Help needed on Pilum - Printable Version

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Help needed on Pilum - Aryan Steels - 05-24-2014

Hello to all,

Though we make pilums and in an endeavour to make them more close to original findings,we need your help.

I would appreciate any pic or construction plan for pilum that is close to originals with measurements.

I am sure that all respected members will help us to make pilum more acceptable by giving their suggestions/advises


Help needed on Pilum - Flavivs Aetivs - 05-24-2014

You should check out the Legio XX Page Suhel:

Help needed on Pilum - 66kbm - 05-24-2014

HI....A Pilum is a throwing weapon, it changed over many years. Can you say what era you want your Pilum from please?
There are many examples in the archeological record, but of what era do you require?
Aso styles of Pilum overlapped eras, as did swords ,daggers, etc.

Help needed on Pilum - Flavivs Aetivs - 05-24-2014

I think it's a generic principate Pilum from talking to Suhel.

Would be great to see a Republican Pilum on the Market. Or a Spiculum.

Help needed on Pilum - 66kbm - 05-24-2014

Evan....I want to these people to develope a specific type of pilum for an era......too much gear on the market covers...."1st cent AD",etc etc generic.....general makes of gear is no longer acceptable. to us as it may have done in years past.


Help needed on Pilum - Flavivs Aetivs - 05-24-2014

Yeah I know what you're saying. If you want Suhel to make a more specific product, post some specific info/pics.