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Gladiator sequel firms up - Gashford - 09-12-2003

Hello all,<br>
I came across the following on and thought you might be interested:<br>
Scott working on Gladiator sequel<br>
Ridley Scott says he's expecting to complete a sequel to Gladiator by early 2005.<br>
The new movie will pick up where the first left off, focusing on Lucilla's son, Lucius.<br>
But Scott says he is "shifting the focus considerably" away from gladiatorial action to concentrate on politics.<br>
The cast has yet to be decided, but it is thought that original star Russell Crowe may make a short appearance.<br>
Scott told "It's written. We've already done quite a lot of work and the draft's in now. The target would be early 2005.<br>
"It's the next generation. Roman history is so exotic that any part of it is really fascinating. History is far more exotic than anything you can dream up. The film will take the next step, which is the son. Lucilla's son, Lucius.<br>
"I wouldn't touch the gladiatorial side again, we have to go to the next step. There will be more politics and praetorians. The parts that are interesting, which always lead to conflict."<br>
All the best <p>Graham Ashford
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Re: Gladiator sequel firms up - rekirts - 09-12-2003

"Roman history is so exotic that any part of it is really fascinating"--and yet they always feel the need to make it even more exotic...<br>
Wendy <p>"I am an admirer of the ancients,but not like some people so as to despise the talent of our own times." Pliny the Younger</p><i></i>

ditto - JRSCline - 09-12-2003

Waaaaaahhh! What's so wrong with history that directors need to rewrite everything??? Sigh...<br>
Jenny <p></p><i></i>

Re: ditto - Jeroen Pelgrom - 09-15-2003

Quote:</em></strong><hr>will be more politics and praetorians. The parts that are interesting, which always lead to conflict<hr><br>
Guess that this will be yet another movie in which the Good guy (= Lucilla's son, Lucius) who will be confromted be the evil Praetorians (who of course are dressed in black..)<br>
another sigh..<br>
<p>Volo anaticulam cumminosam meam!</p><i></i>

Re: Gladiator sequel firms up - Gaius Octavius Drusus - 09-19-2003

How would it be possible for Maximus to make a brief appearance in the sequel (which is supposed to take up where the first movie left off)? Didin't he sorta die at the end fo the first film?<br>
Gaius <p></p><i></i>

Re: Gladiator sequel firms up - rekirts - 09-19-2003

Maybe he'll appear in a flashback scene. Or even better, appear as a ghost.<br>
Wendy <p>"I am an admirer of the ancients,but not like some people so as to despise the talent of our own times." Pliny the Younger</p><i></i>

Re: Gladiator sequel firms up - Anonymous - 09-19-2003

Unpublished Hollywood rules: (Secret files 18056/b sub.34):<br>
"Resurrection is a violation of the physical laws of the universe."<br>
However, in case of unexpectedly spectacular financial returns a rewrite is always an option.<br>
(See "Dallas" year three: "It was all a dream....!" "StarWars II, uh I mean V: The Empire Strikes Back" Obi Wan: "The Force is more powerful than you can imagine, Luke." And the everlasting "Dracula: Part Infinity!")<br>
Wait a minute...a Vampire Gladiator? Gotta go and call my agent. Let's do lunch; have your people call my people. Ciao!<br>
WH <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Togaman</A> at: 9/19/03 11:20 pm<br></i>

Togas and Troops - Catiline - 09-20-2003

awww come on lets have some realism here. Gladiators have to fight when people can see them so in the day time. It'd be easy enough to rake all that vampire dust into the arena sand i suppose... <p></p><i></i>

Fools one and all!! - Gashford - 09-21-2003

Don't you guys know anything about amphitheatres, the awnings across the tops would stop the direct sunlight and the vampire gladiators could fight on!!<br>
All the best <p></p><i></i>

Togas and Troops - Catiline - 09-21-2003

We can werewolves fighting the bestiarii. hang on, people turning into animals at night and ending up in the Arena. Lucius Apuleius already thought of that one. THough i can't quite see the metamorphoses making it into the cinemas as a general release. A bit umm, arthouse. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Unpublished laws of Hollywood - Anonymous - 09-21-2003

Once again, I urge caution and restraint. Remember, we are discussing Hollywood Vampires, not archaic medieval legends. We are now living in the age of the Post-Modernist Vampire (Blade and Blade II and the new release Underworld) where the dark creature of the undead can with, the right pharmcological cocktail, sunblocking skincream, contact lenses and cool shades, not even be limited to the" from dusk to dawn" limitations that even Mexican vampires abide by these days. What, you say? None of the miracles of modern science existed in ancient Rome? That didn't stop Ridley Scott before; he had a Post-Modernist Rome, Rennaissance-retro costumes and armour, and Rennaissance architecture; all these minor objections are easily dealt with. As always, let's consult the manual:<br>
Unpublished Rules (II. A; 37952©): "When deciding between immutable practices of custom, tradition, scientific fact, common sense plotlines or historic fact and the prospects of summer blockbuster revenues that can cover even the most ridiculous expense account padding, always choose style over substance, violence over mutual diplomacy, and adolescent sex fantasies in large doses over all else and the public will always buy it."<br>
Therefore: Vampire Gladiators in black leather designer outfits, ninja weapons, and, are you ready? Chariots from HELL! I see megabucks! The test script already in development has real promise:<br>
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Valeria: "Gaius, what kind of gladiator is that? He doesn't look like a Thracian?"<br>
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Gaius: "That's one of the Emperor's new captives from the Carpathian Alps. (Ominous chords on Soundtrack) He's...a Dacian!"<br>
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Valeria: "The Retarius is trying to net him. Look! He's chewing his way through the net. He's ... He's... biting his neck, sucking his blood. (clutching her veil) Take me to the vomitorium, Gaius. Now!"<br>
So we get black leather bikini vampires from Lesbos, those black Rider horses from LOTR for the chariots, and Maximus can rise from the sands of the arena with ominous laughter, "What we do now echoes in eternity! hahahahahah...!"<br>
The DVD sales alone will be staggering. Let's save the werewolves and beastiality for the sequel if the grosses for Underworld are good this weekend. Art House? Schmarthouse! MAXIMUS VS. THE GOLDEN ASS! Not even Steve Reeves could top that title. I really think were onto something here, gentlemen; let's not let a pettyfogging plothole like sunlight stand in the way of profits.<br>
Gluteus Minimus Albanus<br>
Accounting Department<br>

Re: Unpublished laws of Hollywood - Frank Miranda - 09-22-2003

Apparently, they had a dream sequence in mind for Maximus/Crowe (a la Kyle Reeves/Michael Biehn in Terminator 2). I've read that Crowe didn't go for it- but it was probably nixed in development.<br>