I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Printable Version

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I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - tlclark - 09-12-2006

Ok, now that've got your attention.

A friend of mine is working on a fanfic for Marvel and there is a slim, (make that very slim) chance that they may pick it up for publication and he wants me to do the cover image. Well I haven't drawn anything in years.

So the character is Ares (Yes, the Greek God of war, but he is also a Marvel Universe character) and my art skills are rustier than the tin-man after a monsoon. So I'm looking for reference photos, a model who will dress up and take shots of his glorious person, a chance to flex your muscles!! Literally!

There's no money in it (Heck, I'm not even getting paid!) but I need someone in Hoplite kit who would be willing to pose in some specific poses and have someone take pictures for reference shots.

We are looking for shots with and without corinthian helm, spear, muscled cuirass and shield. Preferably someone really fit, like a cover model of "Men's Health". If you look Mediterranean and have a full beard, even better!!

I've looked over a lot of the re-enactor shots and - no offense, but you are all a bunch of pasty middle-aged pasty white guys. I'm one too so that's no shame. :roll:

So if you have olive skin, dark hair, ripped abs, and don't mind taking pictures of yourself and sending them to total strangers who will be looking at them VERY closely, you may be a weirdo and a shameless exhibitionist, but hey we want you!

We know about the whole "300" website, but we are looking for something a little more authentic.

And yes I know how this sounds, after making a post like this I am well aware all RATers will be entitled to throw innuendos my way forever. So be it. :roll:


Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Magnus - 09-12-2006


No comment.

But good luck travis!

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - tlclark - 09-12-2006


No comment.

But good luck travis!

What Magnus!

You mean you're not a ripped Mediterranean type male underwear model?!!

Man I was hoping. :wink:


Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Magnus - 09-12-2006

No, I'm more of a farmer tanned, brown haired, semi-in shape Canadian. So if you need a model for something along those lines...

Keep me posted on this though. I just started reading my West Coast Avengers comics from 1987 again that I found in my parent's basement in a big box. I love comics. I actually found a website that has the issues I'm missing for that particular WCA series.

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - tlclark - 09-12-2006

Quote:Keep me posted on this though. I just started reading my West Coast Avengers comics from 1987 again that I found in my parent's basement in a big box. I love comics.

I was VERY into comics about 15 years ago (Gad has it been that long!) and I seriously considered a career as a comic book artist.

two issues:

1.) I suck
2.) It's dang hard to break into the field.

Wound up in the corporate world designing first casino signs and slot machines, then gaming web sites. Hated it, though everyone told me I was brilliant at it. Never knew quite how to feel about that.

Recently my friend went to the San Diego ComicCon. Indie comics and Fanfics are huge. Some of the better amateurs have huge online followings and are self-publishing. Some of it better than the "real" comics. There's huge traffic but no one has found any way to make any money from it, but Marvel is going to try apparently. I haven't got a clue how this is supposed to work out but apparently Marvel will begin publishing collections of the better fanfic in limited editions B&W. Not sure what we get out of it, but Marvel basically gets a free product.

Oh well. It would be cool to have on the resume.

Master of the Arts
Doctorate of Art History
Kress Fellow
Council of American Overseas Research Center Fellow
Cover-Artist, Ares the Avenger, Marvel Comics. Big Grin

If you like the Avengers a new series is starting up, written by Michael Bendis and Frank Cho called the "Mighty Avengers". There was a write-up in Wizard magazine. That's how this all got started. One of the new line-up is "Ares". I love Cho's stuff, but his Ares is well...lame. VERY lame in fact. Like WWE lame. Skulls and crossbones on breastplates lame. Leather studded biker vambrace lame. Guys in mohawks and greek armor with .45s lame. ugh.

Well my friend who knows me through my musculata pages wanted to know my take on it and now I'm here looking for pictures of sexy guys in their armor! Confusedhock: :roll:


He wanted me to take on all the art and I said "uh...dissertation?" So he talked me into character design and the cover.

Release date? Whenever I get to it. Like I said, there's no money in it, just the satisfaction of making a greek-mythology themed superhero that doesn't look like a joke.

Oh yeah, don't tell my wife. She'd freak.

:roll: Big Grin lol: :wink:

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Magnus - 09-12-2006

That's awesome stuff. A guy I used to talk to frequently is part of a team of people who are putting out an Indie comic, called "Assasin's Guild". The artistry and inking was great, but the story was...not quite original. Borrowed from too many existing elements. Basically the main character of the guild is going to get screwed over by his boss because of his wife sleeping? with him or something, so he takes revenge on the guild.

The last comic convention I was at was the one in Philly about 2 years ago. Man it was awesome...of course, there were porn stars there too for some reason signing autographs and photos, but I suppose the female element of comic books is almost on

I wish i didn't stop collecting...I got into Darkhorse comics with their Predator and Aliens series, but after that it got way too expensive per issue. I remember paying 75 cents to $1.25, and maybe $2.50 for Annuals or special issues, now it's like 2-3 bucks just for a regular issue. Which, I suppose isn't bad if you only follow 1 or 2 series a month, but that can get expensive.

I also never collected for the sake of collecting, I always bought and read mine, so aside from a few faves and the odd first edition, most of mine are thouroughly loved.

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - TITVS SABATINVS AQVILIVS - 09-12-2006

Quote:So if you have olive skin, dark hair, ripped abs, and don't mind taking pictures of yourself and sending them to total strangers who will be looking at them VERY closely, you may be a weirdo and a shameless exhibitionist, but hey we want you!

Not so necessary: the ancient Dorians were blond haired and blue eyed... So your range grows...

Anyway this ironic Velasquez's Mars can be of inspiration (even if Ares and Mars are different in behaviour...) for you, just a little bit aged... Smile

[Image: mars2.jpg]

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Matthew Amt - 09-12-2006

Quote:What Magnus!

You mean you're not a ripped Mediterranean type male underwear model?!!

Gee, I thought I remembered something about his underwear being ripped--oops, sorry, Magnus, I promised not to mention that!

All seriousness aside, it sounds like you've already been to my site, Travis. You won't see me in any Frank Frazetta paintings, but help yourself to whatever helps!



Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Gaivs Antonivs Satvrninvs - 09-12-2006

Did you have to say "pasty" twice?

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Magnus - 09-12-2006

Quote: Gee, I thought I remembered something about his underwear being ripped--oops, sorry, Magnus, I promised not to mention that!

Well, since we're giving away secrets, I've never worn underwear to any of the Roman Days I've been to Matt. TAKE THAT!!!!


Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - Matt Lukes - 09-12-2006

Dear Gods... Magnus if you want to shoot at Matt, please don't get all of us in the crossfire... remember collateral damage is frowned upon these days!! Weird- a Matt complaining about a Matt trying to freak out another Matt...

You know Travis, the title of this here thread immediately made me think of the South Park where Butters follows his Dad to the movies and bath house to find out what he was going to buy Butters' Mom for their anniversary... :lol:

re: - Johnny Shumate - 09-12-2006

I'm middle age but in good shape. I'm not Greek but got a dash of Italian blood in me. I'm a professional Designer/Illustrator so I think I know what you need. It won't hurt my feelings if I don't fit the image.....!
PS-My wife thought I was Iranian when she first saw me(I had a beard then)...!

Re: I need a Greek Man and I need him now! - tlclark - 09-12-2006

Did you have to say "pasty" twice?

I'm obviously projecting.

My legs are somewhere between vanilla ice cream and froggy underbelly.

Travis :wink:

Re: re: - tlclark - 09-12-2006

Quote:I'm middle age but in good shape. I'm not Greek but got a dash of Italian blood in me. I'm a professional Designer/Illustrator so I think I know what you need. It won't hurt my feelings if I don't fit the image.....!
PS-My wife thought I was Iranian when she first saw me(I had a beard then)...!

(Never thought I'd say this to another man)

Nice profile and biceps!! I like the pose. Do you have any shots of you with Greek kit?

re: - Johnny Shumate - 09-12-2006

I've got a nice red chiton and an Argive shield. The pics of me in the chiton are at work, so I'll get them posted tomorrow. What do you think of the shield..? Sorry, I don't have any other armour or weapons....