Roman Zombies - Printable Version

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Roman Zombies - Los456 - 05-04-2005

I don't know why but for some reason I want these guys:

I have about a century of 25mm Romans. Why not do a zombie infestation with them? (Or you can do modern but pretend a Roman reenactment unit was infested).

If legionaries actually had to fight Zombies they'd be, I'd imagine, in grave danger since the stand off capability of firearms is not there and how accurate could you be with a pila? Also I'd imagine that you'd be exposed to a lot of flying bodily fluids during a hack and slash fight. One drop in the eyes and your done.

Re: Roman Zombies - Robert Vermaat - 05-04-2005

From that site:
"Many major events in world history have actually been the result of Zombie-itus. The destruction of the Roman Legions in The Teutoburg Forest (9AD) , the disappearance of the Aztec civilization and the Russian Revolution are but a few examples. Even WW2 was not left untouched (many people today have forgotten that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed to wipe out an outbreak at the invitation of the Emperor of Japan)."

Wow. So thAt was what it was all about.... :lol:

Re: Roman Zombies - FAVENTIANVS - 05-06-2005

They look to have eaten rotten garum...

Re: Roman Zombies - Dan Diffendale - 05-06-2005

Quote:They look to have eaten rotten garum...
I bet if you stuck them in barrels for a year or two you'd have quite a delicacy!

Re: Roman Zombies - FAVENTIANVS - 05-08-2005

I'm having breakfast right now!!!