Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - Printable Version

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Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - BarkhornXX - 05-09-2005

Did you get sick of R:TW real quick because of its a historical gamey-ness?? I know I did until I started doing some research on available mods.

I recently uploaded a very nice mod called SPQR Ver. 3.0. It does a nice job in terms of getting rid of some garbage units (the pigs, Druids & women), tones down cavalry effectiveness and adds a bunch more provinces/cities. The overall result is a more immersive feel, IMO. And the mod is pretty much bug free to boot.

Here is a copy of the ReadMe:
Installation Instructions:
1. Make sure you have a clean install of Rome: Total War on your system
2. Make sure you have installed the v1.2 patch for Rome: Total War
3. Make sure you have first played Prologue BEFORE installing SPQR
4. Install SPQR: Total War executable, making sure you have NO other Mods (RTR, etc.) installed.
5. If you have installed your game in another directory than default, make sure you point to that directory during install.
6. Historical Battles cannot be played at this time with the SPQR: Total War and will result in a CTD
7. If you do a manual install, make sure you delete the events.dat file.
8. The Readme, Killsheet, and Icons are installed in the default RTW directory.

Special Notes:

1. This mod is not to be played with other modifications, if you do so it may cause game problems.
2. This mod is best played on Large or Huge Settings
3. This mod is the most hardest at VH/M, playing battles in Hard or VH is easier in SPQR than Medium.
4. SPQR: Total War was created for the designer and therfore reflects his view of gameplay
5. SPQR: Total War is most challenging when you allow the AI to build up and grow before attacking.
6. There are several bugs in the original version of Rome: Total War, some of these bugs cannot be fixed and therefore will be in SPQR.
7. This mod was never designed to rival any other mods, nor was it done for personal glory, etc. I play it and like it. I hope you do.
8. SPQR: Total War is not set for complete realism but is intended to enhance gameplay with some realism added.
9. My intent is NOT to force a Player to play a certain way. If you wish to use blitz tactics or exploits you can, whatever makes the game fun for you.
10. I have included a Spreadsheet that you can use to talley your kills and losses.

Latest Changes\\ Update Log:

===== SPQR Total War: 1.0 ====

1. Cherry Vanilla Pack, Trivium mod added to this modification. It fixes a Number of RTW Bugs dealing with VnV etc.
2. Centurions w/ shields are added to all cohorts
3. Eagle bearer or Aquilifer added to all First Cohorts
4. New Cohort Signifers added and Vexillum.
5. Cavalry Officer added to all Roman Cavalry units
6. You can recruit first Cohorts, remember historically there was 1 per Legion. Try not to build an army of them.
7. Building times have been adjusted to a more realistic build time.
8. All nations are playable in the campaign except Spain, Thrace, Numidia, SPQR, and Slaves.
9. All units have 0 wait time and allows you and the AI to build as much as you can afford and the population will allow. This is what Makes SPQR unique. J
10. Upkeep costs of units are lowered to allow more armies in the field at one time.
11. Siege engines have had crews lowered in numbers.
12. Spartans have unbreakable morale and will NEVER retreat off the field.
13. Head Hurlers are now an Infantry unit and no longer a missile unit, they still throw heads before attack. Heads will do no damage, but units do frighten Foot & Horse.
14. All regulars spears have the Spear attribute, Phalanx do not, to prevent disadvantages.
15. Arcani, Druids, Legion Cavalry, War Dogs, Flaming Pigs, and Screeching Women are removed from the game.
16. Archers and Slingers have increased Ammunition
17. Increased the Number of Siege Ammunition
18. Battering Rams have better Health and Flame resistance.
19. Urban Cohorts are now an upgraded Town watch, must have Royal Barracks to build.
20. Praetorian Cavalry and Infantry only belong to senate now.
21. Campaign AI has been adjusted for aggressiveness.
22. Many Factions have been Given more Provinces
23. Hastatii are 120 men Cohorts 120 men, Archers 120 men, Javelinmen 140 men, and cavalry 80 men. Other nations have more in numbers 200 or so per unit, some less some more.
24. Elephants have been added to Egypt and Armenia, but they must own provinces with that resource.
25. Elephants numbers have been reduced to a more realistic number.
26. Adjusted Happiness and law factors to improve Squalor problems.
27. Added Experience Bonuses to Taverns and Academies
28. Triarii now buildable when Princepes are.
29. Centurions added to siege weapons.
30. Ships have been adjusted to sink more often
31. Siege weapons for Ballistas and Scorpions have more Artillery.
32. Added Linedog’s map 2.2 63 extra Provinces, Extra eastern provinces also. So now there is more to conquer.
33. Chariots are improved and will not stop and go all the time like before.
34. Senate uses only Praetorians in the campaign game from start.
35. The Better barracks for Late Legion Cohorts replaces Early legion Cohort units. Only build the barracks if you wish to build just the Late Cohorts for that city.
36. Barbarians have been given a loose Square formation that is better than Horde formation but looks similar. AI reacts better than using Horde.
37. All Phalanx units have tighter side by side grouping to reflect a more accurate Phalanx, also better protects from breaking into the phalanx.
38. Carthage has a FULL army in Sicily, beware. Lol
39. Added Full Army to Gaul & Greek Cities
40. Better start garrisons for other factions. Romans factions have a small legion force.
41. Rome is now at war from start of game with Macedon, Greece, Germany, Gaul, Carthage.
42. Bardic circle can now produce double handed axemen
43. Macedon and Seleucid have Militia hoplites removed, they have Levy pikemen.
44. Increased Cost of certain buildings: Palaces, Entertainment, Mines, Roads, walls, docks, have been increased to balance money concerns with the extra provinces.
45. New Units have been added: Carthaginian Archers, Carthaginian Numidian Cavalry, Roman Slingers, Briton Fanatic, Gaul Fanatic, Briton Peltast, Briton Archers, Egyptian Elephants, Armenian Elephants, Dacian Bastarnae, Pharaoh’s Spearmen Guards, Pharoah Swordsmen Guards, Sword Hoplites
46. New Skins added made by myself and OTHER modders, Take a look at all the units to see the changes.
47. ALL units have been redone from scatch and are now more balanced to make the game more enjoyable.
48. Battles last a LONG time now, Movement has been reduced also.
49. Fighting in Snow, Woods, gives advantages to Barbarians, Cavalry gets penalties fighting in woods.
50. Early Legions have been changed to reflect more accuracy for Caesars Legions, they no longer look like Late Legion clones.
51. Late Legion Cohorts require Imperial Palace. This limits the recruiting areas and allows one to play with early cohorts longer.
52. Carthage and Egypt now have Ballistas, Barbarians no longer have Onagers.
53. STONE Thowing Ballistas added to the game, Egypt, Greeks, Roman, Carthage can build them with Catapult Barracks. The do not have Flaming boulders, so strategy must be used whether to use Ballistas or stone throwing ones. The later does Much more damage to walls, but is not good against infantry.
54. Heavy Onagers removed, Regular Onagers available when you build Siege Barracks. Still available in Custom Battles.
55. Repeating Ballistas Removed from Campaign game, Scorpions do the Job of repeating ballistas anyway, Unrealistic siege weapon and redundant, I think the stone throwing ones are MUCH better.
56. Scorpions are now an After Marius Reforms Item, so you will NOT see them until Marius Reforms.
57. Large and Epic Stones walls cannot be built in Campaign game, They were not very realistic and since CA didn’t make the ladders for them as they planned, makes these walls more like Disney land. Lol But I did leave them available to the Senate to make it Harder to take. So only the Senate can build these walls now, everyone else just Stone walls.
58. Many, many other changes I forgot. Lol
59. Upgraded to be Patch v1.2 compliant
60. Removes all temples from Romans Except Jupiter.
61. Removed all farms from Romans except the first 3 farms.
62. Special tweaks made for population control, Temples population and experience bonuses work only for other factions not Romans, also Taverns work on for Barbarians. So unless the temple has a happiness or law bonus you want, it would be better to destroy it and build the Roman Temple. If you take a province with a tavern remember it only gives bonuses to the barbarians. You should destroy it if you are not a barbarian faction. I believe the above changes will solve the problem for Roman population explosions.
63. Adding Thrown attribute to horse archers to fix problem with Horse archer, Elephants, Chariots not Firing on the move.
64. Spartan unit build time is 1 to reflect special unit for Greeks. This means you cannot build 9 in 1 turn, only 1 unit per turn.
65. Added Scutarii and Bull Warriors to slave, so Spain rebels build them now.
66. I added 2 Pharaoh’s guard units to the game instead of one. Spearmen and Swordsmen with new models and skins.
67. Added as many new units cards as I could for new units and models, that were made by a fan of SPQR.
68. Made all three factions red on strategy map, different symbols still and the senate is Purple still. The assassins etc are all still the factions original colors. Reason for this, is it makes the human player feel more like they are a TEAM - one Rome instead of a separate faction, Since in real historical times I imagine they wore the same uniforms just different symbols etc. It looks nice and there are still 3 factions. NO unified Rome.
69. Added Sword Hoplites to Macedon & Greek_Cities
70. Some Minor music added to the game for the Roman factions
71. Removed annoying the “Day is oursâ€ÂÂ

Re: Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - Theodosius the Great - 05-09-2005

Hi Barkhorn,

I'll try it out...

RTW Mods - Anonymous - 05-10-2005

The 'Rome Total Realism' mod is about to release it's Version 6.0, which includes some major reskinning of units and a total reworking of what units you can recruit where.

The 'Europa Barbarorum' mod is still in development, but will soon be Beta-tested. A hell of a lot of research has gone into it and the previews of its skins etc look amazing. I'm sticking with 'Rome Total Realism' for now, but when 'Europa Barbarorum' comes out I think I'll be switching. Any mod that goes to the effort of coming up with proper Proto-Germanic names for warlords and units gets my realism vote!

Re: Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - BarkhornXX - 05-10-2005

There is some truely awsome work being done to - rescue - R:TW from the lame release version.

I will be sure to explore other mods once they get the kinks worked out. SPQR is pretty much bug free already.

Two other point about SPQR I wish to stress;
1. The multiple unit recruitment per turn feature REALLY changes the game as it allows you to field large armies quicky - and is more historically accurate as well. After all - the Romans didn't recruit one cohort every 6 months now did they?
2. The Roman unit graphics have been redone and greatly improved - now all 3 factions are RED - and each unit has a vexillum like this one ( )(they all read Legio III - but, hey, you can't have everything).
3. The Greeks have been reworked as well - and the Spartans look like regular Hoplites now (but still in Red) - as they have lost their silly goul-like cloaks.
4. The Egyptians have been reworked a bit - they are still not completely Ptolemaic - but at least they are less "moronic Pharaonic".

Forgot to add that the Roman faction music is now from the movie Spartacus - a nice touch.


Re: Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - Theodosius the Great - 05-10-2005

Quote:Forgot to add that the Roman faction music is now from the movie Spartacus - a nice touch.

Also from "Conan the Barbarian" :lol:

Re: Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - BarkhornXX - 05-11-2005

Quote:Forgot to add that the Roman faction music is now from the movie Spartacus - a nice touch.

Also from "Conan the Barbarian" :lol:

Yea, that was the movie! My ears must be playing tricks on me.

So what do you think of the mod??

Re: Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - Theodosius the Great - 05-11-2005

Well, I didn't get too much time to play it since I have finals coming up :x .

But I like the improvements, especially the one where we can now raise all the troops we can in one turn Big Grin ) ).
I also like the new skins.

Of course adding more cities and towns will slow down your progress.
Overall I like the new mod.

Thanks for recommending it Smile .

I'm waiting for the new mod that'll introduce Late Romans.

Re: Modded R:TW – Am Now Happy - BarkhornXX - 05-12-2005

Quote:Thanks for recommending it Smile .

I'm waiting for the new mod that'll introduce Late Romans.

Glad to spread the word. And, the more I play, the more I like it. I wish you luck w/ the Late Romans - that is not my particular favorite period. I most enjoy gaming - and reading about - the Punic Wars period through the establishment of the principate in 27 BCE.

This is why I am less than excited about the Expansion game (Barbarian Invasions), as this is really outside my period of interest - as well as being a real downer for a Romaphile. :wink: