Fighting in Sabratha - Printable Version

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Fighting in Sabratha - Justin I - 08-19-2011

Some bad news from a country with many beautiful ancient ruins.

11 hours 37 min ago - Libya
Libyan rebel forces celebrated the capture of Sabratha on the coast road between the Tunisian border and the capital Tripoli on Thursday, after a four-day battle with pro-Gaddafi government troops.
Securing the city would tighten the insurgents' control over supply lines to the capital from Tunisia, which they all but severed with the capture of Az Zawiyah closer to Tripoli earlier this week.
A Reuters team in Sabratha, on the coast about 80 km west of Tripoli, said a group of 200 rebels were in the centre of the town firing rifles and anti-aircraft guns into the air in celebration.
Fighters and locals told Reuters the rebels now control 90 percent of the ancient Roman town of Sabratha, and had just pushed forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi out of its Telel district.
They said the battle for the town had been going on for three or four days.
A local man said the breakthrough came when NATO bombed a military training facility in the centre of Sabratha. After that strike, the rebels stormed the facility and seized weapons. - Reuters

Let's hope they fought as delicately as possible given the circumstances. Hopefully the war will end soon.
(That blog, BTW, is handy for keeping up on the latest news there)

Re: Fighting in Sabratha - Medicus matt - 08-19-2011

The ruins are all north of the coastal road and the modern town where the fighting has been taking place. The 'military training facility' was actually a small base for one of the Libyan Army Signal Corps and was in the southern central part of the town. I'm told that no damage has been done to the ruins in the archaeological park.

Re: Fighting in Sabratha - Justin I - 08-19-2011

Great! Hopefully the same can be said for the rest of the ruins in the country.

Re: Fighting in Sabratha - Justin I - 08-22-2011

Turns out two days after saying 'hopefully the war will end soon,' it looks like it's wrapping up.
Cheers! Hopefully they make the best of an historic opportunity.

Re: Fighting in Sabratha - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 08-22-2011

No modern politics please !