Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Printable Version

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Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - John Conyard - 07-22-2010

This weekend Comitatus will be taking Senhosue Roman Museum, Maryport back to AD 410. Six cavalrymen will be practicing at 11 am with shows at 1 and 3 pm.

The museum is set on the cliff, and has a reconstructed watchtower. Set in an old Victoria artillery Hall known as the Battery, the museum displays the largest group of Roman military altar stones and inscriptions from any site in Britain and unique examples of Romano-British religious sculpture. The collection, which was begun by the Senhouse family in the 1570s, is the oldest in the country, and is of international importance. Most of the objects in the Museum derive from the fort at Maryport and the Roman civil settlement attached to it. In the Museum grounds, you can climb the observation tower for a clear view of the full extent of the site, which recent geophysical survey has revealed to have been one of the largest and best preserved in the north. Or so I've just read Smile

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Robert Vermaat - 07-22-2010

The museum is set on the cliff, and has a reconstructed watchtower. Set in an old Victoria artillery Hall known as the Battery, the museum displays the largest group of Roman military altar stones and inscriptions from any site in Britain and unique examples of Romano-British religious sculpture. The collection, which was begun by the Senhouse family in the 1570s, is the oldest in the country, and is of international importance. Most of the objects in the Museum derive from the fort at Maryport and the Roman civil settlement attached to it. In the Museum grounds, you can climb the observation tower for a clear view of the full extent of the site, which recent geophysical survey has revealed to have been one of the largest and best preserved in the north. Or so I've just read Smile
Not to mention some local attractions:
German LImes
Or so I've just read. :lol:

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - John Conyard - 07-27-2010

The weather wasn't kind, but good for Cumbria. It is possible that the Roman name for the fort and settlement at Maryport is derived from a Celtic word which described its location, perhaps meaning 'beautiful, wonderful' (q.v. Gaelic alainn(e) 'elegant, beautiful, splendid'). And the location certainly is that. But few people came to see us, around 400 over the two days, and sunny weather and big crowds would have helped. But the museum was happy and the crowds made some lovely comments. One family even came up to see us a second time this month because one of their sons had missed the show at Ribchester.

The shows were the best of the season so far. Thousands of high quality pictures were taken, and in a few weeks they will start going up on the website. Graham Sumner took these for us. Note the clouds and the poor formation drill :roll:

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Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - jvrjenivs - 07-27-2010

Lovely pictures. I'm looking more and more forward to the end of next month, when I'll be back in England again and I can finally have my first ride with Roman Cavalry thanks to comitatus Big Grin

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Gaius Julius Caesar - 07-31-2010

Wish I had made it to see you lot there. I was foot slogging at Glenham hall that weekend....

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Robert Vermaat - 08-03-2010

Some excellent pictures by Graham Sumner who visited this event.

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Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Gaius Julius Caesar - 08-03-2010

Good photos.

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Vindex - 08-03-2010

Very good pictures - certainly getting up a good pace on the horses by the look of it!

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - John Conyard - 08-03-2010


Thousands of pictures were taken. Not all of them as good as Graham's.

[attachment=4:32hkwbly]<!-- ia4 Maryport 1 - Copy.JPG<!-- ia4 [/attachment:32hkwbly]
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[attachment=0:32hkwbly]<!-- ia0 Maryport 5 - Copy.JPG<!-- ia0 [/attachment:32hkwbly]

Some of the horses can certainly shift. I felt at times we were manoeuvring too slowly last season. This season it faster and a little edgy at times.

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Gaius Julius Caesar - 08-03-2010

The kontos shot is looking full on! Wouldn't want to pole vault that..... :o

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Vindex - 08-03-2010

Beads are looking good too!

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - PhilusEstilius - 08-03-2010


I just have to say that I am delighted to see my Straubing Chamfrons being used at last absoloutely wonderfull, this is the first time I have ever seen them being worn on horses.
I'm very sure that my late friend Raymond Selkirk would also have been just as delighted, for they were used at the western end of his 255 line Roman frontier.

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Robert Vermaat - 08-03-2010

Hi John,
You are all looking very good. When I see these pictures of the group, I'm reminded of 'that movie' with the 'so-called Sarmatians'. Comitatus would have looked so much better! Big Grin
Can you tell us who is who and on what horse please?
Quote:[Image: DSC_0165.jpg]

Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Graham Sumner - 08-04-2010

Quote:When I see these pictures of the group, I'm reminded of 'that movie' with the 'so-called Sarmatians'. Comitatus would have looked so much better!
Can you tell us who is who and on what horse please?

From left to right: Bors, Tristram, Galahad, Gawain, Lancelot and finally Artorius Castus. I do not recall the names of the horses but as they are the spirits of dead warriors perhaps at least one is called Dagonet! Big Grin


Re: Maryport Roman Festival, Senhouse Museum. 24/25 July - Gaius Julius Caesar - 08-04-2010

Hmmmm. :?