Museums in Europe - Printable Version

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Museums in Europe - richsc - 06-23-2013

This is bound to have been done before, so is there a list of the museums and locations specifically about Romans anywhere?

Museums in Europe - Vindex - 06-23-2013

There was a thread started by someone going on holiday to Europe from USA (I think) and wanted to know which were the best museums. I'll see if I can find it, but that would be a start.

Museums in Europe - Simplex - 06-28-2013

I faintly remembered 2 threads touching that subject --- may be outdated by now
.... that's what I found swiftly. There may be other threads about that subject.



Museums in Europe - John W Davison - 07-14-2013

This one is more of a question to the community at large rather than an answer to the thread, but could RAT be used as a host for a Wikipedia-type directory?

A fairly standardised format could be set-up (Museum name, country, region, link to museum website, areas of relevance to RAT, charges/gift shop etc, as well as a free-form section on "tips" - e.g. museum closed Mondays, "Information in Spanish, English & French" or "closed for restoration when I visited in Spring 2012" etc, and users could contribute sites and edit to add their insights, building a directory gradually.

I do tend to keep reasonable holiday diaries of sites I visit on the European mainland as well as being familiar with lots of UK sites, and I am sure there is a mine of information in RATers' collective heads.

It could also be extended to cover worthwhile archaeological sites without museums.

Any thoughts anyone? Could RAT host "Wiki-museum-directory" (and can anyone think of a better name)?
