Levels of Reenactment Groups - Printable Version

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Levels of Reenactment Groups - richsc - 08-08-2003

As this Roman hobby keeps growing, some of us have been wondering about the ability to deduct some of our expenses, and have been asking about non-profit status. There is quite a difference, I understand, between Federal and state status in the US. I know the Civil War folks have this all worked out. Is there a good guide out there for reenactors in general? For purposes of keeping tax records, is it important to keep names unique? What sort of records do you keep and how detailed do they have to be?<br>
There sure are a lot of Civil War groups out there, for example, and I'm sure these questions have been addressed.<br>
What about for-profit groups? Are any CW folks in that category? I was wondering about the ESG and that commercial Legio XIV in the UK, and if they were both commercial, and if any in the US were. Anyone with any experience along these lines that can provide some general pointers on organization? I think we're particularly interested in the non-profit side.<br>
And for pure hobby groups that don't attempt any tax paperwork, are there any tax implications or other general issues to consider? <p>Legio XX<br>
Fortius Conamur<br>

Taxes.. - Robert Vermaat - 08-08-2003

What is it with US folks and taxes? Somehow I get the silly idea that not a single US citizen actually want to pay taxes.. Whatever gave me that idea? <br>
Maybe, if a little less energy was spent in getting taxes lowered (which, as I've been told, are not that high compared to certain countries anyway), and that energy was spent ensuring that those taxes were better spent..<br>
(oops, I think I feel a EU silly spending wave coming on..)<br>
Give Ceasar what's due to caesar..<br>
(who's now hiding under the table after havinf opened this can' a wurms ) <p></p><i></i>

Re: Taxes.. - richsc - 08-09-2003

You're right there. Americans are obsessed with taxes. Avoiding them, and making others pay them.<br>
I actually prefer the complete hobby path but if you do take reimbursements from school demos that puts you in an awkward position if you don't have a tax-exempt status. <p>Legio XX<br>
Fortius Conamur<br>

Re: Taxes.. - Robert Vermaat - 08-09-2003

I guess in order to pay taxes over income from events, be it school demos or the display stuff (dare I say it), the group or the individual neds to to be registered as a society or something first. That may be a lot of paperwork to begin with? Or do you need that for insurance in the first place?<br>
Valerius <p></p><i></i>