Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - Printable Version

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Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - Titus Quartinius Saturnal - 03-24-2010

Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 2010 (Memorial Weekend)

Now that Lafe is over I wanted to remind everyone that Castra Aestiva V is fast approaching. The event is located just south of Tillsonburg in Ontario which is 2 hours drive from Port Huron or 3 hours from Detroit and about 2.5 hours from Buffalo. The event features military leadership, black smiting, patrols, drill, archery, pilum, sling and rock throwing competitions at a recreated Roman marching camp. last year we had nearly 30 roman reenactors out. For more information conatact [email protected]

Re: Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - The_Mariner - 05-31-2010

A most splendid event again this year, quickly becoming the Canadian equivalent
of LAFE (We like to think of it as LAFE's Little Brother) :wink:

the weather was supper with the offerings to the gods not going unnoticed,
25-30 Deg C (75-85 F) during the day and 12-15 Deg C at night (50-60 F),
Sunny all weekend.

The Fort being completed as far as Gate house, Trench, and Walls is concerned
and provided a great centerpiece for the many patrols and camp life. The layout of
the camp was expertly organized this year as we needed to be more in control as the
event continues to grow and we see larger groups and more individuals attending,
this is a good thing and will not hamper us now that we have a good system in place .

A visit to the fort by young distant relatives was cut short when their convoy was
ambushed by the barbarians and hostages taken. Patrols dispatched to try and
save and recover them having less than desirable results, A final meeting and
defense of the fort and a grand melee just outside the walls provided the final
demise of the Barbarians and the break for lunch on Sunday. Friday and Saturday
nights the fire was high and the conversations around it and under the awnings kept
everyone up to date and full of new information and points to ponder.

Vendors had everything from blades, Pottery, Gourds, Leather goods, Slings, baskets and boxes
and many types of lanterns, Fibule, and other decorative and useful items and so much more.

Sunday Mornings rout march was a good way to shake out the armour and aquatint with
the local neighbors (a few farms away) and new friends were made.

The Siege engine/archery/Pila ranges were popular on Saturday and Sunday when we were
between patrols and other duties.

Our bellies were kept full with many delicious treats, everyone really enjoying the Leak-patties
pitas (fresh) and of course the HUGE Sauer-Bratten and delicious gravy that went well with the mixed
vegetables on Saturday Night. Terry always making sure everyone was well fed and
no one went away hungry.

Units attending were : 2nd-Agusta, 24th, 30th and a few individuals, Barbarian groups that are growing and
recruiting quite successfully. All in all we all had so very much fun and we would just love
to see more of you out there!

A HUGE thanks goes to our host and the work he has done and continues to do on making this
fort and this event such a special place for us to attend.
Thank-you Titus Quartinius Saturnal

We had a special photographer and i am sure will have some stunning photos of the event for all soon!
(Including pictures of the HUGE Sauer-Bratten cooking slowly over the fire!

Come out and Join us next time!

Re: Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - Titus Quartinius Saturnal - 05-31-2010

This event is always held on the Memorial Day Weekend. This year we had over 30 out for the event. The fort walls are now up and the Celts spent considerable energy trying to take the fort. The Legions were represented by II Augusta, Legio XXX and Legio XXIV along with our Celts Lead By Keith Abbott. Food was organized by Terrentivs Lvcanvs. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those who came to our 5th anual event. We plan to build corner towers and improve the main gate for next years event.
T. Quartinius Saturnalus
[email protected]

Re: Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - Gaius Julius Caesar - 06-08-2010

Look forward to seeing the photos.

Re: Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - The_Mariner - 06-09-2010

Here are some of the photos, there are so many more will try and get links to others

that should be enough of a tease for you to get a little idea
some are without armour as it was at about 30 degrees C
and humid so we did not want to prove a point and have
people fall down just to look good. We did wear our armour
when it got cooler and for some of the battles.

Re: Castra Aestiva V Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada May 29 & 30, 20 - Gaius Julius Caesar - 06-09-2010

The look on the guy in the gateway in the first pic says it all :lol:
Wish I had known the Romans had glasses, I could have forgotten about eye surgery :mrgreen:

A good selection of kit and equipment on display! Smile

Send some of that weather this way please!