Domitianic Diploma Fragment For Ivdaea? - Printable Version

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Domitianic Diploma Fragment For Ivdaea? - Spedius - 02-03-2006


This topic is about another pair of images copied from that font of information, This diploma will be a lot harder for me to decipher as it is only a fragment. Fortunately pictures of the exterior and interior sides were available. For those of you who may be interested, the references for the two images are Diploma%20Judea-ext.jpg and Diploma%20Judea-int.jpg.

You may be wondering why I'm posting details of Diplomas? The two that I've already posted are diplomas that I didn't know about until I found the images on Andreas Pangerl's website. It may well be that there are other members who don't know about them. This diploma falls into the previously unknown (by me) category.

The details from the two images are as follows:-


01. acvm mavreta = I Thracvm Mavretana
02. lorvm et cohotib = veterana Gaetvlorvm et cohortibvs ?
03. ntvr I avgvsta lvsit = qvae appellantvr I Avgvsta Lvsitanorvm et I D
04. na armeniaca et I et II thra = ? Armeniaca et I et II Thracvm et
05. rorvm et III callaecorvm bra = II Cantabrorvm et III Callaecorvm Bra
06. rvm et svnt in Ivdaea = caravgvstanorvm et svnt in Ivdaea
07. Longino qvinis et vice = svb Cn(aeo) Pompeio Longino qvinis et vicenis
08. emeritis dimissis ho = plvribvsqve stipendiis emeritis dimissis ho
09. qvorvm nomina = nesta missione qvorvm nomina
10. ipsis liberis posteris = svbscripta ipsis liberis posterisqve
11. tatem dedit convb = eorvm civitatem dedit (et) convbivm
12. s qvas tvnc habv = cvm vxoribvs qvas tvnc habvissent
13. is data avt siqvi = cvm est civitas iis data avt siqvi
14. qvas postea dvx = caelibes essent cvm iis qvas postae dvxissent
15. gvli singvlas = dvmtaxat singvli singvlas
16. idvs ivn = A(nte) D(iem) ? Idvs Ivn(i)
17. Procvlo = ? ? Procvlo co(n)s(vlibvs)
18. diot = ? ?diot ?


01. erana gaet = veterana Gaetvlrvm et cohortibvs ?
02. ae appellantvr = qvae appellantvr I Avgvsta Lvsitanor
03. vm et I damascen = vm et I Damascenorvm
04. et II thracvm et II = et I et II Thracvm et II Cantabrorvm
05. t III gallaecorvm b = et III Gallaecorvm Bracaravgvsta
06. norvm et svnt in Iv = norvm et svnt in Ivdaea
07. peio Longino qvi = svb Cn(aeo) Pompeio Longino qvinis et vicenis
08. ndiis emer = plvribvsqve stipendiis emeritis dimissis ho
09. ssione q = nesta missione qvorvm nomina svbscripta

I'm puzzled by the NA at the beginning of line 04. on the first fragment? The list of units could read:-

01. ala I Thracvm Mavretana (see also CIL XVI, 0033)
02. ala veterana Gaetvlorvm (see also CIL XVI, 0033)
03. coh I Avgvsta Lvstitanorvm (see also CIL XVI, 0033)
04. coh I Damascenorvm Armeniaca
05. coh I Thracvm (see also CIL XVI, 0033)
06. coh II Thracvm (see also CIL XVI, 0033)
07. coh II Cantabrorvm (see also CIL XVI, 0033)
08. coh III Gallaecorvm Bracaravgvstanorvm

Has anyone got any suggestions?

Dating the Diploma.

This diploma is described as "Diploma under Domitian for the auxiliary units of Judea". This gives us a range of dates from 14.9.81 to 18.9.96. However, we are fortunate enough to have the name of the Provincial Governor, Cn(aeo) Pompeio Longino. According to Dr. Werner Eck in his pair of articles published in Chiron 12 (1982) 281-362 and Chiron 13 (1983) 147-237, Longino's term of office was from 85/86 to 88/89. Again we are fortunate, we have another diploma for Iudaea dated 13.Mai.86, CIL XVI, 0033 with Longino as the Governor. Eck on page 310 of his 1982 article gives us an expansion of Longino's name, Cn Pinarius Aemilius Cicatricula Pompeius Longinus. Note 126 against CIL XVI 33, reads "Militardiplom vom 13.Mai 86. Er wurde Suffektkonsul 90 n. Chr".

Another clue for us to consider is once again on Andreas Pangerl's website, "Roman Military Diploma Online List of Published Diplomas". Item 8 is Year 86, Emperor Domitian, Constitution for Iudea, Published in Scripta Classica Israelica 2005-2, PA# 151. I'm not sure what the last item is?

So, is this our diploma? If it is then can we tentatively date it to 86?

We get absolutely no help from the consuls, although there are two consuls in 87 with the cognomen of Proculo.
19.Mai.87 C(aio) Bellico Natale Telamiano, C(aio) Ducenio Proculo from CFA 55
10.Sep.87 C(aio) Cicnio Proculo, L(ucio) Neratio Prisco from CFA 55

Comparisons between this fragment and CIL XVI, 0033 tell us that the two named ala are the same and four of the six cohorts are also the same. Why would they issue another diploma one month after CIL XVI, 0033? I'm beginning to doubt that 86 is the year of issue for this diploma?

Further comparisons may be made with the reconstruction above and CIL XVI, 0033 below. The wording is different which supports my doubts for a date of 86 as the year of issue. I am leaning towards a later date.

Belegstelle: CIL 16, 00033 = CIL 03, p 0857 (p 1964) = IDR-01, 00024
Provinz: Dacia Ort: Ture
Imp(erator) Caesar divi Vespasiani f(ilius) Domi<t=I>ianus Augus/tus Germanicus pontifex maximus tribu/nic(ia) potestat(e) V imp(erator) XII censor perpetuus / co(n)s(ul) XII p(ater) p(atriae) / equitibus et peditibus qui militant in alis dua/bus quae appellantur veterana Gaetulorum / et I Thracum Mauretana et cohortibus / quattuor I Augusta Lusitanorum et I et II / Thracum et II Cantabrorum et sunt in Iu/daea sub Cn(aeo) Pompeio Longino qui quina / et vicena stipendia meruerant quorum / nomina subscripta sunt ipsis liberis / posterisque eorum civitatem dedit // et conubium cum uxoribus quas tunc / habuissent cum est civitas iis data aut siqui / caelibes essent cum iis quas postea duxissent / dumtaxat singuli singulas a(nte) d(iem) III Idus Maias / Sex(to) Octavio Frontone / Ti(berio) Iulio Candido Mario Celso co(n)s(ulibus) / coh(ortis) II Thracum cui prae(e)st / Claudius Montanus / equiti / Seuthe Traibithi f(ilio) Colotetic(o?) / descriptum et r<e=I>cognitum ex tabula aenea / quae fixa est Romae in Capitolio // Imp(erator) Caesar divi Vespasiani f(ilius) Domitianus / Augustus Germanicus pontifex maxi/mus tribunic(ia) potestat(e) V imp(erator) XII / censor perpetuus co(n)s(ul) XII p(ater) p(atriae) / equi(ti)bus et peditibus qui militant in / alis duabus quae appellantur vete/rana Gaetulorum et I Thracum Mau/retana et cohortibus quattuor I Au/gusta Lusitanorum et I et II Thracum et / II Cantabrorum et sunt in Iudaea sub / Cn(aeo) Pompeio Longino qui quina et vi/cena stipendia meruerant quorum / nomina subscripta sunt ipsis liberis / posterisque eorum civitatem dedit et / conubium cum uxoribus quas tunc / habuissent cum est civitas iis data aut / siqui caelibes essent cum iis quas postea / duxissent dumtaxat singuli singulas / a(nte) d(iem) III Idus Maias / Sex(to) Octavio Frontone / Ti(berio) Iulio Candido Mario Celso co(n)s(ulibus) / coh(ortis) II Thracum cui prae(e)st / Claudius Montanus / equiti / Seuthe Traibithi f(ilio) Colotetic(o?) / descriptum et recognitum ex tabula ae/nea quae fixa est Romae in Capitolio / post tropaea Germanici in tribunali / quae sunt ad aedem Fidei p(opuli) R(omani) // D(ecimi) Consi Alcimi / C(ai) Terenti Natalis / P(ubli) Sallieni Philumeni / Ti(beri) Claudi Erasti / C(ai) Hostili Martialis / P(ubli) Sili Hermetis / C(ai) Quinti Phileti

What do you think?


M. Spedius Corbulo

Roman Diplomas - raeticus - 02-08-2006

Dear friends,

nice to see this interest in military diplomas on RAT.

As webmaster of let me reassure you that all those diploma fragments posted on are already published or in the process of being published by us or colleagues. Most reside in major museums, but many also in private collections.

The currently available secondary literature like CIL XVI and CIL XVI Supplement cover up up to the 1950s, and Margaret Roxan's Roman Military Diploma series since then cover all publications up to 2000s (the new volume V Paul Holder is working on). There are in addition however many many publications not yet in secondary literature: either published after the cutoff date or in still preparation for the many various journals like Chiron, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, etc, etc.

Seeing a diploma ie on but not finding it in CIL or RMD does thus not mean it is unknown. By the nature of secondary publications they are several years , if not decades behind.

This makes a tremendous difference as the flood of new diplomas coming to light these days is enormous (even though slowing down recently). If you are in doubt you may always contact me directly to check in my personal data base of all diplomas. The total number approaches some 1000 these days.

I look forward to further interested exchange,
Andreas Pangerl

Re: Domitianic Diploma Fragment For Ivdaea? - Spedius - 02-12-2006

Ave Andreas,

Thank you for your most welcome message, it was very kind of you.

The images upon which this topic was based are included for readers' information. I would be very interested to read what you can make of them. Do your readings differ from mine?

Please click on the images to enlarge them.


M. Spedius Corbulo