First Century Amphora - Still Full of Wine! - Printable Version

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First Century Amphora - Still Full of Wine! - Vindex - 08-17-2012


Re: First Century Amphora - Still Full of Wine! - M. Caecilius - 08-17-2012

Nice! Good vintage, I'm sure Trimalchio would approve.

Unless they're onto a spot of bad luck, and it's 2000 year old garum. Tongue

Incidentally... the amphora was lost between 1960 and now?? How does one manage to lose a meter-tall amphora that's still in one piece?

Re: First Century Amphora - Still Full of Wine! - Vindex - 08-17-2012

LOL Having worked with a few museum archives I can easily believe it, sadly.

The good thing is that the wine is still there after it was lost and found again. :wink: