Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Printable Version

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Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Magnus - 09-29-2005

Just curious...I wouldn't mind bouncing some ideas around to see what people think about what's been going on!

??? - marsvigilia - 09-29-2005

Utterly confused... and loving it.

I am a little concerned that this may end up like many other mystery programs where we never find out an answer, or at least not a good one.

Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Magnus - 09-29-2005

I ended up checking out a forum on ABC dedicated to Lost. Found out some interesting information.

Did you see last night the logo that was on Desmond's shirt, and some of the packaging in his storage room was on the tail of the shark that attacked the guys in the raft?

resolution - marsvigilia - 09-29-2005

I don't think I got a good look at either.
what was the image?

Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Magnus - 09-29-2005

Here's from a screen capture someone snagged on a "Lost" forum I just joined. I lightened it up a bit:

[Image: sharklogo.jpg]

vs Desmond's:


Now, the central logo is different from what was on Desmond's shirt and in the storage room, but I am thinking that it's probably signifying a different division within the same project or company.


Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Magnus - 09-29-2005

Although, now that I look at it, it could very well be the same....just some image quality loss because of the screen capture, plus it's underwater...etc. etc. In any case, there's enough of a resemblence between the two to draw a relationship between them.

Which prompts the questions of...who built that facility without anyone knowing, and why are they putting such marks on a shark? Was it under someone's control or was it trained in some way?

Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - marsvigilia - 09-29-2005

check out .
The Bagua.

Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - jgawne - 09-29-2005

I think the island is where Varus went when he got lost...

But the wife tells me the woman shown in the pit in "comign next week" is the one the one Jack meets at the bar saying she was sitting in the back of the plane.

Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Robert Vermaat - 09-30-2005

I watch the show, but Dutch TV stopped the show last spring just before the last episodes of season 1.
They've just re-started the series, however, so I'm going to watch it again.

Where are they? Is it even real? There are lost of hints that it is not. remember the Polar Bear? It was in the kid's comic book...
What seem sure, however, is that the writer make it up as they go along.

Some reference guides:

Numbers (essential!)

Episode guide:

Lost Forum:

Lost at TVGuide:
Especially the Trivia Guide!

Re: Anyone watch Lost on TV? - Magnus - 09-30-2005

Interesting symbol Marsvigilia...I remarked to my g/f that it looked Korean.

Vorti, I'm pretty sure it's real, but there is something influencing the psyche there, whether it's man made or induced or not. I guess we have to wait and see.