Soldier Collection - Printable Version

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Soldier Collection - Lucius Cornelius Traianus - 04-24-2005


After seeing your beautiful Models I am somewhat reluctant to display mine. They are not in settings like yours. I rather collect them and keep them off a fixed base so I can arrange them a my wishing.

I have included some of the arrangements in the following photos.

As you will be able to see some are dressed in dated uniforms and others are in accordance to the maker´s information.

Greek, Macedonia, Etruscans (lead/tin 54mm) ...

Julius Caesar & Command (lead/tin 54 mm) ...

Greek Hoplites (please disregard that they are commanded by Roman Centurions (lead/tin 54 mm) ...

Another artist´s misconception "Caesar leading Legionnaires in Lorica Segmented Armour" (Resin casted 95 mm) ...

Republic & Early Augustian (lead/tin 54 mm) ...

And for the moment that will be it. I am preparing more photos to bring down on this Topic.

Stephen McMahon

Re: Soldier Collection - Praefectusclassis - 04-24-2005

Hi Stephen,
Nice collection you have there. What brand are they? I recognize several Andrea figs in the last photo, but the other ones?

Re: Soldier Collection - Lucius Cornelius Traianus - 04-24-2005


The resin made soldiers of 95 mm are the PAPO collection located in Evry, France.

And as mentioned, most of 54 mm lead/tin collection are of Miniaturas Andreu of Madrid - Spain

The centurions displayed in Julius Caesar & Command plus the ones with the Greek Hoplites are produced by Miniaturas Almirall Palou, S.L. of Bracelona - Catalunya - Spain

The Greek Hoplites that are in standing formation are produced by a Company in China for a collection offered by The French Petroleum Company AgripEspaña, S.A.

Stephen McMahon Smile

Re: Soldier Collection - Uwe Bahr - 04-25-2005


thank You for Your very friendly words. You should not be reluctant, it's always a joy to see the collections of others that have the same interest and hobby as oneself and I wish there would be more on this forum. The problem with settings is that You have to spend much time in planning, modeling, scratching, painting, not to forget the whole research before it starts and I am a little bit lazy last time... I am eager to see Your next photos.

Greets - Uwe

Re: Soldier Collection - FAVENTIANVS - 04-25-2005

Steve: I have that same Andrea collection too! But had to modify most of them, I mean painting it..., specially the late commander with that Budapest experiment helmet, I had to remove it dramatically... I'll post some pics too.

Re: Soldier Collection - Lucius Cornelius Traianus - 04-30-2005


Here are a few more photos of my collection.

This is a collection from a Company OLIVER of Valencia made for King Herod´s Castle for Christmas Manger Scenes Figures Resin 95mm ...

Mostly Miniatures Andrea Roman Imperial Legionaries lead/tin 54mm ...

Imperial Legionnaires by Miniatures Almirral Palou S.L. of Barcelona lead/tin 54 mm ...

Once again from the the French Agip Petroleum Company 54mm produced in China ...

Collection of various makers. The 2 legionnaires plus general & emperor were bought in 1974. All are 54 mm except for the 5 en the foreground, which are 15 mm and are produced by our "Primer Pilus" for the Amusement Park TERA MITICA en Benidorm, Alicante, Spain. ...

Full Display Shelves. ...

Stephen McMahon

Re: Soldier Collection - Uwe Bahr - 05-04-2005

Hallo Stephen,

an impressive collection!! Thanks for the nice pictures. I like especially the last photo showing the whole ensemble. I myself am still thinking about a beautiful display of my settings and figures, but didn't find one. Up to now my exhibits are just standing in a vitrine without much inspiration. I like it how You combined Your helmets and side arms with the soldiers.

Never heard about manufactures like "OLIVER of Valencia", "Miniatures Almirral Palou S.L. of Barcelona" or "French Agip Petroleum Company", may be they are not as historical correct as newer figures by Andrea or El Viejo Dragon, but nevertheless in my humble opinion they are interesting as they probably represent the then state of research.

BTW, I didn't recognize the white haired (Caesar?) on a white horse in the middle of the second photo (with the pugio behind the figures). Is it a modified 'Soldiers' ?


Re: Soldier Collection - Lucius Cornelius Traianus - 05-05-2005

Ave Uwe,

Oliver as I mentioned, makes mostly resin figures for Christmas Nativity Scenes. Complete Christmas Nativity scenes are a big Spanish Tradition in Spain. Some are built in areas over 100 m2 in Shopping Centers and even many Town Halls have displays that take up to some 350 m2 or more in outside setups.

The wall stand is a common book self, which I have encased the front view are with a measured sized plastic window to keep the dust out and curious children from probably breaking the pieces. The plastic window is held in place by 6 wooden nobs (if you can see the detail) on the side panels of the self. Embedded into the panels are screws and the nobs are turned on the screws to they are tightened. These are sold in hardware or Shopping Centers that are dedicated to home wood working & gardening.

As for the white haired Caesar on the horse. It is an Miniature Andreu figure sold as Julius Caesar. I too am surprise when I saw the white hair. I guess we could let him pass for Tiberius or Claudius Caesar.

As for the other 2 companies, as I said they were special collections maybe just on sale in Spain by participating companies.

I still have a few more soldiers but they are hard & soft plastic models. When I have time, I will get them on the this site.

Stephen McMahon