RAT Store and Products - Printable Version

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RAT Store and Products - TraderTrey9785 - 03-30-2006

Hi all,

I just recently purchased a t-shirt and coffee mug from the RAT store to help the site, and I received them yesterday. I thought a review of the merchandise was merited. I was very impressed with the quality of both, and the detail in the artwork. I am proudly going to sport my new T-shirt today as I attend class around campus, and with any luck I can convince some of my professors to contribute to RAT as well. I've already received many compliments on the T-shirt, and I plan on purchasing the others in the near future. I encourage everyone who hasn't done so to get one. At the very least, I'm sure that while wearing it someone will approach you and ask "What is that on your shirt?" It gives us all an opportunity to discuss our favorite topic and hopefully persuade someone else to give the Roman Army their due.


Re: RAT Store and Products - Praefectusclassis - 03-30-2006

And the shop is here