day! Big Grin

How annoying that you can't go in May, or September! :evil: Good luck finding another company.