Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - Printable Version

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Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - Gaius Decius Aquilius - 12-02-2006

Hi all...

How many of us are in the American Southwest, that is New Mexico, western Texas, Colorado, and Arizona? How many of us would be willing to put together a Roman and/or Greek group? There is simply way too much new good stuff coming out on the market not to find good homes for all this deserving equipment.

On paper there exist here the V Macedonica, and the II Cohors Asturias, with about three members. We haven't done much except help make a movie to be released. Have some extra gear from that...

Anyone wanting to make a more serious effort, PM me with suggestions and lets get an event together. In addition to the Flavian period, a couple of us want to do the Republic. There is some interest in the 3rd Century, so the idea is to do multiple impressions and maybe a time line approach.

Gaius Decius Aquilius
(Roman mood)
(greek mood)
Ralph Izard

Re: Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - Gaius Decius Aquilius - 12-08-2006

Well, I got one PM from a RAT member who doesn't want to join a particular group but wants to keep up on what everyone is doing.

I was afraid of this, but before I gave up entirely on doing anything in the southwest I wanted to give it a last shot. There simply doesn't seem to be enough of a population base here that has enough interest. I will keep collecting amour though...

Ralph Izard

Re: Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - Phocks - 12-14-2006

I'd be interested, and I have seen at least a couple other posts located in AZ.


Re: Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - M. Demetrius - 12-14-2006

I'm located in Central Texas, near Austin. Does that count as the SW? Hope so, I'm always interested in other possibilities to get out in kit.

Re: Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - Gaius Decius Aquilius - 12-15-2006

Damien, where are you located? If there are others in Arizona, lets try to network.

Demetrius, Yea. Sure. Central Texas is cool.

I was hoping, against the odds, that there would be 4 or 5 people in the immediate area who could work together to make some cohesive effort. Mostly I have found a few people interested who have their own gear, but for their own reasons, don't want to be affiliated with any organized group. Which is cool but makes things hard to plan. There have been some "You put an event together, and then let me know about it, and if I want to, I might show up" folks. When I did the film thing last year I did not even contact them. I have had several contacts where they thought Roman reenacting was a sort of a ..."lifestyle"... club. This is all expected in reenacting, but you do need a threshold membership base to make anything happen. This is more probable in areas of high population where the demographics work for you. Out here the distances are a killer issue.

Gaius Decius Aquilius
(Ralph Izard)

Re: Reenactors interested in US Southwest? - Phocks - 12-23-2006

Sorry for the long delay, lots at work and been sick - I'm in Tempe, but work in central Phoenix. I'm still in the process of collecting kit (I admit I'm waiting to see how the 6mm hamata works out before deciding between that segmentata), and I honestly don't know how much can be accomplished out here. I do know that there is a relatvely large community out in San Diego, I dunno how often I feel like a 6 hour drive to participate out there though :roll:
