Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Printable Version

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Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Magnus - 05-24-2005

I had a bad feeling going into it based on the somewhat lack luster and blunders in both Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. However, I'd heard nothing negative about the movie, so that helped me keep an open mind.

I went and saw it last night, and was amazing! Everything that the first 2 should have been this was. Visually it was phenominal...the amount of backround activity and the stunning detail they put in the sets, or battles pretty much ensures that this movie is one you can watch over and over and pick out something new in it.

My big gripes with the first 2 of the new trilogy were either bad dialogue/story editing, or some element that was hokey or out of place. In Phantom Menace, we had Jar Jar Stupid...which, if you now watch all 3 in the new trilogy, really had absolutely NO significance to the film. I believe that he was the comic relief because R2 D2 and C-3PO were at this point not in the film. In Attack of the Clones, we get rid of jar-jar binks, but are subjected to some hokey instances of dialoge between Anakin and Padme, as well as some editing of scenes that didn't flow well. The saving grace was the Clone battles and the Jedi at the end of this.

Now, in Revenge of the Sith, there are NO weak characters. Though I admit, the dialoge between Anakin and Padme is still hokey...and perhaps they are lacking a bit of on-screen chemistry too. However, that's the only flaw in the movie, and lasted maybe 10 seconds. The storyline, the flow of the movie...the ACTION was just amazing. Even for modern made movies, this one I think will rank in the top 3. But more importantly, it was a great, dramatic film. Showing how the evil of the Emperor perverts Anakin and what made the character of Darth Vader believable is the pretty grusome acts he commits as a Sith.

What was also great for anyone who's a fan, is how well the movie tied everything together at the end. Now, you can literally watch Episodes I - VI and it will all work together.

The movie left me feeling a bit nostalgic...most movies that span a larger time frame do. It was the dramatics I think of (I won't spoil anything) how everything sets up episode III, and what actually happened that gives the movie such a great emotional feel to it.

I'd definately recommend seeing this...even if you're not a Star Wars fan...the action alone is worth it.

Definately 2 thumbs up!

the daahk side - A_Volpe - 05-24-2005

Yeah, I liked it too.

Although I found it rather sad and frustrating, now knowing how everything gets pulled into place for IV V VI.

I actually got a little sympathy for Vader/Anakin, seeing how tormented and manipulated he had become, and wanting to live up to everyone's expectations...But the problem he was impatient...And being locked up in the Vader suit...Damn that sucks...But he's still the "Whiny Little Bit@h" from 1 and 2, so not a whole lot of sympathy there.

I also got a huge sympathy with Obi-Wan, esspecially after he deals Anakin the final blows and leaves him there on the lava-shore..."You were my brother!"...I totally felt for the guy.

And now I have a total hatred of the Emperor, dude, what a screwed up, demented, viscous MF! Oh, if only Force-Choking could work...And work at a movie screen...Oh he'd be so dead...And "Order 66"? Dude, that's just WEAK.

I still think Palpatine/Sidious was using some big time Sith-Mind-Control to fully pull Anakin to the Dark Side. He just kept spoon-feeding Ani all the things he wanted to hear and much like Iago from Othello, was completely playing him up for it, but needed one final "convincing" to do Ani in...Think of it, Ani is so damn jealous and determined to get to Master Jedi, he's gonna beat the snot out of a bunch of spoiled little Younglings to do it. It's so sinister but you just see everything coming into place, and you go, "Oh...NUTS!"

I was also dissapointed with Greivous. I was expecting so much more, despite his work up in the Cartoon series.

Padme, is of course, babalicious. Although I've heard complaints about, and also quite can't understand why she was wearing beads to bed, but as I've been saying, the beads weren't meant for sleeping in, they were for...Um...Other things...If ya know whaddi mean. :wink:

I too, had a hatred for Episodes 1 and 2, but after seeing 2 with a serious Geek friend of mine, who explained all of the hidden agendas, the first 2 movies make much more sense - It's a long, drawn out setup to destroy the Jedi and create the Empire. Palpatine is being really sneaky and subtle, he was biding his time and covering his tracks.

Although Ep. 1 is pretty annoying with You-Know-Who. But again, it was all part of an elaborate setup, Jar-Jar was tooled into being the dork who finalized the Clone Army, and Validating Palpatine to be the Big Kahuna. Who else but a insipid, annoying as heck, goobertool to be the pawn for that. It was just too easy to get Jar-Jar into it.

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Robert Vermaat - 05-25-2005

Quote:I too, had a hatred for Episodes 1 and 2, but after seeing 2 with a serious Geek friend of mine, who explained all of the hidden agendas, the first 2 movies make much more sense -

Hi Andy, how old are you? For an old geezer like me, having grown up as it were with the first 3 movies, there wasn't any hidden agenda at all in parts 1 and 2, it was all too obvious! No surprises from Mr Lucas, but I hate to say it, none were expected. :evil:

Jar-Jar should die - DECIMvS MERCATIvS VARIANvS - 05-25-2005

[size=150:3skv9ecy]A[/size]ck, they put Jar-Jar in there to pull in the kiddies... and it worked... ;-( I didn't even see Episode II in the theatre... I will this one, but still... ;-0

Did any of you ever see the news articles saying that Star Wars was racist? The clained Jar-Jar was supposed to be black, the Trade Federation guys Asian and Watto was said to be Jewish... this was a serious (?!?) topic in the Washington Post for a while when Episode I came out. It gives you a whole new angle to think of and watch the movie again. ;-Þ
Best, Marsh

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Marcus F. - 05-25-2005

the true identity of emperor Palputin was finally revealed: [url:2ghbfy6l][/url].........

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Jeroen Pelgrom - 05-25-2005

i also saw the movie - i was very impressed. The effects were amazing. Some dialoges were a bit weird (especially the love bits between anakin and padmé).

A real must-see IMO

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Robert Vermaat - 05-25-2005

Quote:Did any of you ever see the news articles saying that Star Wars was racist? The clained Jar-Jar was supposed to be black, the Trade Federation guys Asian and Watto was said to be Jewish...

Jar-Jar was definately a black guy!
Trade federation Asian? it must've been the Japanese headgear..
Watto Jewish? That never crossed my mind.
I did hear of parallels between the veil emperor and the Bush administration though!

I think it's fun for all these bored critics (who aren't taken seriously by anyone) to look for hidden agendas in even the most silly places.
Remember the Teletubbies? there was a serious discussion that they showed nazi tendencies. No, really!

Oh lord, I mentioned the Teletubbies again... :oops:

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Tarbicus - 05-25-2005

Quote:the Teletubbies again

"Eh oh" Big Grin
[Image: sub-square-teletubbies.gif]

Nice tunic colours.

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Robert Vermaat - 05-26-2005

C'mon Tarbicus, you're a wizz with Photoshop, add some helmets!

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Tarbicus - 05-26-2005

Positively the scariest thing I've ever done Confusedhock:

[Image: teletubbius.jpg]

Cheers (I think)

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - DECIMvS MERCATIvS VARIANvS - 05-27-2005

Quote:Positively the scariest thing I've ever done Confusedhock:
Cheers (I think)
[size=150:3fllr5rt]Y[/size]a know, if you added scales to the red one, he could be Dan P. Big Grin 3fllr5rt]that's a JOKE people... smile Dan[/size])

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Tarbicus - 05-27-2005

[Image: teletubbius2.jpg]

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Tarbicus - 05-27-2005


Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Praefectusclassis - 05-27-2005


Scary though

Re: Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" - Robert Vermaat - 05-27-2005

Absolutely brilliant!!!!!! Big Grin D D