Society of Ancient Military Historians - Printable Version

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Society of Ancient Military Historians - Praefectusclassis - 10-20-2005

Hi all,
Possible cooperation between & the Society of Ancient Military Historians coming up. I wondered how many RAT-ers are actually a member of this Society. Who else (yes, I am) is?

Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - Jeroen Pelgrom - 10-21-2005

there is a Society of Ancient Military Historians?

What does this society do?

Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - Praefectusclassis - 10-21-2005

There is. Online, it's here. At the moment it's not very active. It used to publish a newsletter, edited by none other than Jenny Cline, but she had no more time and since it's been rather still. I am currently discussing my proposition to take the newsletter over, in collaboration with some other RAT-ers, and, as said above, we're talking about further cooperation with

SOMH - Caballo - 10-21-2005


I'm not a member, but would certainly join. I didn't know it existed!!



Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - Praefectusclassis - 10-24-2005

Well, that is why we're here: to promote them! :wink:
Nah. I do think that cooperation would be for the mutual benefit of SAMH and RAT, though!

SAMH membership - Caius Fabius - 10-25-2005

I wonder, I am still waiting waiting for my membership card. :lol:

Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - Praefectusclassis - 10-25-2005

Me neither. I'm not sure they even supply them. :wink:

Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - Dan Diffendale - 10-25-2005

Well, I went to their meeting at the APA/AIA convention last year, and will likely do so again come January...

Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - dark41 - 05-19-2011

Quote:There is. Online, it's here. At the moment it's not very active. It used to publish a newsletter, edited by none other than Jenny Cline, but she had no more time and since it's been rather still. I am currently discussing my proposition to take the newsletter over, in collaboration with some other RAT-ers, and, as said above, we're talking about further cooperation with

The Society of Ancient Military Historians, is relaunching. A new website has now been set up.

I will do my best to periodically login here and check for messages. We at SAMH are looking forward to getting in touch with other people who are also interested. We are presently working on the next issue of RES Militares (newsletter) for release in the next few weeks. It will mostly be delivered electronically and currently membership in the society is free (when opting for electronic delivery of the newsletter).

Please feel free to contact us directly through the website, or by email, or through the forums here.


Dan Powers, current Secretary, Society of Ancient Military Historians
University of Utah/ University College Dublin

Re: Society of Ancient Military Historians - MARCvSVIBIvSMAvRINvS - 05-19-2011

Question : Why post the same topic in three sections ?