Drinking advice for young ladies..... - Printable Version

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Drinking advice for young ladies..... - Arthes - 07-13-2006

This report is from Yahoo News....

British police tell boozy women to wear nice knickers Thursday July 13, 07:11 AM

LONDON (AFP) - Police in eastern England are telling local women to wear nice knickers and have a wax before getting fuelled up on booze, newspapers reported.

The latest attempt by the police to get hip with the kids is aimed at hammering home a responsible drinking message to the sort of young lady who might be found blind drunk and vomiting in a gutter after a night out on the town.

"For those of you intent on getting ratted (drunk) this weekend, think," reads Safe! magazine, accompanied

by pictures of a scantily-clad woman collapsed on the floor flashing her underwear.

"If you fall over or pass out, remember your skirt or dress may ride up. You could show off more than you intended -- for all our sakes, please make sure you're wearing nice pants and that you've recently had a wax.

"Better still, eat before you go out, think about how much you're drinking, pace yourself and drink plenty of water between bevvies (drinks), or better still, don't get in this sorry state -- it's not nice."

The Suffolk constabulary in eastern England insists there is a serious point behind their seemingly bizarre advice.

Officers felt they had to talk to women in a language they might understand.

"There have been a number of attacks on women who have been drinking and there is a serious message to get across," a Suffolk Police spokeswoman told The Guardian newsapaper.

"We've written this in a gossipy, tongue-in-cheek style in the hope that young women will pick it up and read it and take notice."

British police forces are no strangers to wacky ways of communicating with the public.

In January, Avon and Somerset Police plastered baffling messages in "trendy" text message-style patois across rough estates in Bristol, southwest England, warning youths to curb their anti-social behaviour.

"D bil cum arnd hre n wl vzit ur olds if ur messin bout," read one, while another asked: "du ur olds knw whr U r o wot ur doin coz D bil wl tel em." ("The Bill (slang term for police) come around here and will visit your olds (parents) if you are messing about" "Do your olds know where you are or what you are doing because the Bill will tell them")

Surely it would be far safer to push 'Bridget Jones' undies as the height of fashion....... Confusedhock: Confusedhock:

I've seen drunk girls staggering around or being supported by their friends (I hope) and it worries me at times ... my daughter also went through that phase, along with her friends (I admit, I did too :oops: ), it seems it's the trendy thing to do, especially when some celebrities do so much partying. But the wrong sort of men hang around waiting for a bit of 'fun'...well, that's what they call it...the girls would call it something else...


Re: Drinking advice for young ladies..... - Jeroen Pelgrom - 07-14-2006

fortunatly for me, i don't drink alcohol!

Re: Drinking advice for young ladies..... - Praefectusclassis - 07-14-2006

And here I was, thinking you were not a young lady... :wink:

Re: Drinking advice for young ladies..... - Jeroen Pelgrom - 07-14-2006

OK, that was indeed a dumb remark by me.....

D'Oh.. :oops:

Re: Drinking advice for young ladies..... - Peroni - 07-14-2006

I live in Suffolk and am not aware of this happening. :?

Maybe I should try to find out which bars they frequent?!!! :wink: